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[Love of Gods Truths]

For the Upliftment of all life

A global non-profit, non-denominational Spiritual
Seminary without walls fostering a worldwide
Community with open hearts aligned with divine truths.
Together we co-create in love, compassion and joy a world

Wyrush ~ A conversation based on divine cosmic truths. Join internationally known

Spiritual Mentor Deb Evans to gain clarity about the evolution occurring of Earth and all life, your
upliftment into Self Realization and understanding your purpose in the co-creation of this New 5th
Domain/Dimension World of love with harm to none. This Wyrush will assist your remembering as
Soul of divine cosmic truths and what you know of this amazing transformation of Gaia.

Meet and Greet Deb, Introductory lecture and Q&A : Friday, March 6, 2015, 7:00 - 8:30PM
Unity Spiritual Life Center, 5603 NW 41st, OKC, OK 73122

Cost: Donation of the Heart

Wyrush ~ A Conversation Based on Divine Cosmic Truths: Sat. & Sun., March -7-8, 1:30-5:30P
Radiant Living Center, 6051 N Brookline Ave, Suite 127, OKC, OK,
(north of NW 59th St. b/t N May Ave & N Independence Ave.)
Deb Evans, Steward of Eros
Dei Dictum, Inc., a 501(c)(3) a
spiritual seminary without
walls housed in Corrales, New
Mexico quested throughout
her life for spiritual truth and
wholeness as a divine Soul
knowing that one could live fully in cosmic truths
while inhabiting a human form. Since childhood she
knew there was great change coming to this planet
and she with many would be co-creators of something new on Earth. After a successful human life in
2007 she went into retreat for two years on her own
and while living in the Eros Seminary with Eros CoFounders where she fulfilled her Soul immersion and
remembered from Soul wisdom divine cosmic truths
which included the something new. She now focuses all her efforts globally in collaboration with
many on the divine upliftment of all life to remember
who they truly are as cosmic beings and co-creating
with all life a world of love with harm to none.

Wyrush Cost: $60*

Reservation Suggested due to limited space
Contact Dana Carpenter, 405-470-3651
All forms of payment accepted at event .
Payment can also be made via Payal at
* Suggested donation (scholarships & sliding scale are
available), as in all matters follow your heart. All are
welcome. If you are called please do not let currency
be a deterrent, no one is turned away.

Eros Dei Dictum, Inc.

P.O. Box 2682, Corrales, NM 87048

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