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NEWTOEIC 4 n 4 Four weeks For weakness g uy it pd eh NGUYEN THANH YEN NTV NHA XUAT BAN T6: ‘Cong ty TNHE ‘THANH PHO HO CHI seer Nhan Tri Viét new roe 4 & 860 LEVEL ‘Copyright © 2008 Neungyite Edicion, ne, ‘Published in. Vietnam, 2009, ‘his eon punted Venam under ease Aree bstneer NeunguleEaraon, “ine. Korea and Nhan Th Viet Co, Ltd. Vietnam ‘through ‘imprima. ‘Korea Agency, Korea, ‘Al Tights reserved. No patt of this ‘publication may be teproduced, stored in: a acinar ‘or transmitted, in any forth oF by any rmeans, electronic, mechanical, photocopying; recording, ‘oF otherwise, without the prior writen permission of the copyright owner. ‘ “We are too busy and cannot take the time during the day to focus on our courseware.” “Dén cong ty hic 8 gid 30 sang. Minh cin sip xép lai tat ed nhimng viée sé lam trong ngay ‘hom ‘nay: gap edng.ty S, cong:ty:L. vé cong. viée; hodin thanh ban dir thao ké hoach trong ngay; vigt bio edo céng viée hang tuan,... Név giai quyét duoc hét: ede. cong viee nay thi minh 06 thé tan 86 vao. khodtig 7 gta, Néu huy-duge cude hen toi nay vai may ngwii ban, minh sé vé nha an tdvréi choi ven dun con gai dé thuomg cia minh... nhimg minh se’ hoe quyén TOEIC da mua vao lie into?” = Mot ngay tia troly Kine thuse tép doan N— ‘Tren: day 14 mot ngay binh thuomg cia nhing nguii Iuyen thi TOEIC la nhdin vien trong cae cing ty. Nhing nguii nay da mua rat nhiéu sach TOEIC va tu hoc ¢ nha nhim mue dich phat trién ban than hode thi lay chung chi quée 12 vor diém cao dé-thang tién, vv. nhumg khé khan lon nbit d6i voi ho chinh la khOng 06 thot gian. "New TOEIC 4na giip kkhde phue diém yéu chi trong 4 tuin” la quyén siich TOEIC plxin loat diém si dage xwit ban danh cho nhimg ngudi ban rén nhu vay. Quyén sach nay sé gitip gidi quyét 4 diém yeu lon chi trorig 4 tua cho nhiing ngudi ban rn khi tuyen thi TOEIC. Diém yéu 1. Khong dim danh thar gian dé hoc. ‘Rat nhidw nguéi khong o6 théi gian, tham:chi con: khong muon dank ra-mét gid mbi ngay 46 hoc. Do vay, chiing tai da bien soa tai ligu nay voi phén lumg ma ede ban ed thé hoe trong 20 ngay, va chi cn hoe mot gio’ méi ngay. Hay hoc ma khong cam thay nang né! Diém yéu 2. Kho tim thay tai ligu phti hop voi kha nang thue té ciia ban than, ‘Tren thi truimg hien nay, e9 rit nbiéu sach TOEIC day dén 500 trang va mbi bp gém c6 hai quyén: Listening va Reading. Tuy nhién, tim duge quyén sdch phu hop voi kha nding etia ban than ban khong phai la vige dé ding. Vi vay, bd sich nay duoe chia thanh 4 cdip do: 520 diém, 620 diém, 730 diém va 860 diém. O méi cap do 1a eae noi dung trong ta ‘tuong ung. Nho vay, nguoi hoe co thé Iya chon gido trinh phu hop voi trinh do cua min ‘Diém yéu 3, Rat kho tu hye trong mt thot gian dai ‘Déi voi ngudi cd thi gian thi hg se dér: hoe tar mot efiung chi qiiée té nién khong eo eam ‘gia thi th ‘Do khong phai la sinh vién nén vie chiu dung thoi gian lam bai thi New TOEIC qua la ‘mbt giinh nang d6i vot nha vien cong sd. Chinb tir thue té nay, chuing t0i da dua vao sdch ‘noi dung "TOEIC Know-how” nhim hip cde ban tu tin tham dy ky thi TOEIG, ding thoi ‘trong phan phy Inc eng c6 mét bai kiém tra mo phéng thurc té. Nén thue hanh t6t tap tai lieu nay, ede ban sé 06 dui tu tin dé tham dur ky thi TOEIC, New TOEIC 4n4 gitip khac phue diém yéu chi trong 4 tudin Four Weeks For Weakness Niiactiielt TOEIC la tw viét tat ea Test of English for Intemational Communication, Day Ja ky thi duoc t6 chuc va dieu hanh bal ETS (Educational Testing Service) cia My nbam danh gia kha nang eda nguoi phi ban ngw si-dung tiéng Anh €é giao tép trong moi trudmg lam: viée: Tir thing 5 nim 2006, TOBIC ca da duve di thanh New TOEIC wii mét $6 thay déi nho. 4, Noi dung cia New TOEIC ‘Trong tam edit bai thi TOEIC fa danh gia, thim dinh khi nang si dung tiéng Anh trong sink hoat- hang ngay vatrong ‘anh doath, ture “thaim-dinh, dainb gid kha nang giao: tiép (communication. ‘Tn hudng kink doanh: nghien edu, Lap ke howeh va phat trién sin: pha, mua ban, hol nigh, ep thy hop dong nhén su, tuyén dung, ¥.%. 2) Sinh boat hang ngay: van hoa an, mde, @ va gai tr, 2, Dac tring cia New TOEIC » Thong phin Listening Comprehension ciia New TOEIG dirge ap dung tir thang 6 nam 2006 co chad Am ‘iting khée whau nha; My, Anh, Canada, Ue, ¥ hoi 00 ni dung gan voi tinh hudng thue té hom: » ‘Ket qué cud cing la tang diém cia hai phan Listening Comprehension va Reading Comprehension. + Bang diém khong nhang gh r6 diém s6 ma con eo thei phin gidi thich ¥é kha nang dat duoc, oF Ie dap sin ‘duing, diém mank va diém yéu cia thi sinh. ( aoerwe slhanienivienseint Bang so sinh gitta chuan danh gia nang luc giao tiép voi diém cua bai thi TOEIC C6 thé giao tip t6t gan bing ngwat ban nga. + Dhau'vao kign thie ci bain thin e6 kha nang hidu va Gién dae td ie dé ta ngoai Tinh ye chayén min, : 9 Tuy che dat dé chuin cia nguit bin agit ahimg si ding chink ade tt vung, gt php, vac thé ni tigng-Anb mt ch Tut In, Co kha nang gias tiép t6t trong moi tinh huong. + Higu tron ven vb d6i dép:nhanh: tring ee cube 46; thoai hing ngay. Cé khd ning dign at cde chi: €8 thube tinh vue chuyéen mon. + Tinh chin sde va do ha lodt chu dat mie hoan héo; van cba mot s6 sai sét ve new ‘phdp nhung khong anh hung dén thing tin truyén dat, Dap ting dui cae yéu cau cain thiét khi giao tiép trong déi sing hing ngiy, co thé | trao déi thong tin vé cOng vige trong pham vi ham ché, > Nim dude trong Lim va déi dip tit trong cae cufe 461 thoai vé doi sing hing ngay nhitng ‘Van cbt mét.s6 sai sit khi truyén dat thing tin hove giao tie trong tinh Huting phie tap. + Si-dung ding cae diém nga phip va caw tic oo bin; edi Idong tit wng-dé dién dat ‘thing tn chit chu sit dung de ede thanh ned thin dung. e 470 Co thé giao tiép o mic ti thiu trong eae eude d6i thoai hing ngay. C6 thé hidu due hing cube abi thosi da gid i nigue ddd dipn noi chim hode lay ai Ti + Chm nhidu 18 sal vé-edch phat km: tie vung ve cdl tric mhumg van’ cb thé tif hank ‘cube d6i thoai voi nguti ban: api. Khong dat duge mic dé giao tiép eo ban. + Chi higu dige phan nko ni dung cube 46% thoai don gin dis ngwei A6i dien n6i-raé chim. + “Chi. ni dune timg ti roi rac va rit khé khin trong vige dién dat thong tin. sew vesibanities corn ( = | TOEIC On Air Bait ia dinh va mde ther gine dt xem cae dim trong tate Ki gl) ut 89 Hi Nhdng nd dutig'Sng ce diém then chit sé hoc: sang mgiy dg tet ke dy 2 TOEIC Actually “Troi pin nay, ban sé diye nghe mit down hang aid hode sé doe mit don vn hi chon dip am lng cha cee ba 3 TOEIC Actually Dap an va noi dung duge ghi am Phin nay itp bn kidm tea Tai'cie chu hoi ms ing loot ef hot thy tv: fe ft chy it ‘thue hank trong phi trie. 4. TOEIC Dictation/Vocab —— Phan'nay'yiup ‘baw ait lai nbi dung d2 hoe thing qua pide viét chink cdva cing Geach wi tring 451 weekend SRR tomeaaeneet 5 TOEIC Know-how ‘Mb sate nig én Hay ghi nid cic cid lige da te ery ta. 6 TOEIC Break Time ‘Hay doe va the ham. cae tot Nhuyéin hia ich, ‘thiét thao damn cba neti dang his thi TOENC. se ( Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 TOEIC Break Time Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14 Day 15 Beeler) Day 16 Day 17 Day 18 Day 19 Day 20 IPART 1] Questions 01-10 [PART 2} Questions 11-20 {PART 2] Questions 21-30 {PART 21 Questions 31-40 [PART 3} Questions 41-49 (Chie ie nghe Pat Nang hla vig i ew Ii ea ‘Nin ing th latvia i is ig ai eb Loki dp oh vo tiv a (hit ge dn dng tat gion tong Pat ae eee Tee elt [PART 3} Questions 60-61 PART 3] Questions 62-70 IPART 4] Questions 71-79 IPART 4] Questions 80-88 [PART 4] Questions 89-100 Pe th img eo bb cL Phin ik ig cu i (Cah shan thing’ Pat ‘ch “Ai hing Pana ‘Phd uch bi theo ng ei Ob gee ith ei thing! Pa (9) Phin tb do tne ci - ingug a Ce ame eed eno IPART 5] Questions 101-110 [PART 5] Questions 111-120 [PART 5] Questions 121-190 {PART 5] Questions 131-140 [PART 6] Questions 141-152 ‘Cling kgm thie ecb oia Pa 5 lai va ide Ly quen wi ee np ‘Nm wig tion dant Hoe thupe hang tt gi Hak cee pi inh oa ding we ic tg cia ia va gh fo ‘ke tga Pa 6 vi ich “eign tng? chi hop vé in na ein ao Ce a tka ony [PART 7] Questions 153-159 [PART 7} Questions 160-169 [PART 7} Questions 170-180 [PART 7] Questions 161-190 IPART 7} Questions 191-200 Sion tng 8 hae Bi tig ang bs Chia se de ime tg ai (Chan ae oe iting la a i Blidge Deuba Passage iene i ‘Boi dat Daub Passage vb cic fai subi (2 Bae eu eee eee tg ‘sg ssn vio ny ai him ra md ping hye t@ ‘Script & Answer Key 8888 sky 108 114 120 126 432 Ngay tir bay gig ban hay bat dau lap ké hoach #é dat duge muc tiéu diém 36. Naay bat dé: Neay: Thang Ngajeket thie: Ngay ‘Thang ae PART A} (PARTS ‘Questions 1-10 Questions 11-20 Questions 21-30 Questions $140 Questions 41-49 2 az 3 ae s efi wine chantvietcons Een ay Ee Eran Pad mé phéng thye té Phu hanhy mot-bid | Huey din cho: iém tra mi pho thi sink thyt 8 vyho ngty thi Gest Wiwwwhantfiviercom ® Be DEA Partl @ 1~10 Wed Part Q 11~20 Do Parti &@ 21~30 Cae ieee eciee Derk Leia Geen Oar) | TOEIC Know-how note | Tap trung nghe dan tur va dong tir ‘Da sé.cau hoi @ Pant 1 hoi vé trang thai ctia sr vat hoa hanh ding cia con ngurn,. ‘Hay nhe la ban chi nghe duge nung te minh da biét, 2, Dit khoat loai be eau micu ta traw twomg. ‘Hay chon cau miéu ta ding nhait v8 bite inh ‘Logi bé-ngay dap an sai: ea 1) The man seems to be happy. ©. 2) The womait looks sick. | 8. Chiy dé nhiing tw duge phat am tuong tu nha Hiay chy nhing bay vé cath phat am giGng nhan. [Nhung tr c6 cach phat dna tuong tur thug xust hign trong eae bal thi gin day: ih tedites etter disk test walking / working | | 4. Dap an diing 1a cau con lai sau khi dé loai tru eac dap an sai Cho da khong nghe duve dap an ding, nhung néu ban loai ra duge 9 dap an sai thi cay oon lai chinh li dap an dung, « e ' HIB Mew ToEIe doe a6 deve ( wowwintiantrisleticoey TOEIC eo he va iva chon dap an miéuita chinh xdc nhat vé bite anh, Actually nN A) ®) (C) (0) (A) {B) (C) (D) on (D) (C) (B) (A) (D) (c) (B) (A) 7 <1 (A) He is pickng up his goit bag (B) He is taking a wak in the park. €} He is about to hit the ball (0) He is cutting the grass very short Cl (A) A man is getting into the car, {8} The oars are parked along the curb. {C) The road is under construction. (0) The cars are being washed in the yard. sat {A) People are ruining to board the bus (8) Stipes are being painted on the road (C) Some cars are stopped for a traffic ight. 1D) People are waiting to cross the street. Senet 'A) The woman is bending over her dog () The woman is sweeping up the leaves, (C) The woman is leaning against the tree, {0) The woman is chasing her dog. Sees (A) They are scrubbing the ralings. 