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Day 5 Chp 1 Social Class & Society

Name: _______________________________

4 Sentence Essay
Writing about themes is all about making an


argument and proving it with

But that isnt enough, you need to also have personal

commentary. To add depth to your writing, you also

context and use fluid sentence structure.

want to include

Day 5 Chp 1 Social Class & Society

Name: _______________________________

How are women portrayed in The Great Gatsby?

Directions: Using the 4-sentence essay structure, answer the above question.
Choose 1 of the 4 provided arguments to support by finding your own evidence
from The Great Gatsby chapters 1-4. Your evidence must support your chosen
argument AND must be well explained using your own commentary. The context
has been provided for you.
Fitzgerald raises the issue of how women are portrayed in society during the
1920s. Given this
Whats your
argument about
As shown in The Great Gatsby,
What quote
supports your
HOW does the
quote support the

1. Include the author and the text.
2. Include a well thought out idea.
3. Make sure your idea is a large life lesson (Dont be specific to the text).
Finding Quotes
1. Find a quote that directly supports your argument.
2. Your quote must be long enough to have depth.
3. Your quote must be short enough to not take over your writing.
4. Your quote must be quoted in MLA format.

MLA Format

I hope shell be a fool thats the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful like
fool (21).

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