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NAME: ___________________________________________ DATE: _____________________ CLASS: ______________

Formation of the Universe

Pre-Reading Thought Question
How do you think the universe was created?

Book Questions (pages 121-124 in Astronomy)

1. What is special about the light that you see when you look at the Andromeda Galaxy? ________________________
2. Explain how the galaxies in the universe are moving. ____________________________________________________
3. What is a good analogy to describe how the galaxies are moving? _________________________________________
4. What was the big bang? (use page 154) ______________________________________________________________
5. How long ago did the solar system form? (use page 123) ________________________________________________
6. The solar system formed when a giant cloud of __________ and ___________, or ___________________, collapsed.
7. What are two possible things that might happen to the universe in the future? _______________________________
Video Clip Questions
1. In 1929 at the Mount Wilson Observatory, astronomer Edwin Hubble discovered that galaxies arent
2. All galaxies on average are moving away from the Earth. Those that are twice as far away are moving
_______________________________ as fast. Those that are three times as far away are moving
_______________________________ as fast.
3. The observation that galaxies are moving away from us became known as _______________________ Law.
4. What Hubble convincingly demonstrated by seeing the motion of the galaxies is that the universe is
5. The universe is believed to be _____________________________________________ years old.
6. Some scientists believe that the universe could have arisen out of ______________________________.

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