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Repblica Bolivariana de Venezuela.

Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educacin.

U: E: P Colegio Brito.
La Victoria Estado Aragua.


Pablo Caballero.
Carlos Bolvar
Betty Cedeo
Esthefany Sayago
Paola Peralta
Luis Portillo
Jennifer infante

Abril, 2014.

The family night:

Narrator: one night the family gathers for dinner.
Jennifer: Girls ordered the dinner table, his uncles come today.
Paola: okay mom, my boyfriend Carlos comes to dinner later.
Jennifer: Esthefany! I have to traveled to Caracas twice.
Esthefany: Yeah mother, Carlos has gone to the house three times.
Narrator: Come the uncles and girls open the door.
Betty: Hello girls! Esthefany and Paola will have done the homework biology by
two hours o'clock.
Luis: Betty, They had gone to the movies yesterday.
Paola: Not only was Esthefany.
Luis y Betty: We wanted to go!
Esthefany: Sad but you never called me
Narrator: Carlos comes to family reunification and Jennifer opens the door.
Carlos: Hello, how are you today girlfriend Paola?
Paola: hello Carlos wants to eat?
Carlos: I will have eaten apple by one moment.
Esthefany: uncles had played football the park yesterday with Paola and not
invited me.
Luis: we eat now?
Carlos: if we go to the kitchen.
Jennifer: we listen to that song now.

Carlos: What do us listen?

Paola: that song, where are Esthefany and Betty?
Luis: Esthefany and Betty paints animals at room in the moment.
Paola: Carlos guy you want to ask a question
Carlos: Betty with you went to New York last year?
Jennifer: that cute congrats, where did they go last year?
Carlos and Paola: to New York.
Narrator: Esthefany and Betty finished painting again and share with your
Carlos: Mr. Luis, I will buy a new book in the store tomorrow.
Betty y Jennifer: What did the Carlos?
Esthefany: Carlos said that would buy a new book in the store the following day.
Luis: Carlos you like to read well, we go Betty?
Betty: yes, goodbye friends.
Narrator: Betty and Luis will be fired and everyone lives happily ever after.

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