8) They. are walking down the stairs (C) They are taking the escalator to the next floor, (0) They are siting on the starcase > 18 Al The shelves have been stocked with products. (8) Sale items are displayed outside the store (C) The price tags are being changed: (0) A customer is making a purchase ent (A) A saiboat is being towed into the shore. (B) There are many boats racing in the water ‘Aman is guiding his Sailboat in the sea (0) A man is tying up a boat at the dock. sexsi A) They're having @ moeting in an office. (8) Theyre shaking hands, (6) Theyre exchangng business carts, (0) Theyre gathering up some papers eer (A) There's a tablecloth on every tabie. (8) Ail of the tables are unocdupiéd. (©) People are having a meal ina restaurant. (0) The chairs are all upside down on the tables. Sere (A) She's writing something down. (6) She's taking on the phone (C) She's exammning some artwork, D) She's looking at a notebook. Jatwork Oay 1 von anton com @xtroam.cons/sorum cd 4. Nhan dang thé loai cau héi (Cau hoi bat dau bang tre-déng tir hoge dong ti be: eau hot Yes/No Caw hi bat dau ban te nghi wan eau hit ¢6 te neht van Cae edu hot khac: cau hét dang khuyen nhii, gidn tlép, phd dink, dank gia, ‘chon lua s » Ghi nho trong tam cia tung loai eau héi Cau hoi eo ding tu be: Hay ahé’ rang be going to va be V-ing la thi biéu thi tiaomg Lat Cau hoi e@ tro dong tu Do: Hay ehd ¥ vé thi, Did duoe dung trong eau héi 6 thiqua khe. Cau hoi co tro dong ti Have: Cau hai lien quan dén thi hoan thanh hoae kin nghiém tu qua kha dén hien tat, Cau hid! Who: Dap dn diing la ten niguili hode nghé nghiep. Cau hoi When: Dap iin ding co cum tir dién ta thoi gian: Cau hor Where: Dap an ding 06 tén dia diém. ‘Cau hoi Why: Loat cau to-intinitive (dé ...) thatmg duge chon 1a dap an dking. ‘hou Ja cau bét dau bang Because. Cau hot What: Chi'y nghe chil ngu va dong tu theo sau what, BY ew role snd see coves ioe 41, Mark your answer on your answer sheet ia) eo © 412. Mark your answer on your answer sheet JA), 8) Ch 419. Mark your answer‘on your answer sheet = (A) BG) 14. Mark your answer on your answer sheet a 8) Gh 15, Mark your answer on your answer sheet iy @ © 48. Mark your answer on your answersheet = (A) (B) SC) +77. Mark your answer on your answer sheet A ® ¢ 78. Mark your answer on your answer sheet: a) (8) (Cy 49. Mark your answer on your answer sheet A) (8) iy 20. Mark your answer or your answer sheet a e iC} ist monk Bay 2 wwernhanteivietcom: (® a BR Mew toric ans suo teres ae onhintadintatcors beet 1 1G ke) ‘Why did you come back so late? By 01 ‘A Will you be at the product exhibition or are you too busy? 02 8 ‘A Why don’t you ask Bill to come to dinner? 03 & Can you tell me where the children's department is? 04) 5 How long does it take to get to New York? % 8 Who will attend the reception for Ms; Michaels? 06. 8 __ A Would you prefer a seat by the window? O07 B. 08 A Accounting positions pay well, don’t they Jamies? a __A: Shouldn't we discuss our report before the board meeting? 09 8 A: What does he look like? 8 10. tet yank Dey a wnmw ntiantriviet.corn ( a3 |\. Why didn’t you ~2 va Why don't you ~2 note ‘Why didn’t you talk to your boss? (A) Yes, | siippose Id better. (B) | was so busy. (©) He's just taking off his coat, + 4B) la dap dn dung vi dua ra ly do. Nhung hay can than vi ban cé:thé nham Jan vei why don't you 1a cau khuyén nh nén 06 thé ban sé chon (A) la dap, ain ding cho eins hoi tren. {Nhung dang thutmg xudt hign:trong bai thi gin day! Q. Why can't you cat nim? ‘A. ('m sorry, ( had an appointment, Q. Why don't you call him? A. Let's do it. 2. O mute d6 nay, ngudi luyén thi TOEIC phai biét cac tu chi nghé nghiép. ‘Who's going to give a speech this morning? (A) The speech was very informative, (8) The photographer. (©) Lean give you a tide. ~(B) la dap an ding, + Vouedu hétcé tu nghi van Who thi dap an la cdue6 tir chi nguii. Trong 86 do, Len nghé nghiep va chue vy thuomg suat bien nhiéu nhat, {Nhung ta thudmg xudt hien trong bai-thi gin day) teller ihn ken he ngan carpenter tho moc chet du bép co-worker ding nghiép veterinarian bac st thay ‘lor tho may feceptionist ann vier 18 tie phimber ther 6 mit: Norarian chee ta. curator “ngicii pha trdch Dap an ding ta (Ci: Voi caw hoi lua chon thi diéu bat ngerla thay vi chon 1 trong 2 thu duoe néu re-trong cau hoi thi nguot ta co thé ord Jon bang lia ‘chon khae. [Cae dang thuong xuat’hién trong bai thi gain day] Either is fine with me. Dil e6h 161 ediicach’phuamg ugn ndo cing dupe presentations atthe company], / 2° ws as the overall supervision of supporting personnal. ‘Tan ngt cia dong tir chinh trong cfu la the preparation of [..] va the overall supervision of (...] duve lien ‘ket bias well as. Vi cum tir theo sau the preparation of kha dai nén ban hay cha y dé khong bé-qua.cum ‘ti thed sau-as well as cing la tn nigtt cia has included. TORIC Knowhow ay ‘ ‘® vente 4, Doe hiéu nhanh had eh Sec ie ee “kbd ning doe hido ahanh chink whe 1d lt quan trong, Ay, ching thi 9 git thigu eich doe hiéa 48 ban 6 thé doe hiés nbanh va hiew qui hao. fe Giding ahi tén gp, doc hidu nhanb ia phiong phép “hid ngay khi doe’. Thing thutag nhieu ng ob thoi quen phan tic clu bing ech tn Unt ty chil ng, dong ti, tan ng, bung bai thi TOEIG nhim dah gid Khd ning doe hidu ele ben nén ‘ban khOng:cfin qui chi trong vao céu thie edu. Hon nia, doc vi hiéu ngay ede: dom. J ngs 5 ip ban mdm do i ang dang dp 4 ib ‘Ban ‘hy xem fe vi dy di day: We / took forward to / Mr eee “NeoSkin's high-quality products, : e In parca / is resentation / wi fcus on ~ -NE& phn tch cfu theo th of th ta 06 *( a ‘Sampeon vé sin phim cht king cao cia NeoSkin. Bde bit, phitbidu cia ing dy sé tip trung vio ..", nhung trong Part 7, ching ta phi tit im thoi gian Whi ~ doc elu dai nbs vly. Do dé, ban ein phdi vie oe rhanh, vita hidu duge chinh xe ni dung. Pe TeKIe she sea hover ( eeu sihannivietentn wote TOEIC Brevi Time wonnenfanstiviencom ( a beige tae aeltadoa Parti 0. 62~70 Part @ 71~79 Liga e aee Bs) tere) PartlV @. 89~100 TOEIC Know-how TOEIC Break Time wote {. Where: héi dia diém dién ra cude d6i thoai Chi edn nghe duve key word eiia conversation a ban ob thé tr lo dhing cho cfu heh Trong biti dé thoa, Khong 6 ti true tkép chi not didn ra cube d6t thos. ‘Do do, név dip an cho sn la te true tip xuat hién trong bai dét thoat thi dé la dap an sat, ” Where is this conversation taking place? 18) A movie theater {BA video shoo (C)Ahotel lobby, “(Bip an ding? (0) Arestaurant {Doan ai thea] W: (vas wondering what these charges are on my bil. Nt: Oh thats forthe meals you had” your roo and the movies you saw cura your stay hore WE Movies? dt 690 any movies. 2. Who? phai nam duge noi dung Phai suy lan ra nghé nghiép tar ndi dung cule cude dot thoas. * Who is the woman? AVA flight attendant (8) An airport officer (An aitine clere (Bap an ding) {P) Someone who has canceled her reservation {Doan d6i thoai) ‘MJ it possible to get an eatlier fight out ot here? | really have to be back in Boston by the moming, W.: Well sir all the earlier fights are booked. ‘ean however put you on stand-by in case someone cancels at the last minute. ‘M: That would’be great. Thahk you so much. BR sew ToRte-ahs 600. beve! wonw.nhantrivietcon ‘Questions 50-52 refer to the following conversation. 50. What is the woman's problem? ‘th) She is late for her fight. (6) She needs to change her reservation. (©) She:inst her airplane ticket. (D) Sie didn'tiattend:a cenferenca. ‘51, Where is the woman trying to. go? (A) To Miami. (8) To Montreal (©) TorNew York {0} To Chicago 52. What does the man suggest the woman do? (A; Speak with afiight attendant (®) Contact a tour operator (©) Renew her passport {D) Check here-mait Questions 53-55 refer to the following conversation. 53, What is stated about the London office? (4) 4t will lay-off some employees; 18) (t has broken the quarterly sales record, (©) It's being expanded. (0) itis curently working with another office. ‘54. What will the company need todo? (A) Conduct market research (8) Hire new employees (0) Schedule-an orientation (0) Contact the headquarters ‘5, What does the woman say about her friend Sheryl? 4A) She works in the London branch. (B) She is going to have an interview. (6) She recently changed departments: {D) She is interested in a job. and week Day 8 Ig ‘Questions 56-58 refér to the following conversation. '56, Where do the speakers most likely work? (NA travel agency. 1G) An office supptier {Cy Aconvenience’ store (0) An advertising company 57, Whert will the man probably return? UAN 20 rhinutes: 6) in 30 minutes iS:in 50 yrinutes 26) inven hour 58. What will the woman do next? Ask a coworker a question Go home'to rest Give 2 presentation Order tunch ‘Questions 59-61 refer to the following conversation. 89, How jong is the man’s presentation expected to tast? (é Thirty minutes Gne hour. 1G) One and a half hours (D) Two hours 60, What is the man’s problem? (A) He doesn't know’ where the speaker's. (8: The mesting tom is already booked. (C1 His computer isnt working, (D: He fasn't finished the paperwork. 61. What does the woman suggest the man do? ‘AHnstall sorne software (8) Ask a colleague for neip 1G) Cancel the meating 10) Change the meeting schedule BB vow TORI ana RHO Lave! ( weywininaruriviee com and-week Bay & wewwnhantrivietcom a BB Kew TLIC ane 880 Lave in = ; swwycahantriviet.don 03 conversation 04 conversation sheen ma swvweanhanttivietcom ( _ 1. When: hoi vé thoi gian ‘That diém eiia cube hen hay thay dat, ‘Hay nhd ring trong doan doi thoai thuomg dé cap dén nhieu chi tiét. Do d6 ban-edir chu y k¢ trong tanv-eda cau hoi dé tap trung nghe dung chi tiét can a tao. “When were they first going to meet? (ayarsio0 ByAL700 (uat730 {D)At 6:00 (Bap dn ding) {Doi thai] Ms tim sony: iit} ear oie you at 809, | alteady. schedules a two-hour meeting starting at 7:00 with a different group... ‘W: That's OK, | undorstand. Would i be possible to meet before 7:07 1M: Yes, that would work, How about 5:00 in my office? 2. Cau héi héi vé phuong tién giao thong | > Trong-tiim cia cau hoi la diéw then chét gitp ban hét ste tap trang khi nghe_ dé-06: thé chon duge dap an dung. How soos the woman-usually get home from work? (A) By train (Pay an ding (8) By car (GBybus (D) On foot {B61 thowil M2 You'e home'later than usual. Did you miss your train? WNo; | decided to walk since i's so nice outside. M.'s 2 good thing | didn't go over to the train station to meet you, BH vow 10810 soa wee: exes (epeentionsyiieesi ; a sownntiviet Coan ‘Questioiis 62-64 refer to the folowing coriversation. 662. Where is this conversation taking place? (Av ina TV studio iG}In epost atfice (0). vanety store: {0} Ivan electronics store: ‘63: What is the woman most concerned about? (A) The price of the product (B) The size of the warehouse 1G) The featuras of the item {(D) The weight of the machine ‘64. What will the man most likely de next? ii Order a television 1B) Get a catalog 0) Deliver an ilem JO). Fil-out.a form ‘Questions 65-67 refer to the following conversation. 65, What are the speakers talking about? iA} A career consultation B)Acredit cate {C: Whospital registration, iD) A dentist appointment ‘66. When the appointment? 1A) Tuesday 1B) Wednestiay «Ci Thursday 'DFrieay 167. What does the man need to do? ‘A) Call the dentist ‘B) Cancel-the appointment (@) Fax'some documents (0, Bring insurance information wiwnahantriviercom - bad wash Oxy 7 gp Questions 68-70 refer to the following conversation: ‘68, Where does the man work? (A) At a delivery company (8) Ata publishing company ACEAt an advertising tiem: (Q} Al a government agency’ ‘69, What is the primary form of promotion the company seeks? {Aj Television. (8) Radio: 70, What will the speakers probably do next? fake a sample advertisement aft a contract iscuss the campaign Publish magazines BB ew roEIC ans seo Level ( ani waekiey ? www .nhantrivietcom ( cd else 66 01 conversation BBM Mew TEI anv aso Lever ‘® snyw.nhaniziveeticom wote. weww.nhantriviet:com. ing woek Day 7 Ig Day mote 4. Phai doe trude eau hoi Vi Part 4 la phén cs bai nghe dai nén néu khing doe trade edu hai thi ban sé ap nhiéu kho khan trong vige chon dap dn duing. Vi thé, ban hay aye edt hi trude khi nghe dé dink hugmg noi dung bai nei va tap trung aghe cae chi tiet due héi. 2, Co-key word trong cau héi Hay doc ke cd hoi vi trong edu hol ludn-c6 te trong tam ghip ban tim ra dap in, 3. Hiéu cau dai theo thir ty nghe Trong Part 4 lun cd nhiing cau dai duoe lien két voi nhan bang eum tir hode meéah dé. Nay khi righe nhung eau nay, ban phat hiéu theo tudn ty thi mot 6 thé gidii quyét hét céiu héf trong khoding thoi gian quy dinh. BB wow TORIC 404 wee Loves satesraruiaticente ‘Questions 71-72 refer to the following announcement. 