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For sure the technology has changed our lives because it make all
easier, for example: the tablets, that make posible sabe a lot of
documents in a single object (music, books, pictures, videos) and with a
lot of apps (health, games, dictionarys, etc.) the life is more interesting.
Also the technology has been used to resolve some medical problems
with the investigation and creation of new drugs.
If the cities continuos to grow the requeriments of all the people can not
be comply because the means will not be enough and its going to be a
disaster and even the technology can not help us. So, this is one of the
problems of the humanity because year to year the population is more
bigger and this population originate more and more pollution (because
to comply their requeriments is going to be neccesary more factories,
buildings, houses, etc.). And with the pollution the air might will be very
dangerous to all causing a lot of diseases.
For this reasons is why the technology only has to use for good
intentions and with precuaution. The technology can be very beneficial,
but the humans need to learn how to live with a lot of technology and
live at peace with nature.

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