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Bilingual Education


Utilization of and facility in the primary language enhances the acquisition of a second
provides ELL students with the opportunity of effective participation
improves spatial navigation and working memory
students easily grasp the vocabulary, grammar, and nuances of both languages
more likely to learn other languages
Students develop faster and are at an advantage for future jobs
Most effective way of teaching for those who have limited proficiency in English

costly program

resists assimilation and avoids learning the dominant language

time consuming for parents who cannot be fully involved in their children school
lack of expert professors and teachers to have the ability to teach in an effective manner
takes away national identity of the United States

English Only
students begin learning through immersion

institutionalizing a common language will help to unify Americans

save the American government a lot of money and free up funds
better job options for immigrants and minorities who speak the official English language
unites Americans around a common language


Threatens the academic advancement

Makes it difficult for ELL students to receive meaningful education
Detrimental to their familial and social integration

English-only policy sends a message to all children that minority languages have less
value than English as tools of learning
A discrimination towards minorities

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