71, What is the purpose of the announcement? (8) Toreporta delay in scheduling (8) To provide directions to a seminar {€) To announce a discount on souvenirs ‘Pi To'reserve tickets fora performance: 72. Where most likely is the announcement being made? (A) At arestaurant (8) Atagiftshop. (©) Ata ticket box office (0) Ata sports arena 73. When will the event most likely start? «Ai 800 pm (8) 630 pm {©) 7200 pm 07:30pm ‘Questions 74-76 refer to the following introduction. 74, Who is Kenneth Wiliams? (AVA travel agent (8) A radio host (0) A weather person (OA poet 75. Where will the interview take place? 480 in Tokyo 48) (nh Vienina (Oui Auckland Di ln London 76, What does the speaker say about Mr. Wiliams? iA) He fs traveling the world, (8) He will take questions from listeners. (C) He will talk about writing tis book. (O}1ts his first appearance on the show, wu ntiantiiviencony ( Zag week Doyo ig Questions 77-79 reter to the following information. ‘TT. What kind of tour is this? (A Walking tour (B) Bus tour Biké tour Boul tour 78. At which site will there be a. guest speaker? {Ai City Hall (2 Huntington Fails: Central Park: The museur - 79, What is provided to visitors free of charge? (At Drinks.and snacks Bi Bicycles {C/A museum souvenir 2) Entrance to Huntington Falls: BB Kew PoeIe tne 680 Lovet @ennemyfiown 208 Weak Daye wwwanhantivieticosn ® So fee ENG aed 01 announcement 02 introduction ‘Goed morning Auckland. This matting wel be speaking wih Kernen Eger Wiis, whose ines ‘town curator will join us to talk about the artifacts you will see there. ‘We wi stop for complimentary refreshments just before we reach Huntington Falls. Okay everyone let's get going. PE fem ToEIe ins sevLeves haw wote and een. Daye wwvanihantiviet com @temenyiree sd wore 4. Hang ngay, ban hay doe to Script ctia cae bai noi trong Part 4 ‘hing chi doe dom thadn-ma ban con pha nd dupe-mach trign: khat dé ‘xe @jnb thot diém ew hdl daoe dat ra, ‘Dua trén thé loai va dae irung ea bal néi dé hiéw duoe diém khde biet ctia phitong thite dat eat hat. 2. Nen nhan ra dap an dung da duoc paraphrase Trong Parl 4 ¢6 rit nhiéu truimy hyp khong su dung nguyén van cau noi ca nhan vat dé lam dip sin ding ma dién dat la} bang cach noi khde, 5. Phan tich ting ehti dé - noi cong cong | Noi chdne-vidn bao tang / ther vign /eda hang’/ benh view / khach san ‘Noi dung: Khanh thanb / dong exta /ngamg kinh doanh / su: kién je bit! tnién lam / dau xe trai phép {Cau hoi thuong gap] = Where can you hear this announcement? ~ What is the purpose of this announcement? - Who is this announcement directed at? Whatare the customers asked to\do? | @yTo pay for all purchases now (Bap an ding) | @)Toask the clerks to help them find items (©) To. come back to the store {0} To buy one ant get another one fee sAnneuricemen! a reminder to all shoppers that the store wil be closing soon, Pease take faeise Yee trom checking hese il SSG OU wth your ur store wil open agai torhorrow riomning at 10 am. unti 8 pm. for ‘your shopping Convenience, Thank you for shopping at McLeocts hardware’ store. BB sew ToeIc 04 os0 Love! - sisal ‘Questions 80-82 refer to the following talk. ‘80. For whom is this talk meant for? (ALTout quices (8) Accountants » Researaners ©) Architects 28, How long has the speaker worked in his profession? ‘Al For 5 years 1B) For18 years ‘Cy For 20 years Oi Fora years ‘82, What doas the speaker suggest doing when working in foreign countries? 8) Take ianguage lessons: (8) Talk to'local colleagues (Ci Purchase locat travel books iD: Volunteer for community events, Questions 83-85 refer to the following telephone message. 83. What is the main reason for the telephone message? 1A) To suggest a new location for the wine club ‘B. To inform a member the meeting is rescheduled 10) To'ask about a member's plans ior Wednesday fo introduce @ new member of the lub. 84. What time does the wine club ustially meet? fa atyo0 BALSO0 At 430 DL ALG00 85. Who shouid be told if a member is unable to attend? ia) Prank (6) Chianti {C) Lily (0) Gemma wwnhentrivieteom ( Eod weok: Dayo gay ‘Questions 86-88 refer to the following message. 85. Where most likely does the speaker work? {Ayla computer repair shop (2) iva restaurant (Ciina doctor's offiée la dae nga od nghia 14 vain con diaie xem: xét (It is stil Uncertain whether something will happen or is true), Trong céu nay, la chu ngi gid thay thé cho ménh dé danh nga dung sau seen. Néu sit dung chu ngu that thi eau se co dang cménh dé danh ngit bat dau bang whether, what, how’ remains to be seen»: le ezmains te be seen whether the government will adopt these proposals. 2g 4egenerate funds ‘Noi chiing, generate 00 nghia'la tu ra, gdy-ra, ngoal tands nd con ob thé di vai ‘cae tani figit khde thir! revenue, profit, Income. 9) gonerate (= raise) Kunis to suppert nonprofit organizations’ programs ‘5, Tw dimg gia cau dién ta “Icha nang ¢6 thé xay ra” ‘Hay chit ¥ cau tric cit didn td kha nang su vige nao dé 06 thé xay ra trong time lai, Cach thong thuong nhat la dat trang ti, ching han nhu probably / maybe / possibly vao vi tri thich hop ciiacau. 98) The headquarters wil possibly increase the assistanée to Georgian branch, RR MH TOIT aoa 20 Level ( wawwlihantivet con Néudién dat bang dong tt thi thudng xudt hien nhung dong te nhir: may, can, be likely to, Do trong bar dgc khong co manh méi true-tiép nén trong trudng hop cin sny doan, ban c6 thé tim théiy-nhtmg each dién dat-nhu vay-trong cau héi, Ngodi ra, dé dé edp dén Kha nang e6 thé xay ra ban eng ed thé théy sudt hign hoge ean chon tinh ti: a pssible + oaaint © 9) Learning onling isa ‘casible solution for a working person, {t'Seems to be financially ieosibie to use solar energy as an alternative. >patential 2g) potential problem potential effect petetial customer 6. Tyr ching gitta cau chi “ly do” ‘Néu doe cfu hoi va tim ra tit: manh mél ri scanning trong bai doe dé tim ding nhung tw nay thi ban se Tang phi thet glan, Voi eat hii hot vé ly do (why, reason), trade tien ban hay tim xem trong bat doc os edu nao true thép néw Ij do nhu because fiiy due to hay khang, sau dé quan sat xem e6 cach didn dat nao chi nguyen nhan va kat qua” hay khéng. stmisen tee 8.9) The adverse weather concltions cots the overt is'be delayed toad to 2.9) The careless ise of machinery or fools may veact ta Sefious injuries: syasulton 4) Leasing-2 ear would es |t-o» the lower monthly payment. ‘The improvements in public health are bysiisht about By advance on medical science. FOE Konwenew aewwunlianteivietignin: ( cig Néu mye tide cia ban la dat 700 ~ 800. diém eda bal thi TOEIC thi ban phai dam bio $6 diém toi da trong Joai cai héi Double Passage @ Part 7. Nim wang cau tao cia Part ? va biét chien lune lam bat eang the ‘anh nhiéu se gidp ban tién gin hon déu mue tieu eda nun, 4. So sanh Siu héi Chu 181 - 200 (20 cau Doe hai bai od Hidm quan vei nhau +a chon dap dn dling eho 6c hoi ign tiép. ThE loi Hoi bik dye du ae inh bung ‘trong db sng hang gy ‘Lae bal dey sing vige inh dann shit thu ~ dhe 9¥~ email: guing to ~ en ‘Trong tam: «+ Tuong ty TOEIC Cau hi vé nGi dung chi tiét hang gid gid? 2. Part 7: Chién Inge If Loai cau hai cho bai doc dang thu tit © Mue dich viét thir (hau nhu duge néu ro trong phn dau) + What i the purpose of the letter? * Khi trong thurc@ nén ro n6i dung phu hoe ni duing cho nhan thie Icha nang ed hoi sé hi vé vain a8 6 “+ What does Mr. McDermott offer Crown Tours? ‘Yeu célu cia ngudt viet doi voi ng doe luon nam é cudi thir + What ate the readers asked to do? | Part 7: Chién huge IIT Dang bi dge theo khudn mil of dink hose dm ti ~CO-thE c6 cau hoi vé thé loai etia bai doc dang nay ‘~* Whatis the document? WARE Now TOEIC 4n4 680 eve oe Bos doan van rd chon dip dn cing cho tng bk : ‘3-154 refer to the following notice. Questions ‘Mrs. Gwenneth S. Byers, President of L & P Computers Cordially invites you, A valued client, For four unbelievable days, ‘Thursday through Sunday, September 12-15, 15% will be discounted off of monitors and printers” items that are already on sale wil be an additional 10% off All purchases made on your L & P credit card Will allow you to receive a credit towards future purchases in the store, * Laser printers not included 59, Who is invited to this special event? Gwenreth § L&P Gory company credit card holders The bard members 4154, How long will the offer fast? day days ne week wo months Questions 155-187 refer to the following letter. ie Which Weeks you' would like to book at our B&B during the summer. AS a re Rovations, we have had a lot of interest ffom various tourists and travel com 155. What is the purpose of the letter? To notify. Mr. Newhart of a renovation estimate To inform Me. Newhart that the B&B is looking for'a manager ) To thiank Grown Tours for their ongoing pationage :D) To encourage Crown Tours to place'a rooms order 196, What does Mr. McDermott offer Crown Tours? JA) Free car tentals to all clietts: si The use-of the newest-rooms to their customers: | The opportunity to book rooms frst {DEA Special distount-or early booking 157. What new attraction does Mr, McDermott suggest will attract more tourists? 1D} An-amusement park BD Now FOLIC 4a 550 Lover senna nhanteviencom Questions 158-159 refer to the following document. 158. What is the document? (a) Autility bil {8} A registration form (©) Arequest for internet service (©) Acredit card statement 459: How can a receipt be obtained? (A) By contacting the human resources department (8) By faxing a copy of the bill to the company {€) By requesting one through the website (0) By sending a self-addressed stamped envelope io) ath waste Bayt vem nhantrivietcort ( ea number of mrs loyalty sae rong this. wn Bat accepted Hieoe chap aban makeapayment — thunl sovin sién added dito be simgitiem win off whim tga agency dai tg off-season amc 20 Rich attraction settee open up ‘hat orem, ‘charge phi payable 0 the tha ssi ‘choice seta chon payment qc bn tars sid tah wie complete oa tay Hb s0 portion pid ‘cordially tears rate ud cover img.ttdi renovation suce shiaay se ning ed credit ign selfraddressed duit ghi san diashi ‘enclis® ints Rese ‘speciticaly pis citch ene Be feel uncomfortable cin thai bhidiig Mivdi:mali ‘stamped envelope. plions bidet din Ado fem further théon nica substantial tots dina ke hold up iis tre tr an towards ‘etn aa improvement sired we unbstiovabie Along. tie tin ia in the past rong, quad hte undergo andi qua inctuded dsaic baw iva valued egies inicate hich thy chi bgt “winery i iy sin dd ge O71 De thi cht Khoan nay: Letme. this. 02" Niu an a ci thy o Ming cing thing ti Khong thé Tam ie sng Igo vie dang st, Productive and creative work can't be if you're feeling flustered and stressed. 