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Process Paper

Jane Colt

I chose Nelson Mandelas fight for equality as my topic because I am very passionate for
this topic. I believe when people are so selfless that they put their life of the line for others, they
should be recognized. Equality is also a topic I believe in very firmly. Equality is still present
today. Although it is still present, Nelson Mandela fought to abolish a large section in South
Africa. This topic is important because Mandela is a very selfless person that helped change
many peoples lives for the better.
I used many different types of sources to conduct my research. I researched fifteen
primary and secondary sources and made a detailed research analysis for each source. These
sources ranged from websites to audio recordings to videos. I did most of my research online
with websites. My primary sources were audio recordings of Mandela speaking or online copies
of his speeches.
For my presentation, I chose to make a website. I chose this because I have quite a bit of
previous experience on making websites and I thought I wouldnt have a problem accomplishing
the challenge. I created my website with ten pages and organized them in chronological order.
The first page is my home and the second page is my thesis. The third, fourth, fifth, and sixth
page tells his life in chronological order. The seventh and eighth ties it all together and highlights
his leadership. The ninth page includes my process paper finally, the last page contains my
My project relates to both the leadership and the legacy portion of the theme. My project
highlights his leadership in the ANC and other leadership positions. My seventh page of my

project goes into detail of all of his leadership actions. My eighth page goes into detail of the
legacy he left after his death and leadership. These include the freedom still in South Africa and
the organization and structure in the ANC. The seventh and eighth pages of my website tell all
his leadership skills and highlight the important legacy he left.

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