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Major changes from Bootstrap 2 to 3:

- Navbar markup is different

- dropped the .container-fluid that wraps #pad-wrapper and its content
- grid system now works mostly using .col-md-x and the other classes for differe
nt screen sizes, see grids.html for examples.
- The responsive sidebar menu now pushes the content when shown, instead of show
ing over it.
- The css folder contains a /scss folder and a /compiled folder that is the outp
ut of the scss files.
- The /lib folder includes the styles for the plugins.
- The /bootstrap folder includes the bootstrap files and the overrides so the bo
otstrap files remain untouched.
- The javascript code specifically for each page is included before the closing
</body> tag of each, rather than putting everything on a single .js file
- Changed native bootstrap styles are located in css/bootstrap/bootstrap-overrid
- New theme elements styles like flat buttons, glow buttons, etc are located in
Things to have in mind:
if you move the bootstrap files from folder location, verify the correct glyphic
ons icons relative path.
New controls:
- This template includes new kinds of buttons: 'flat' and 'glow' with their own
classes for different colors.
- The options can be seen in css/elements.scss or by looking at the html source,
also both have the .small and .large versions.
- the main layout has the main navigation on the sidebar, and on personal-info.h
tml you can see an alternative layout showing the main nav on the top.
- icons.html showcases some of the font awesome icons, but the template does inc
lude all from and glyphicons
- signin.html shows one kind of style with blurred backgrounds
- signup.html show a more formal style so you can choose which one you prefer.

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