03. Ho dig bai cing a thi miy va ma! Kage dag sin saxit dba bi dith bre They are on strike at the factory and all production is 04 inh fy: dang thuoiy lipmy v6 tai sin do mip thidng nay: He's been negotlating for that {or months now. 05. Gng dy néi then ring si gidmn ait dang ke vé:mhu cdo i du'Tieh nutte ngoai Kiiong the way va. A ‘cut-down in-demanc for overseas traval isnot tikely, he added. ‘06 ‘Thin phi db trl gw mbit atin, Thetown fas creat changes. OF ng phdicthanh soisn titn:trang sing 2 ngty-tinhetitngky dune ghi tren ba’ daw hi no’ dum phat Wan. You are required 10 ‘within’2 days ofthe date on the invoice once itis issued. New TORIC an or we OEIC ane SgU'L eve) ( onvenhanittivietcany wote swew.niharitiniet gain. @xtromm.con/forum ih roe Oe 18 pga wore 1 Ky su “Thay déi nhan sw trong cing ty. 2 Tin bike ve mo rong d6 thi © Cing vide gi va cing ty nao’ 2, Loai cau héi thuong gap cho bai doc quing cao tuyén dung # Didu kign —+ What standard is NOT listed as a requirement to work for Pyramid Cruise Lines? e Nbiém a —responsibilties / duties 3) O6 git ke thur gist thiu hode so you ly lich (résumé/reterences) ~~~ enclosad in the letter « @ Vige dao tao + Where will the hired candidates be trained? WHE New TOEIC Ans 860 Lovet www nihantrivier:con: Eastdale is attempting to further develop the city's waterfront new condominiums, a new boardwalk, and updated shopping facilities will be among the improvements. South of the downtown area, five square Kilometers of waterfront, has long been an area that City Hall has been interested in improving, Stalled talks with state politicians held up plans to begin the development, but recently, plans have been finalized to go ahead with the development. The city improvement project will increase local property values and increase investment along the waterfront. City Mayor Jim Hall expects that the development will generate 200 jobs over the next five years. 160. How many square kilometers of land is the waterfront? rast BS 4161. Why was the development project delayed? {A} Negotiations with the politicians were unproductive. {| The land owners-didn't want to sell the property. .0} There was inadequate funding for the project. ‘D) An environmental assessment needed to be completed first. 162, What will be one result of the project? A) Decreased property values (8) Anew subway system Increased tounsm for the city (0) Increased! employment . ih Week Day 17 paritrbidecorn ‘® ie Pyramid Cruise Lines Job Fi nid Cruise Lines is interested in hiring hundrads of naw employees and wil hold 2 job fair on Thursday, February 2, starting at 8:30 AM at the Pineridge Hotel in Boston Candidates Must Meet the Following Standards = Should be good at teamwork - Should be able to handle stressful situations, = Should be wiling to travel. = Should be at feast 19 years old + Should be willing to live away fram home for sev Should have Spanish and English language skills ral weeks at a tine Pyramid Gruise Lines offers many benefits to its employees, including overtime pay, annual raises, incentive bonus pay, and much more. Potential candidates should bring copies of their résumé to the job fair In addition candidates should dress in business attire and be prepared for interviews, which wil likely be conducted during the evening Those candidates that are eventually hired will be trained at the Pyramid Cruise Lines ‘Training Facility in San Francisco for three weeks, beginning in March, Following training, tified employees will be placed on one Of three cruise ships in either Miami, or New York. eee eee eee UU VEU TEL UUe Tre LeU EC ULL CEL ett yee ieee Teer ‘83, What standard és NOT listed as a requirement to work for Pyramid Cruise Lines? ‘64. Where will the hired candidates be trained? ne 2 MAINTENANCE AND RENOVATIONS NOTICE The women's change room will be temporarily closed for maintenance and renovations. The women’s change room, located on the first floor, next to the Teception desk, will be inaccessible for three days while the facility staff complete @ project. During the maintenance, users of the facility are welcome to use the family change rooms, located on the third floor of the building. The women's ‘change room will reopen fer regular hours on Monday, June 4 at 9:00 A.M. 4, ptiond operation 166. Where is the family change room? Ne Ont nz Questions 167-769 refer to the following warranty, 167. The word “flawed” in the paragraph; line: is closest in meaning to A) wali (2) examined ‘Cheeturned Di defective 168, What does the warranty apply to? J} Only ovens that ware bought direety from Kartkein 3} Only-ovens that have been used properly ‘) Only ovens that have baen purchased one year ago 1) Only ovens that need to be repaired 169, What must a customer do to make a claim? (Ai Wirite outa forth and send it ' Comipiain to the compary Headquarters Send a the manufacturer contact a sales representative WAG Mex racic ans s6o Lave! @xtroom.coms/forum waeetnhantibiensiin etsReeh ela alg apply to ip dting che faciities cosa nhing én teh > meet apne ata time: mi ha Falze chat bai. modification «x shay dit attempt to 6 dag =~ flawed i lig Ba Sais0t ovettime. nyo «id be‘prepared for sin singichuain hy totowing — sada place bam fam gs free of defect kluiny vo inehormptit politic — chin tr? yee be welcome to. eibne nluew generate fwra I potential vm nung benefits ten teh pluie tet go ahead = tect die property sii sive boardwalk ——fondi doc Bibien guarantee haa dine raise tien beans fay ‘business attire rung phiuc cong sv handle Nie reguiar Hours cide: ger thiumy te candidate ringer improper iy ling: ding renovation aide.ntaa-vhata certified dine ching nbiduiciin’ writing. bang pan han stalled duit hodn: ich tae ; haeng: cht inaccessible khsing the vio, Rhiiny | starting §— hat dats ain sibhicena’ the hep ca temporary tam hit compensate hak sluaug incentive sickbick Wdong ven terms. ede didu Boat component — unk phan bik phir chide av sim yey thaw ‘condominium —sfice ceung-cu: including bain goin. warrant bio fea conduct wien has investment sirduivt warranty) sie iia cover rae gma; beiehicins fatima adda watertront guip ho bain ben | thar toa local dahindc dia pany | ea oriise ship red lich imaintsranoe sichido ri eventually engicciing ‘material edt Hieie (Ot Toi th aay thoi eit nghigp Ec mgt sige Li xh, (would rather be unemployed and find 4 better job: 02, Cie rida Tae gy sf died ee hug men. ohm dp tig who cu an nig t ding v6 sa dodang cae mat hing Gem exhibitions will be held regulerly to Consumers" demands for a variety of goods, 08: ede didu'khidn ois hyp de the _ of the agreement (04 Mii in bar Rng thi aman fom $ quéin seh You cannot check out more than five Books: him ich dp dung cho eae dan dat hang 3 hom Tin The discount Jarge volume orders only. 06 Haye ed wing wy ai ig thio ha he hn, They demanded that the company them for the damage. OF Chi ahgt nay ching ti stat ve vio git cia We're working this Sunday. 8: Sin-phim nay dude ching nian quae 488 dé-an tain This product is internationally for safety, Ain veoh 0 17 gp war. caintivlencorn Day wore 4. Bai doc dang thong bao Cau hii cho dang bid doe nay thutng hét ve npi dung céia thong bao hoae cae yeu ctu gai dén toi thé nhan-vién trong cong ty dé nghi-ho:chdp hanh sw thay dé} he théng, hose din nhan su kién lon cua eng ty. 2 Gidy bao hank ‘New ro 'vé-quyén lpi cita khach hang, cach thie khach hang cin lam khi -yéu cau hoan déi hode bai thuong sau khi mua sin pham; ‘The cong ty yeu edu khéch hang xudt trinh sin phim kém chung te lien. quan (bién nhan, gidy bdo hanh, vv.) &. Bai doe dang thu te Khi cong ty viét thu héi dap thir khiéu nai eda khach hang vé stn phém hoae dich vu ctia cong ty thi héw hét déu kem theo phiéu mua hang gia re, ode the: gidm gia. eg) {Cau hoi) What is being sent with this letter? EN@i dung chinh] | have also inctuded a store discount card = 4. Bai doc dang quang edo. Doi wi bai doe quing cao vé sdn phdin hoae dich vy, Goi ki od thé ‘cau hot vé loa! sin phéim hode dich vu duge quang cao, 9) What product is being advertised? HAE Mew rOeIS eod-neo ave wmiwihihantivieéomn ‘Questions 170-172 reler to the following memo. computers. connected to the internet and will stili be able to access external —s nese will be monitored which: axternal j within he company should be completed using the internal network. inute instructional w yorkshop will be conducted in Board Room 4F on Tuesday, "overb eaeon ot anoon ‘All employees should attend this workshop. 170. When are the changes expected to be completed? iA) Névember 10 By November 12 (©) Novernber 18 (0) November 19 ‘174. What feature does the new network system provide? (A) It @larrhs when an email comes in iB) The ability to send files more quickly (6) The system can reach clients directly {D) {til secure confidential intormation 172, What ate employees asked to do? (A) Learn how-to install the new: network syste #8) Speak to their manager about anew password =) Attend an instructional workshop 0) Ragistér your office comouter-with thie fT depertmient ath wenk-Dae 1s wovwinhanteviersom ( et ‘Questions 173-174 refer to the following advertisement, 173, What product is being advertised? 1A) Ain entegy drink 'B)A prescription dng (C) An athletic sports bar (0) A diet program 174, What does Supercharge NOT claim about this product? #y It helps eliminate stress. {tis recommended only.for adits (6) helps students Concentrate, Dit is made with organic ingredionts. Now Tokre ani bed Liv. ‘ 2 ve whew nhanwiviencom Clear n' Easy 578 Maple Ave. Montreal, Canada JBH 7U7 March 9 Mr. Leeroy Fitzpatrick 28 Coldwater Street Buffalo, NY ‘Dear Mt. Fitzpatrick : ‘This letter is written in response to your letter regarding Clear n’ Easy window cleaner. | was disappointed to hear that you have not had much success with our product, To honor our 100% satisfaction guarantee, | am enclosing a check in the amount of the price of purchase of a bottle of Clear n’ Easy. | have aiso included a store discount card that can be redeemed for any future purchase of Clear n' Easy products. | want to thank you for purchasing Clear n’ Easy and hope that you will continue to Use our products. Sincerely, Joanne MeMillan ‘Customer Service TR SSR Why did Mr. Fitzpatrick write to Clear n’ Easy? To Fequest an extra receipt of his purchase 12) To complain that his focal hardware store didn’t carry the product (C) To express dissatisfaction with the product he bought 10) To ardersome Clear n° Easy window cleaner 176. What is being sent with this letter? Ai A check ar A rétund forin (©) Some Cigar n" Easy window cleaner A store discount card d:coupons: = i Identity. theft is dependent on the internat for banking transactions. CCurrentiy; the Russell Technology institute is teaming up with international: police agencies to attempt to reduce the amount of identity theft that ocours on a dally basis. The institute, which began in 1982 by Jonathan Stonecratt, attracts the leading graduates from the world's top universities, Its goal is to reduce identity theft by over 50% within five years and to encourage governments to implement security laws to more tightly control electronic banking on the internet, In.a recent study the Russell Technology institute discovered that over 40% of people who use the internet have been subject to some:form of identity theft. An additional 20% have had their identities used to ilegally transfer money: While only 160 study participants were wiling to reveai how much they lost, itis estimated that ‘over $400 milion last year was lost to identity theft. This is the highest total related to identity theft crime recorded since the institute began recording this information twelve years ago. Participants of the study who were questioned as to why identity theft had become | such a problem suggested that it was the fault of government for not supporting. junds to improve security, e 177. What does the article suggest about the Russell Tectinology Institute? itis funded by the local community. recruits students directly out of hugh schoo itis designed to reduce identity thett rates thw established by 4-former computer technician: 178; What did a Russell Technology Institute study discover? Qvar-a0% of internet ysers had experienced identity helt ‘ewer people sutfer rom wientity thett today than they did ten years-age } Qver 200 people were willing to reveal how much they lost (entity theft was most common in Europe, 1179. What is said about financial losses caused by identity thett? Ai They ware most