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Comparative State Law Surveys on Legal Recognition of Same-Sex Couples:

A Selective Compilation
Michael Ginsborg, MLS
January 17, 2010

Alliance Defense Fund, "Defense of Marriage Acts"

DOMA Watch

Human Rights Campaign, "Guide to State Laws and Legislation"

National Center for Lesbian Rights, "Marriage, Domestic Partnerships, and

Civil Unions: An Overview of Relationship Recognition for Same-Sex Couples
in the United States" (Jan. 2010)

National Conference of State Legislatures, "Same Sex Marriage, Civil Unions

and Domestic Partnerships" (Jan. 2010)

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, "Relationship Recognition Map for
Same-Sex Couples in the United States" (Nov. 6, 2009)

Lambda Legal, "Status of Same-Sex Relationships Nationwide" (Nov. 9,


Lambda Legal, "Text of State Constitutional Amendments and Revisions

Targeting Same-Sex Relationships" (Nov. 2008)

Wall Street Journal, ["Map of State-By-State Gay Marriage Laws"]

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