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Jake Sauv

GCU 114
France has been settled since the Paleolithic era. The Celts, who later
on become known as the Gauls by the Romans, migrated from the Rhine
Valley. The Greeks also decided to start settlements along the Mediterranean
around 600 B.C., cities like Marseille were born. After the Romans had lived in
these lands for hundreds of years, Julius Caesar attacked and conquered in
57-52 B.C.
France remained under Roman control until the Franks invaded in 5


Century A.D. The treaty of Verdun created the rough shape of modern day
France, Germany, and Italy. This treaty began the reign of the King and
propelling France to be the most powerful country in Europe.
France was possibly settled originally because of its geography. It holds
the highest peak of the Western Europe, Mont Blanc. It also is pretty heavily
forested which offers good cover during battle, as well as the waterways
being used to get and send out goods. Being surrounded by water is also
strategic because it provides a natural defense against enemies, which
makes France a safe and strategic place to settle. Frances climate may also
have been a reason to settle. It had the warm summers along with cold
summers, but with ample sun throughout the year.
France was also settled for its natural resources. France has an
abundance of coal and iron ore. These are two resources that have been very

useful throughout history. The iron could be harvested and turned into
weapons and armor, and the coal can be harvested to power things and to
create heat. Both resources are also very valuable for trade.
During World War 2 the Germans occupied most of France because of
its strategic positioning. In war, the Germans were able to have the natural
defense of the water surrounding the country as well as Western Europes
highest point. These key characteristics made France a very valuable asset
to have during the war. It gave them the position advantage that they

Works Cited

France Natural resources. (n.d.). Retrieved February 1, 2015, from

Geography. (n.d.). Retrieved February 1, 2015, from

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