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What are interactive games?

They are easy to use games in which participants interact with your computer,
at the same time learn new concepts and strengthen ties with future
Created for all ages, not only can make use of this type of educational games
for children, adults can also use this type of offer, and enjoy some
entertainment while we remember things long forgotten school.

What are they?

Using this type of games can benefit us, especially to children using this tool
increases your knowledge. Not forgetting that begin this way to get in touch
with the weapon of the future, the computer.
As adults, we can use this to learn new concepts or we can use them to teach
in an entertaining way.
Insertion of the games in the classroom **
According to the magazine Edutec technological advances of the last century
amounted to a seizure forms of information transmission
which impacted the social changes and cultural richness of the human. They
require learning to use new tools, learn new skills and techniques that are
allowing conduct and understand the new social and contemporary technology.
Visual formats and play a key role in the processes of formal and non-formal
education, in short, the way in which individual identity is composed of human
beings and how understanding is articulated collective reality it is embedded.
Numerous investigations and multidisciplinary studies have focused on the use
of computer games as an educational tool in the classroom, and as a tool for
the integral formation of the human being. The approaches of these analyzes
have demonstrated more varied: Realising the playful dimension, regarding
violent content, effects on the sociability of play complement to the
development of psychomotor skills ...

Factor leisure, voluntary.

Mood playful, with high level of auditory stimulation, eye ...

Incorporation of progressive difficulty levels: the seduction of achieving

clearly defined objectives and gradual and simple and obvious means to
achieve them.
To achieve these objectives calls for self improvement: a new video game is a
fresh challenge for the young player.
Related to this is the competitiveness, often generated by the situation of
opposition with fellow players (present or virtual-network-games).
The identification factor, compared to the feeling of community in the class:
many students are bored or lose by inattention.
The development or enhancement of self-esteem: the objectives defined,
easily manipulated media, incentives, numerous and properly dosed, make this
game a mechanical activity, readily accessible, which favors the increase of
self-respect, and a strong sense of reflective consideration.
Other social factors: the less parental control, the attractiveness of electronic
culture, active presence of the peer group (versus solitude of school activities),
lack of rigor of a time and a certain space ...
What kind of games can we find?
There are all kinds of interactive games, aimed at all ages, educational well as
just having a fun time.
Such games are focused not only for children with normal levels of intelligence,
there are games in which the protagonists are children with lower levels of
intelligence. These games focus on the development of their skills and facilitate
the work of the educator to parents and teachers, which gives a playful
Improves motor skills, both fine and coarse, imagination and invites the
children to investigate new technology and new knowledge.

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