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Goal Form: English 12

Goal: I will earn a degree in Recreation from the University of Northern Iowa by May 2019, and
will be working in a position related to my major with the elderly by the end of 2019.!

1.I will graduate high school with a 3.5 GPA or higher.!
2. I will apply for local scholarships and other scholarships offered in the area.!
3. I will attend freshmen orientation in the summer of 2015.!
4. I will live in the dorms at Cedar Falls.!

5. I will determine if Im going to have a job while in school based off how the first semester of
classes go.!

6. After realizing the school load isnt too overwhelming, I will apply for nearby jobs. Preferably
at an activities center.!

7. I will graduate college with a 3.5 GPA or higher.!
8. I will apply for jobs related to my major to all surrounding areas.!
9. I will then choose which job has the best outlook and go from there.!

10. I will happily go to work everyday working the elderly in a nursing home as an activities

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