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Success and Prosperity through Vastu Shastra

by Michael and Robin Mastro, The American Institute of Vastu

Vastu principles show how your environment can become a haven that
attracts powerful support for your deepest connections with all that is
sacred, life-affirming and enduring.

Everything that exists in the universe, including our bodies, is made of five
elements. These five elements are earth (geomagnetic energy), water
(gravitational energy), fire (solar energy), air (wind energy) and space (cosmic
radiation). These forces have a powerful influence on us, as well as the
environment. Vastu is the science of arranging our man-made environments so
that we are in alignment with these forces of nature. If we are not aligned with
solar and geomagnetic forces we may experience illness, misfortune and struggle.
It is as if we are attempting to swim against the current of a river.
The east is the source of solar, ultra-violet rays, and the north is the source of
magnetic energy. We benefit by keeping our environment open to these life
supporting energies. The harmful infrared rays, which come from the south, and
the destructive gamma rays, coming from the west, cause disruption within the
environment and our bodies. Using the principles of Vastu Shastra, we protect
ourselves from these rays.
Each of these elements is associated with a particular direction: water in the
northeast, fire in the southeast, earth in the southwest, air in the northwest and
space in the center. By balancing these elements in their proper proportions, we
will gain the benefits of health, happiness and prosperity.
A building can be friendly to its inhabitants or unfriendly, depending on
how it is constructed and maintained.

If the five elements are balanced and all obstructions to life-supporting energy
are removed you will receive the maximum life enhancing energy and support of
nature, which will assist you in unfolding your full potential. You will have more
opportunities and your thinking will be clear to act on them in the proper time.
We have done hundreds of consultations where people have had positive benefits.
Michael is a recognized leader in the field of Vastu Shastra. He has been a
practicing architect with over 35 years of experience designing and building
environmentally friendly structures worldwide. As a developer, he has built over
25,000 multi-family dwellings, millions of square feet of retail space and
infrastructure for thousands of single-family homes. He has developed a system
based on the science of Vastu Shastra that balances the five elements in new and

existing structures. Robin holds a masters degree in Whole Systems Design and
has been an environmental designer for over 30 years, focusing on creating
homes and offices that support her clients' fullest potential. She developed the
architectural model for creating altars from the most potent aspects of the sacred
science of Vastu.
The basic principles of balancing the five elements apply throughout the world,
even in geographical areas where there is a limited amount of sunshine. By using
the principles of this science, buildings can be designed to harmonize with the
different climatic conditions of each region.
Healing the stress and dis-ease in the microcosm of our bodies and homes
also heals Mother Earth, the macrocosm.

The ills of society (poverty, crime, sickness) are worse in congested cities that lack
natural light and fresh air. About 80% of the negative influences in our lives are
generated by an imbalanced home and work environments. It is very difficult to
achieve perfect balance; however it is said that if your merits are more than your
demerits, you have achieved good Vastu.

2008 by Michael and Robin Mastro

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