severe Tor people aged 18-24, i They have bean recorded over the past twelve years, ‘They: could destroy the intemet i rot stopped “They ere expected te decrease ever the next yaar +180. What dic’ most participants say:was the cause of the theft problem? ‘A; Cuitdated security software low tachinology development jot enough supper fram. government t) Lapk of education HRB Ne roerecane aseiceet ( swe tian alarge quantity of s@deamg tin insesponse to de'ind foichar dap access ep edn: truce ingredient inh phn asto vd wide instruct huang dan authorize cho pheps tis quvén instryctional mange fr hut din banking transaction. gia dich vé dich ou nedithang internat én trons dt bo be awarethat biel mluin hate leading ditag dese tude hay iach be subject to hit chiu'bi monitor thea doi gute sit commitment day ta moreover Fiom conduct shen hand ona daly basis fanned dependenton phy phuwie edo on top of jedecnibed devastating hv rms and trom pressure ‘ip elactronic barking cide iw dich nyein hug dién wi reach Hen tee ai enclose ind om: kemshoo redeem shined thaonh sidan estimate ie tah regarding sé tailed gh external ben nga reveal sit fei honor thar svn teamupwith hop siz cdg aero identity theft ‘oie erin neds ed ded tightly chatshe implement thy hah thie hi transter chive via sheng sus G1. Chic fist bidn hank cho-phép tae chink quyén dia phudng iim den 50% thus thi ar. Current laws, ‘municipalities to slash property taxes by up to 80 percent. (08 Shan fib thas tom mii mpi Payment will be received: (03) Sis ki fi anew wimg ge hii Kn tit hf qu, x6 a cbt sé ave epi sant Kho ingan-hang:cba dng: After your jast bill is deducted from that deposit, the remaining. balance will be ‘to your ‘bank account. (OA Ching dang trong inh tha tho uae anv sibe nen dup tr vig Rin doa Bim nay hay mew hid ohuy yoo mdt Tinh vie kinh downty mdi. ‘We're in a dilemma whether we should maintain the status quo or take the risk of jumping into a new business fied. (05 Me theta ma mail cht ve eth. “The extent of industrial damage has yet to be. 06 gay. qui nbiéwap hecho tré em put fooimuch ‘on their children OF ‘Nhung phi mn ney hing ob gid tri dung lm tit mde da chi'e# the die a dung trong hu ate ay ‘These coupons do not have a cash value and can only be. on this site. ; eamonaet Bay th iwnenhanitivietzoin bo woke 1. Dang bai doc Double Passage - thu ti: (Chi edn hiéw dye noi dung elia mot bite thur fa bain da nim dupe phan nia phian thang: {Cae dang bat doc! ~ The'va tai heu Kem: theo ~ Tha: phan narkhiéw' the héi dap xin Joi ~~ Quang-cao va the thinh cau: + Quang eao-va email {Dae trang) Nhiéu trang hop hot-vé ngwot git ngwot nbaa bue dhs, ‘Trong truomg hop nay. thi tén chue'vy, chu khong phai ten rieng, sé diroe paraphrase. eg Cau hai) ‘To whom is the announcement ditected? INoi dung bai doe! Mrs. Brown, personne! manager [Dap an} ‘Huma resources manager 2, Cau hoi ti vung ‘Veh eu hot v6 torxindt hién thong bat doc hiéu thi ban én chon dip an co nghia duye thé hign trong doan van thay vinghia thong thaong cia ban than tir d6, ami dia shia New TOBE apd Ree Lies HBR Fe rene ane nee ( eipwitihastariiet toh ‘Questions 181-185 refer tothe folowing e-mais. these ss cards, logos, postersy and film the remaining porion of his Record of Purchase in order to be eligible to win a week of ful Vacation to Europe. A representative from our company will contact you within five days to let you ‘know that your Record of Purchase has been received, ‘type or print clearly Mailing address = ct i : i | sae | he essential that you keep a copy of this Record of Purchase, along with your copier's serial rae: -496. If you have any technical problems in the future, or need to speak wilh & customer sanvice tative, you wil be asked for these records i ieee , mn wanncbian-te wawwnhiantriviet com ( 42 181, When is the Record of Purchase issued? (A: When:a customer requests service =) When a:preduct is returned for repairs Whett a customer bays a.cop:er Ci. Wwhan- a cistiimer wants teratund cor +482; What might the customer receive by returning the Record of Purchase? (M/A cash prize Aveduction in the pile iG) An extended warrarity D) A paid vacation: 183, Who is Debra Blankley? (AYA teonnician 48) A customer service representative A setrotary (©) Avretal sales outlet owner 184; What does Mr. Ferguson tise his copier for most? 1A) To make business cards 1B, Tocreate logos 4C: To copy busmess fiers 1G) Tomake empiayse schedules 185. Approximately when should Mr’ Ferguson have heard from the company regarcing his Record of Purchase? 1A) December 2: (6) December? iC} January: 4 iO} January 18 New THEIe And RHO Level ie e wan. ( ‘waniihanteivien city Questions 186-190 refer to the following memorandum and email Education Career Fair Weanesday, March 4 9:00AM 4:00 PM Bosch Field House 564 St, John Street Kingston, ON The Education Career Fairis open to all teachers working within the Kingston School Board and students at Queen's University Faculty of Education. Admission is free and you may register pon arrival. Refreshments and coffee will be available inside. Teachers and principals will have an opportunity to interact in the Bosch Field House. interviews wil take place throughout the day, Remember to bring copies of your resume and business cards! To: Meghan Fulton “emfullon@queensu. ca> From : Richard Barkely Subject : Recruiting Drive i Date : April 15 Hi Meghan, | am hoping that you will consider our proposal to become involved with Parkdale Secondary Schoo!’ | | recruiting deve at this year's Education Career Fair. | have spoken to your current employer, Donald | Gershwin, and he highly recommends yau for this part-time position. We feel that your professionalism | | and enthusiasm would be beneficial in helping us to attract young teachers to our school. This year we | | will be setting up a table at Kingston's Education Career Fair in section £3 and we'd like you to be there | | with us. | As with our program last year, we are most interested in hiring young teachers who have recently | ‘graduated from Queen's University Faculty of Education. However, we are also looking for a few older, | | more experienced teachers as well. We require three new science teachers and one new sora | teacher immediately, As a representative from Parkdale Secondary School you wil be responsible for | registering applicant for preliminary interviews to be held during the afternoon. | Please notify us immediately of your decision. | hope that you will take us up on our offer. | | Sincerely, Richard Berkely fivwesk Day 19 gage 186. To whom is the announcement directed? {A) Teachers in the Kingston area (8) Undergraduate students at Queen's University (0) Residents of Parkdale (0) Event organizers in.a company 187. What are attendees of the event instructed to do? tA} Dress foritiaily (8) Phone ahead to:book interviews. (©) Bring documents (D) Emailietiers of reference 188. Why was the email sent? tA) To ask the rseipient to act as a reference (8) To request help with upcoming employee hiring {) To notify the recipient of the termination of her contract (0) To suggest that Parkdale Secondary Schoo! hire more teachers 189. What is likely true about Parkdale Secondary School? (A) They recruited at the Ecucatior: Career Fair last year. (8) They hope to recruit at least three new teachers. (C) They-are located in the healt of downtown Kingston: (0) They are currently planning to move to another city “190. In the email, the word “preliminary” in paragraph 2. line 5. is closest in meaning to (Al experimental 8) concluding éCyetiminating Nhitg vin dé quan trong ki gidi quye ing Part ‘Bid ek tw Ban dis tigi at cd ca. ni dung tro Listening Comprehension chi mt Lin, vt vy, nd thiy eu i no Kha ict pain thi ban hap bs qua ee chupén sang chu tidp theo © Part 1: Cia hoi miéu ti bite anh ~ 10 caw ‘Tuypt a6) dimg dé bj mit:tap trung trong luc nehe-ndi dom ehé ain Gis quyét ed bai bing etch fai ba ning dip an cho do af dig hing idm quan wi de trig aia tek Anh trong ie ache 4c dap aco si theo thi tw (A), B), (, | mn pda 8 ss nh cs vA. vio dip:an bgn thing ehfe chin, va dl O vio dsp an ‘Kh nghe xong, ban hy chon dip nding. WM New TOFIG dnd 069 Lever (2) Part 2: Dang bai tra ti cdw hai ~ 30 edu © Mii cia hoi c6 mot dés hai eiu-ngdo, vf Te Ui nfi-ngin née ban pai état bin toh d nigh. ® Voi edu hoi 6-ti-nghi van thi hay tap. trig vio té neh vin, 4 Rat ¢6 ki nang suit bien bay khi trong bai nghe of ti tumg ty w6i. ti xudt hién trong edu ho (3) Part 3: Dang bai déi thogi ngin - 30 cau hdi, 19 set, mdi set 3 ciu * Big oin shin ché Khe hob nth nt lai a tap tevng mghe ak hsm pha Hin” mat vie edu bei vi dip dn cho sn dé shoo cd trd ti ng ® Duct thé ban chin doe de bet eu hil, sig dt én tht idm dogn Abi thot bit ddu thi bn, pha top trum heét sue dé snghe doan dii thoai 46, ® Bd tien 18 edn phil doc edu hai va é4é dAp an cho sin a doa phan no ni-dung-ebe-dogt Ai thoai, +) Bye nhanh edu hoi va ede dép:an cho:sin dé-ndm thong tin ting. quit 2 Vite nghe oan -46 thea, vita nin vio ede dp an cho sé. Binh di ahe vio dip un ki ng ting edu boi. Trude Khi chuyén sang bal mét thi th tht nhanh vio phi bt lam. (2) Part 4: Dang bai néi ngin ~ 90 cA hii, 10 set, mii set 3 eau (Can don trite chi d8 sip nghe. Do da, ban cén doc dive edng hidu cu bd: eang t5t Theo thing ké thi da phn key word ca cas hii nim trong phn du ca bat nf Vi vy, ban tuyét Ai dmg: bao gid bd que phin:mo dau. 4 Tip: Trong lic gid quyét Part'S ~"4, bi ki trd Toi de mot cau hol thi Khing to to ngay vio phitis bat lam: May danh that ian nay dé doc cia ha cho. sdn tip theo. Sau khi hét thai gian nghe thi ob the to cdu tré lai cho o@ Part 3 v8.4, BC et hte Rec akan Bhi loa pht-thanb thong bito da Ket thie phin thi Listening Comprenension vz hit diu phn thi Racing ‘ti khoang 11 sit 15 phit th nit th si ado chu 6 hp én chinh thie cho phn Listering Comprehension cn pha oan it vibe 8 ci ta a that nhank va chuyén sang phn Reading > Nhutng yéw t8 edn thide dé ted lai ea hi @ mdi Par, ‘Téig tho gin lam bi Reading Comprehension i'75-phit. Vi phat gi yyét pan S~ 6 trong vine 22 phat nén iso gian-suy nghl chin mdi cu baila 26 gy (ké ck hil gia t6 vo pi ba Li), Cin phi pi quyét Part 7 trong 53 phat én tha gian bah quan cho adi cau hot la pht 7 iy Cc tho gia 3 do phi Ba TnL, tg mit ad niu tht glam eo mit eau het, Nu pp cl hak nao hus trl dune thi bar of bo qua va sé xe ll seu (1) Part 5: Cw hai ngit php, tit vung ~ 40 cfu + Vig ti iu tai vo phish lam cng ph mit mgt thom. Vi thé, trong thu 6 hot gin dtr inc th thee! mai nhung ben éing ding kéo dai qué 21 ~ 24 gidy, Thudng ngay, ban cle tp cho minh kha nding tim ra dap dn cht trong 20 gidy dé Khi lam bai thi hut, ban vas chm that gian dé git quyEt edu hol 6 Par 7. (2) Part 6: Caw hoi tit vatng, ngd php trong bai doe hiéu ~ 12 edu, 4 set, mbi set $ cia Bs phn [ae cdu hbi 6 thé tim ra due dap an da Yao vige dge ev trie eu chir King chm dpc het bai dpes bung thin thadngeing cb nhitng chu hit cin phi xem xét mach Win cia Dai doc tre, vi sau Khi doc Ky elu hh mal 06 thé tr I dua. 2 Ding of cdng doo héto8 bai-mot lin. Hay gid quyét mga ti cbu Hb ban: nin théy du te Part 7: Caw hai doe hiéu Part 7 ~ 48 chu + Say Ki doe ee edu hat vi nm due trong tam cia tng edu héi thi hy tim ra dip én eho noi dung ofr oi. Chi cn tk ‘rong noi dung chinb eta bai de. 2: Gain ge: doom git thigu cin Bai doe 22 e6 thé nem age ci dd hote die. idm ela boi dee. Bidumy hb try ft nhieu trong vide tra i cd ba 5 Phas tr lo elu ha vst gian ink qn cho mdi edu lt pit 7 gid. Camg-vé cul gi thi thi Kh nang Hip trang ei ‘hi sinh cam glam A, NEw thy my ban df quen Lam bai thi mo ping thye 18 trong Rhosing thoi glam quy din thi Khi i cdch db ding irre thts ‘i gn hk i thi, hj tinh gi th gan 15 phi, 10 phit vt 5 phi Aa cho th sinh bit sp ht it am bat. Kht ‘im khodng 5 phit ban bay to hig dip &n ing cla phin Reading Comprehension edo phi bi lim. vi tip tye ta Ii hing el con dé rdng. Kai foo phat than bdo di hit gi thi Peocng thi baa sé np dé thi vi phew Ba im cho sii hj, Sukhi idm tra ds 4 phi ba kom vad i,m th cho php thi sinh re v8 Bay gi cdc ban Al din tit gi dog chu bj eho Ky hi ei phi Khong? Ce ban cm thay an tim ch? ‘Chie edc ban dat dg kal qui nog ding voi cng se hoe tbp ex minh! Hay ten nk vrihantitiekicom ( “a bai And 860 Level Sever) mé phéng thuc té a Pea ect get co ad Ona ee a ac ei ae ee ee Ree rere a oreo cu ea RRS Ona ane tor a raed Cer he ee Ugo LISTENING TEST In the Listening test, you will be asked to demonstrate how well You understand spoken English. The entire Listening test will last approximately 48 minutes. There are four parts, and directions are given tor each part. You must mark your answers ‘on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in the test book. PART 1 Directions: For cach question in this part, you will hear four statements about @ picture in your test book. When you hear the statements, you must Select the one statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Then find the number of the question on your answer sheet arid mark your answer. The statements will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. Example Sample Answer 5 5 Statement (B), "They're talking in a group,” is the best description of the picture, so you should select answer (B) and mark it on your answer sheet ol s 155 ‘11. