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Filming schedules


Documentary Title- Is social media beneficial in today's society?

Job role- film vox pop

Date- 14/10/14

Actors- various vox pops

Meeting place- Kitson K318 (classroom)

Location- Solihull Sixth Form - M202

Props- N/A

Costume/makeup- N/A

Time - 11:20 - 12:15

Transport- N/A

Instructions- Ask the vox pop questions regarding our topic of social media, make
sure they are looking directly at the camera and it is a mid close up of them


Documentary TitleDoes social media have an impact on body image?

Job roleAnisa - hold mic and have the headphones

Sakina - ask the questions to Julie
Kelly - record the footage

Date- 21/10/14
Actors- Julie Maitland -expert interviewee

Meeting place- 231 Hampton

Location- Solihull Sixth Form - Julie's office

Props- a chair for Julie to sit on

Costume/makeup- Julie will be wearing what she wears typically wears to

college everyday
Time- 3:30 - 4: 00

Transport- N/A
Instructions- Ask Julie to answer questions regarding social media. Tell her to not
look directly at the camera but towards the person asking the question so that it
looks professional.

Job role- Directors

Date- 22/10/14

Actors- Anisa

Meeting place- Solihull Sixth Form College (K318)

Location- Internet Cafe

Props- computer (video the screen)


Time- 11:10

Transport- N/A

Instructions- turn the computer on with a background of a twitter page on

models. Begin with by zooming out from the keyboard where there's a cut
in shot of the actor typing, it will then zoom out of an over the shoulder shot
and Anisa will go on the twitter page and scroll down and then there'll be a
cut into the page.

Props- computer screen as background

Costume/makeup- N/A

Time: 11:10 - 12:15

Transport- N/A
Instructions- Ask the vox pops to answer the questions regarding social media and
the impact it has on body image and tell them to answer truthfully. Also, position
them in a way so that they are not directly facing the camera making it look

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