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Early birds Vs Night Owls

Even though a morning person and a night person can be equally productive,
there are a few advantages of waking up in the morning that helps the early bird
to perform better than the night owl .
Will power
We all have the same will power to achieve our goals. The only difference
lies in how well we utilize it. While in the office, our physical energy gets
drained by the evening due to hectic work or pressure. Same is the case
with our will power.
One must understand that there is no infinite supply of will power. It`s the
greatest in the morning when we are totally fresh and rejuvenated. We do
not have to push ourselves to do things during mornings. By the evening,
we are physically and mentally exhausted. This is when our will power is
least. You have used up all your will power at office and now you will have
to put more effort to do your activities.
A person can utilize his early hours for doing highly productive activities as
his will power energy and enthusiasm is the highest during this time. Say
for example, hitting the gym, doing yoga or meditation, writing diary, or
doing something that he is really passionate about can be in his list.
A morning person (if he is a good planner) can prioritize his activities for
the day and start performing them as planned in the morning when his
energy level is really high.
A night person on the other hand usually wakes up late and has to rush for
his work. He plans to hit the gym in the evening, but ends up draining all
his will power by then. As he is physically and mentally drained by
evening, he might prefer staying at home and resting, rather than hitting
the gym or doing other activities that is important to him. Hence the
tendency to procrastinate is greater for a night owl.
A night owl will have to put in more energy and effort to do the same
things that the early bird does in order to get the same results.

1) Positive energy stays:

Starting your day by doing something that you love: say for example,
writing a poetry, going for jogging, spending time with your kids, will have
a positive effect on you when you head to office. This positive energy
lingers throughout the day. Staying positive is vital for your health and

A night person on the other hand is ripped off the privilege to do the
things he loves in the morning. He might have scheduled some time for it
in the evening.
Chances are high that he will not be able to spare time for those activities.
Because, you never know if you will be able to make it to the gym or get
time to write the poetry. You might get stuck at your office to complete
your pending work or some other issue crops up that needs your attention.
There is certain unpredictability in his schedule.
2) Motivation to do more:
When you see that you have accomplished a lot in a day, it in turn acts as
a motivation to do more. If the morning person is good planner and he
prioritizes his activities, so that he completes all the difficult or important
ones in the first half of the day, it gives him a wonderful feeling of
He can either utilize the rest of his time to relax or do other productive
A night person will start his day late and hence he will only be getting
started with his work as the first half of the day completes. When he looks
at his work, he will have a feeling that, half of his day is gone and he has
accomplished nothing. This can be a very demotivating factor at work.
3) Efficiency
An early bird will try to complete his work as soon as possible before the
day ends. Whereas the night person would feel that he has the whole
night left and goes slow about his work.
Night owls should understand that nights are for sleeping and develop the habit
of waking up early in order to accomplish more.

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