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer oh your answer sheet. 2. Mark your answer on’your answer sheet. 27... Mark your-answer on-your answer sheet. 413. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 28. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 14. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 29. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 15. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 30. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 16. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 31, ‘Mark your answer‘on your answer sheet. 17, Mark your answer on your answer sheet, 32. Mark your answer on your answer sheet: 18. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 33. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 19. Mark your answer on your answer sheet, 34. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 29, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 35. Mark your answer on your answer'sheet. 21. Mark your answer on your answer sheet, 36. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 22, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 37. Mark your answer on your answer sheet, 23. Mark your answer on your answer sheét. 38. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 24. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 39. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. ‘25. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 40. Mark your answer on your answer sheet: BRE Kew t0ete anette teve: ianpatiiieiaeen 41. What did the man just do? (A) He destroyed the old files. (B)He filed the data onto the new computer system (C} He ordered new file cases, (0) He organized the files. 42. Where did the man move the older files? (A) Behind the new boxes (B) Near the stairs (C)lnto Ms. Stanford's office (O/'inte the storeroom 43. Why did the man relocate the yellow boxes? (A) They don't use them often. (8) They are outdated. (€) The néwer boxes are superior. (2) The information is-on the computer. 44. When are the clients scheduled to come by? (A) Today (B) Tomorrow (Friday (O} Next week 45. What does the woman offer to do? (A) Contact Mrs, Edwards (8) Gall the ohent (©) Sign the document (0) Set up an appointment 46. What can be inferred about the man? (A) He will cancel the meeting. (8) He will sign the contract himself. (©) He will submit the document: 40) He willexpiain the:situation to the clients. ‘wnewinhantrivietcom ‘ Go on tocthe next page ie 98 a 47. Where are the speakers having the conversation? (A) Ata movie theatre (8) Ata video rental shop (CLAt the library (D) At a restaurant 48. How many DVDs is the man renting? iA} Two (5) Three (Cy Four (0) Five: 49. Who will the man watch some of the videos with? (A) His finds (8) His brother (C) His sister (0) His parents ‘50. What are the speakers discussing? A) Suggestions for the company 'B) The new company network (C}-This month's sales figures |D) The woman's new computer 51. Why's the man happy with the message board? TANTS dasy to use. (B; I. shows the company events. {C) ttl provide many new ideas. {Dh offers job vacancies. 52. What will the woman do next? (AY Visit the Sates Department (8) installa bulletin board (C) Access the new network (0) Register 2 program New TOEIE 4k 860 Levst PBB New roELe ans seo vewmauntiantivietcom 53. When did the woman have the audition? (A) Last month (B) Last weekend (C) Two days. ago (Dy Yesterday 54, What does the man suggest the woman do? 1A) Contact the agency (8) Prepare her résumé (G} Submit a porttotio {D} Begin tooking for another job 55. What is the purpose of the conversation? (A) Aresponse tram the agency (B) Preparation for the audition {©} Applying for a-training program {0} An interview applicant 56. Why is the man upset? (A) He has an emergency meeting this afternoon. 1) His secretary has been away too long. (©) The customers are dissatisfied with the product, (D) The surveys are poorly answered. 57. To whom does the man have to give the forms? (A) The secretary (8) The woman, (C) The Marketing Director (D) The Accountant 58. How will they solve their problem? (A) Submit the customer surveys: (8) Create a'new customer survey (©) Discuss the new customer {P) Consider. changing the director Ga.on to the next page. = Part 03 auiw nnantiviatcant ( 159 59. Who most likely is the woman? 6) The man's client i@) The ticketing agent éO) The man’s secretary The:conference organizer 60. What does the woman suggest the man do? (Ay Cancel the onference {Si Have:a later meeting 2) Taik to the director: (O\ Invite the director to New York 4. When will the man meet his client? iA) Monday morning Bi: Monday afternoon Tomioriow morning, | Wednesday morning 62. Where does the man want to go? As City Halt {Bi hotel: iC) Abus terminal 2D) A train station 69, How offen is the bus available? Every 15 minutes ) Twice an hour (©) Every hour (D) Qnoe every two hours. 64, What is the man doing around 3 o'clock? 4 Participating ira seminar 1) Looking around City Hall {i Shopping downtown: (0) Checking intoa hotel BRE Mie TORIC s04 eee Levss a 65. Why did the man telephone the woman? (A) To send a cheek (8) To report 2 billing error (©) Torequest.a statement ‘0) To'open an account 65. What should the man do to use the website? A, Cail the customer service center 9) Sign an agreement ) Pay $100 per year (D) Sabrhit proper identifivation ‘67. What does the man ask for? (Aj The password for the website 3) The bank's website address {0} The cost of the:balance sheet (0) The woman's account numbers 68. Where are the speakers? (Aj Ata university iB) Ata movie theatre At arestaurant on a dock: t a:recreation canter 69. What is the main idea of the event? 8), A company’s anniversary 1G A coworker’s celebration party «) A charity performance ‘Di Ahotel reservation 70. What will the woman do if the table by the window is not available? (4) Help the’ people move to another table (8) Replace their taod with new dishes (©) Offer the people free meats (2) Issue special membership cards Go on te the next page. Pan ae | parr pee ee acted ee ‘asked to answer three questions about what the speaker says in each short talk. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B). (©), or (D) on. your answer sheet. The talks will be spoken only one time and will not be printed in your test book. 74. What is the purpose of this telephone message? (Ai Te confirm an appointment (@) To-ask about an event schedule ) Yo confirm a rental agreement ib) Te check on prices 72. What will the company do for the weekend of August 197 ‘A Blay Spérting equipment (0) Host an ‘employes event Have'dinner with anew client io) Have a promaten 73. What does Darcy ask of Mr. Veni? 4 That he givé her a'discount 3) That he send her an email ‘That he return her call ©) That he atténd'a funetion 74. Where does this speech probably take place? 4A) Al an awards banquet: (At a building dedication \C) At a restaurant grand opening :) At an orientation 75, What will probably happen next? iA} Dinniér willibe served. | Photographs wil be taken, ‘Questions wil be addressed: #2) Donations will be made. 76. How will Mr. Pendieton’s money be spent? iA) Buiiding housing for peor people {63 Providing senor citizens with meals ) Feeding homeless children 3) Meeting the medical needs of children feu TOEIE and SED Gove BEE Bierce estitio' ( wae shantiviet.con 77. Who is the speaker? A) The head of the theater {6)A member of the Ailthe Way cast ‘CyA member of the board of trustees ) The Owner Of a piaduction facility 78. What change will be made to the building? iA) A new ticket booth will be added. {8} A balcony is being added. 1G) The stage will be replaced. iD} The concession:stand will be expanded, 79. What does the speaker request of the audience? iA) Come to tomorrow's show (8) Make a financial contribution {©} Purchase extra tickets (D) Use the appropriate exits 80, What is the purpose of the message? (A) To ask employes to volunteer for-a Rew program :B) To remind staff program changes (C) To announce new hours of operation {D) To inform staff of a required program: 81. What will happen on July 1? ‘A) A program will be held. (6) An-employee orientation wil begin {C} New policies will govinto effect. (D) Departments will be clased. 82, What should employees do to register for the program? 48) Go to the human resources department (8) Come to. work éarly'on dune 25th (©) Gall the education department (0) Sigh'the policies and procedures manual Gi orto the next page. paves wonwnhantriviétcom, ( 163 83. Who are the grants intended for? iA) Students who are the childreri of Strom Athietics’ employees: #) Students who work for Strom Athletics Students who aitend the University of Mississippi (0) Students who want a career: m education 84,, What must be done for a student to keep the financial aid? (A) Apply for a renewal Take @ oertais number of classes Maintain:2 certain grade ‘Major in physicateducation 85. Where can an employee get an application? (ALL the university +BEOn the website Ir the. HR department AD) At thesstudent union 86. What is the purpose of this announcement? 683.Jo inform of flight changes 8) To antiounce weather conditions + To-provide landing infortation (D) To explain tight rules ‘87. What should passengers flying to Seoul do? ) Get off the plane in Mania tay ih. thele seats on the plane iC) Fill outan aiemiles card Listen for further announcements 88, What arinouncemént will be made next? (A) Conneetion information {E) Landing time confirmation iGt Movie selections: (0) Safety precautions ee Pittivietcora 89, Where can tourists get maps? Ai The amphitheater 8) The house porch (€) The tour guide (0) The information baath 90. How often are presentations given? (A) Every five minutes (8) Every-fifteen minutes. (0) very thiety minutes #2) Every hour ‘St. What will the visitors do after the house tour? 4) Eat together 8) Explore the gardens: ) Get'on the bus (D).Go to another house 2. According to the speaker, what day will have nice weather? Ay Friday: 8) Saturday sunday 0) Monday 93. What will the weather be like next week? Ai Hot Bj Snowy 2G Sunny ‘Rainy 84. Where would this talk most likely be heard? ‘Ay Ata seminar 9: Ona newscast Ava restaurant .Ona train 9 te tie neat page. Bare ae soxvenhantiiviatcer 25. Who is the speech intended tor? (Ai Company’s marketing stat Corporate executives Board: members: ‘Company shareholders ‘96, What does the speaker say about the past year? Sales have dectined 8) There have been riany problems. £0} it bas been:suecessful, .Di There are a Jot of new stores opening: 97. What is the speaker going to do next? 1A) Announce a.guést speaker '8)-Give.a presentation CyExplain comotate strategies Discuss upcoming events ‘98. What is the topic of the conference? Aj Cigar-smoking 1B) Sales strategies Using marble in sonstiviction 2} A budget bill 99. Where are the individual meeting rooms? Next'to the fountain Downstairs fromthe Ballroom {©} On the Concourse tevel the: Dining Room ‘100. What is the first activity for the participants? +A cocktail party A tour of the lake + A book signing session ©) Abeuneh This is the etid of the Listenifig test, Turn to Part 5in- your test back, eT Wawiribantrivieticom NO TEST MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE READING TEST in the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different thinutes. There are three parts, and directions are given for each part: You are ‘encouraged to answer as many questions as possible within the time allowed. ‘You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in the test book, PART 5 Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are given below each sentence. Select the best answer tc complete ‘the sentence. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (G), or (0). on your answer sheet. : types of feading comprehension questions, The entire Reading test will last 75 ‘101. Board members have voted against the proposed of the European offices. iS) expansion (Biexpands (expanded ot expansive 102. The Jones family has sent thanks to everyone in the office for the flowers that were to their home: (Os delivered 4103, The human resources department reminded staft -- sign their weekly time cards before they are turried Al very er Chagain 13 nearly ~ that each employee should 104. To receive credit for relocation expenses, employees have to make copies of all receipts and submit ~ with the signed request. ‘A they By theie ac theny (Oi themselves New TORE 4natis Cwver 168° e ‘a ( WuiWinhieraritiense 405. Marshall Connoly will instruct a range of classes to help employees with annual certifications. A} wide high round Span, 106. Our company is looking to merge with a smaller corporation products and services are complementary to ours. whose that fis ‘D} which: 407. Winter apparel sales have increased drastically this year since the temperature dropped so last few months. Fightly shortly > suddenly 2) newly 108, Monica Scott has been nominated for the position of CFO because she has proven herself to be a individual with strong accounting skills. A) depend (6) dependable dependability depending 109. the low interest rates, home sales have not increased as much as our real estate office would have liked. >} Toward Through 110. Four Star Hotel has announced that it plans to - 8 new properties in South America to expand their customer base. (Apacquire 8) acquired (Cyaequiring (O) aequires wwlenhanttivieticor We Harbison & Associates is seeking workers for a new project which is supposed to begin at the end of the summer. Ap ntajor comfortable #13: Because she has been a member’of the board longer than anyone else, Sandra Kinard has been appointed to head the. to Search for a new CEO. committee F arrangeriont: 4G) collection rection 144.. Two of the medical researchers will work ------ on the study to improve upon the Jatest antibiotics to go on the market, &) eallaboration i collaborates: iC) collaboratively iD) collaborated 1418. The company is looking to expand demographics to reach customers not currentiy served leading corporations, 6 beside 116. For the supervisor's position, ability to lead is an important of all successful applicants. A) characteristic 5) chardetériee ©) characterzing characteristically PAE Bee torre are sonteves \ ee ee en 147. 148. 119. 120. 421. 122. Until the ‘wet paint’ signs have been removed, please do not lean anything the walls within the building. against ‘Throughout the meeting with the advisors, she was asked about career path, her Expanding our product line will give us @ greater to increase the net worth of our company. Ever since news reached the public about the health benefits of chicken, agricultural stocks have become more The minister of finance, Marcus Jacobs, has rejected a bill that would lower finance charges for retired citizens. A liaison of 10 full-time employees from various departments has been formed to the company’s new safety procedures. natie situate elop 123, -~---~ the 7-day trial period has ended, customers are welcome to return all equipment for a full refund. Ay Beyond i Dring C) Between TH After: 424. Over the past three Years, Milton Cosmetics has increased its annual revenue to its ~~ level in two decades: 2a) Highest witlest mostexpensive i mast gradual 125. Employees are not eligible to apply for insurance benefits until they have been ‘employed a period of 30 days. & since: iByabout for ESjawhile 126. Product samples and giveaways are’ valuable for companies advertising a new product line, Ai compensation productivity growths. tials 127. The agency is having difficulty attracting overseas customers their products are equal in quality to many of their international competitors. J such that Giinvadditionta (Oh by means of «Deven though 128. Please return signed forms along with copies of two forms of identification to the head office using the mailing label... A; provides: provided is provided © providing HEB wee roeie apasseo cove alii \( vow sihantehliencom 129. There is a meeting for all committee members in the board room at 10 a.m. tomorrow. Aj generously generally approximately slightly 130. Over the weekend, a new cooling system will be installed throughout the building which is designed to energy. 1A} compare (3) accomplish (Chavoid (2) conserve 181. Recommendations for promotions will be discussed and reviewed in with our policy. (A) accordance accord according accorded 432. All of the new make-up products should at the front of the health and beauty department so they are easily spotted by shoppers. (A) have displayed displays displaying iD} be displayed 139, A sales increase is not always of a successful advertising campaign. ‘Aj decisive 8) reminiscent protective D) indicative 134. Many employees were having discussions about the new office would open ontime.. whether i} whom iC) who D) whenever Go on to the next pa Poit 08 may waiwiriharite 135. Placing profit customer satisfaction is a. common mistake made by ‘companies around the world. Fj during (B) around (Cy betore @ralong 496, The new quaiity-assistance will provide all employees with the policies and procedures manual. tA advise iB) advice: i®padvisor (91 advising: (27. His important to —~--- proper permission for the use of any copyrighted materials. Al host (Bi descend (©) obtain Di participate 138, While the Intranet system is being updated on Wednesday, there may be a brief ~- in general Internet access. ) circulation 8) Mteruption distinction’ (O: submission 139. Releasing information about the dangers of SUVs to the public could cause changes to profits over the next decade. Avalarn (Bjalarming Clalarmed ©) alarmingly 140. Company executives are creating a new policy which would allow employees to meet with them personally to... that workers are satisfied with the company. ©) offer (PH Vow roete snizen Le ( wewecnhantrisiencom NO TEST MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE [ - PARTG- | Directions: Read the texts on the following pages. A word or phrase is missing in | some of the sentences. Four answer choices are given below each of these ‘Sentences. Select the best answer to complete the text. Then mark the letter (A). (B), (©), or (D) on your answer sheet. PRB ew TORE 4p8 960 Lover Quen emfious . wviveanhiantrivietcom Questions 141-144 refer to the following letter. June 23rd, 2006 Georgianne Turner 592 Spadina Toronto, Canada Dear Martin, As you know, | have taken a series ‘of sailing lessons from you this season: | would like to take this opportunity to thank you your excellent work. As you know, | 100k a series of sailing classes 141 for with from the American Sailing Association prior to my lessons with you. | have found your training to be of the same caliber. | believe that your instruction has increased my sailing knowledge and more _has made me a better sailor, ly 2ortai prominently 2 observantly | have found your sailing instruction to be very straightforward, logical, and easy to follow. Instructions were very clear and easy to remember, both in class and in the boat, The hands-on approach that you used me to feel comfortable with each skill before going on to the next task. 143. ‘Ayallows: 3; have been allowed Since our lessons together, | have felt more comfortable sailing due to my knowledge. 144. (&) composed 8) independent increased #Dy obscure Thank you for helping me enjoy the sport of sailing. Please feel free to use me as a reference anytime. Sincerely, Georgianne Turner otto the next page. Questions 145-148 refer to the following e-mail. From : To j Date : July 10 ‘Subject : Interview Request Dear Ms. Hinks, My name is Andrew Jones, and] am a former research assistant at the cancer research lab run by Dr. Henderson. Dr. Henderson let me know that you and she have been - --- acquaintances for quite some time 145. (A) full ‘Bi strict iC} close () exact and that you are interested in hiring a new assistant for your study. With this in ‘to you to request a meeting in which we can discuss the position. 146. (A) had written (8). am writing iC} did. write (2) would write | have an extensive education, with a Bachelor's degree in Bio-Chemistry, a Master's degree in Biology, and |. am currently working towards my doctorate in’ Chemistry, focusing on cancer research. | have worked in various fundraising capacities, successful advertising campaign to raise additional funds (Ch nearly {Dy slowly for the American Cancer Society. This campaign contributed to record collections for the organization last year. | would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to discuss all that | have learned ~~~ Dr, Henderson's 148: (A) across: (B) over (C) behind (O) under: guidance, as | move forward in my career. You will find a copy of my résumé, the filename “résumé” at the end of this email. | look forward to hearing from you soon. ‘Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Andrew Jones DE, Soest tego, ave ( somwenhantviet.con: Questions 149-152 refer to the following article. sit www.nh: New Bottled Water Introduced Silverspring, a local bottling company, has developed a new carbonated bottled water in response to increased competition by larger beverage distributors. A company spokesman Jim Muir said customer response has been extremely 149. (A) positive (6) popular neertain (0) disappointed “Since business has begun to improve I've had to travel ---- to our overseas distributors several times in order to sign new contracts. 150. (Ajeconomically | (immediately — | (C) globally | (D) directly | | | | | | We are thrilled with this new product and the public response has been overwhelming,” said Muir in an interview earlier this week. Anew bottle and label design earlier this year after Silverspring Marketing 451. (A) might be introduced ) will be introduced (C). was introduced (0) have been introduced Director, Chad Venning recognized the need for a healthy alternative to calorie-rich soft drinks. in a —----- given at a press conference on Tuesday, Venning declared that “Sales 152. (A) procedure (8) statement (C) performance (2) debate of Silverspring’s new carbonated beverage are soaring and customers are very ‘excited about this new product.” Go on to the next page. Part'o6 antrivietcom ( 7 if you are an international tourist in the United States of Amenca, with a vaid 9 tourist visa, the government will allow you to study any course offered by a recognized university or community college within the area or region you have indicated as your location of stay. Courses must not exceed four months in length ‘and must be paid for in full upon registration. To apply for this special study permit, visit an Immigration and Customs office tocated in any major city along with your passport, including your 1-9 visa, an official i ee oes ee ene ste a8 well. as $50 for administration fees, Temporary study permits will be processed within 2 days. Customs and Immigration Office United States of America 153. What is this notice mainly about? instructions onhow to immigrate to the US fow {0 obtain legal papers to study in: the: US (3 9 visa reguiations (D) Intemational tourist duties wth the gavemnmnant, 154, What is NOT required when applying for a study permit? TAVA passport {SY An application fee 16} 8 tourist-visa £0) Adegres trom:the institution BBB vow TORT st ee Loca oni westonsiin Questions 155-156 refer to the following information. ee employers must guarantee that their workers are protected from injury and are provided a safe working space. Workers are entitled Ee are allowed to leave the premises. ar stp ae pares eons coun: employees are urged by the legal department to contact a labor law attorney before they decide to refuse or perform dangerous work. Please remember that the safely of the workers the nest pont ape! any cancers ot If you eed ator information about workplace safety, contact us ‘at (730) 391- 4805. A 155. What are employers required to do by jaw? (8) Cofitact a labor law attorney sure the safety of their workers Manage the workplace well 40) Make stire the workers leave the premises 156. What does the worker have the right to do in unsafe conditions? A) Close down’the business ) Aeguse the employer ) Refuse to do the work 2) Ask for more money Go.on te the next page: a on aR swinw.nhanteivies cor BBB vow TOEIC ans e609 Lever ( uenvenhantovietcom 157. Who placed the advertisement? (Ay A university department (8) The professor in Dublin (GC) Amarketing company (0).A local business 158. Which of these is required? (A) Marketing experience (B) Two years of work experience: (©) Management experience (0) A marketing degree 159. What must an applicant submit? (AYA curriculum vitae (B) Application fees. (C) Professional references (0) University records 160. How should one apply? (A) In person’ (®) By fax (©) By mait (D} By e-mail Go.onte the next page. pata wwernhantriviet:com ( ea Questions 161-163 refer to the following letter. Playmate Children’s Products INC. Amsterdam 78-634 RUE Heinekie, The Netherlands: Dear Consumer: We are extremely pleased with the recent surge in sales of our products, The new ToddierMate, as well as the ChildMate have been a huge success. It is with great sadness and concern, hawever, that we announce the recall of the BabyMate. It has come to our attention that some of the small parts, including the tray table attachments and wheel ‘bearings, may be of a soncem fo young children if removed and swallowed. To ensure the happiness and safety of your children we ask that you return the BabyMate to any authorized retaller for a {ull refund. We appreciate your continued patronage and hope that this unfortunate development will not sway you from purchasing our products in the future. 1 i / significantly reduce this problem. We hope to have the new and improved product on the market by the end of the season. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and have only. your child's safety in mind, {you have any questions or concems, please contact aur customer service department. Our product development team has Greated new parts for the BabyMate that will | 161. To whom is the letter addressed? A) BabyMate owners The BabyMate development tam BabyMate-eniployees BabyMate authorized dealers 462, What is the purpose of the letter? (AV TO récommend.a new product #} To teeall a Playmate product (©) To offer tips on product usage (Di To advertise a new Playmate product 463, What is the company offering? A) inproved parts {BEA new tray table Ss New wheels A full turd PBR Hew TIO: 78.050 Level ( eww.nhantiviencen Questions 164-165 refer to the following notice. employees: fer cogeions aati a aanee @ esyase ect cle wets sme niartiseconnnescen All 464. What is one topic that will definitely be discussed during the online forum? (A) Developing new products (8) Government policy (©) Relations with China (D):A more inclusive workplace 485. Why must employees visit www (A) They must create an'account. {B) They must share ideas with other employees. (©) They must book tickets to travel the world. {0) They need to. order computer equipment. Go on to the next page= earr-e7 wrwwenhantrvieticom 85 Questions 166-167 refer to the following newspaper article. 168. What does the study suggest businesses do? A) Rédute the nlimber of cominon areas it has Develop a study to look at employee productivity {2} Incorporate ‘common areas into the structure OF their workplace 1D) Produce more efficient photocopiers 487. According to the article; how does the structure and design of the office benefit businesses? A allows employées to interact more aid develop idéas together, (8) It separates empioyees to redtice interaction (©) Resources wilt be shared more effectively, (Mt ereates a trendlier workplace. 10 dni! ado vovet : HBB wow ToEIC ani seo (® weewenhantriviet-conm Questions 168-170 refer to the following advertisement. 168. What kind of is this business center probably for? (A) Those which intend to cater to suburban customers (8) Those which have fewer than 10 employees (C} Those which do.a lot of business downtown, (D} Those which sell Internet service 469. What service does FDS provide? (A) Office spaces {B) Aphotecopier (©) Desks and tables (0) Computer networks 170. How many ways does the ad suggest you can contact FDS? yt @2 ‘ys Oy4. Go on to-the next page. + Pact 07 www.thantrilieticom er Phone ‘Optional Services ~~" Discounted rates for Sweetspeak club members SPS-4 Free text messaging Online access to computer network Discounted rates for Sweetspeat | Free text messaging PES Online access to computer network International roaming service Discounted rates for Sweetspeak club members Laser F450 Free text messaging Case and colored covers included Discounted rates for Sweetspeak club members Sofispedk:400 Headset included Discounted rates for Sweetspeak club members | Gabictiea International roaming service | Discounted rates for Sweetspeak club members ‘High Tech Free text messaging _____ Large soreen and advanced headset Sale on until September 3, 2006. Call now! 171. What is this advertisement for? (A) Cellular phones 48) Racios (©) Large sereen Tvs {D} Internet service 172, Which service do all cell phones come with? (Aj Free text messaging (B) Large screen Discounted rates for members 01 International roaming service, 473. When will the sale last until? 1 Next week (6) September Grd (©) Until all phones are sold «Or duly 46th oobi suede Kee HBB wer Tore eee ee Lees tp ar Sin nie com Questions 174-175 refer to the following fax, LC 474, What is the main purpose of the fax? (A) To place an order with the Founders Group (8) To confirm detaits regarding an upcoming lecture (©) To improve relations between Canada and Britain (0} To request information regarding hotels in Toronto 175; Where will Mr. Nickols be giving his lecture on March 15th? (A) Inthe auditorium at the university (8) At the Founders Group headquarters. (C) At the campus outdoor stage (D) At the research center'in downtown Toronto, Go ontothe next page. = Pari 07 Bid 176, What is the main objective of Mr. Strong's memo? (A) To make eniployees aware of a policy change. (8) To offer Incentives to those who paiticipate in seminars: iC) To decrease the number: of vacation days employees get «DI To suggest tipdating the company website 177. When will the new policy take effect? (A This week (8) Next week (CY Next month iD) Next year 478. What is the maximum number: of vacation days employees may receive? WE Sew Toeie 404 veo Creer ‘® Siuvew. nbantivietcom. Questions 179-180 refer to the following invoice. 179. What action is suggested if the payment is not made by the due date? (A) Distegard the involoe (B} Call customer service (6) The account will be put-on hold. {iD} Extra purchases will be made: 480. According to the notice, how late is the payment? (A) 14 days (B) 19 days (C) About one month (D) About two months. Go onto the next pags. & paver wenicihantrivietcom ( Ag HERE Aw oeIC 409. ap Love) (® seven obiantriviecomn 18 . If you're interested in cellular phones, where would you go? A Gallery 1 (B) Gallery 2 (©) Conference Room 4 ‘Dy Showroom A 182, Where can you find international products? tA) Gallery 4 (Si Conference Room 4 (Gi) Gallery 2 (0) Conference Room 2 183. Why is Mr. Kennedy worried? (Aj His company has grown too last. {B) He's unable to.attend the exhibition, (C)His products will not be-compiete. 1D) He hasn't received an invoice: 184. Where will ModernTech’s products be displayed at the exhibition? 44) Gomputers and the Internet (2) Media and Technology (Cyimport Products from Around the Globe 1D) New Developments in Entertainment 485. Where would Mr. Kennedy like his two booths? (s Across from one anattier 8) On opposite ends of the Gallery ©) Next to-‘Gne another 2) inthe corner of the showroom. Go oi tothenext page. om mm Panton gee yavwehantiivier departure of your train. According to Tri-Rall policy, during the ticketing process will result in a cancelled ABH Mw TORIC ans gen Loves ( www nhantrvietcom 186. When should you reconfirm your reservation? (A) When you plan to make an overnight stopover (B) When you want to purchase several réturn tickets (C} When you want to book a ticket over the internet (D) When you plan to go to Atlanta 487. If you don't reconfirm your reservation, what will happen? (A) Your ticket will be canceled. 8) You will lose your luggage. (©) You will not be able to book a hotel, {D) You will have to pay an‘extra charge. 188. What is the final destination for Mr. and Mrs. Gillano? (A) Butfalo (8) New York (©) Miami iD) Atlanta 489. What special request does Mr. Gillano make? (A) To'send his tuggage directly to Miami (8) To send his luggage directly to Atlanta (C) To stop over for three days in Butfalo (0)'To stop over for three days in Miami 490, Why did Mr. Gillano have to inform Tri-Rail that he was staying in. Atlanta? (A) He wanted his luggage to be shipped directly to Buffalo. {8} He was required to indicate his stopovers by the company. (CG) He wanted to see if any hotel rooms were available. (D) He was offered a free gift event. Go on to thé next page. = bart ov weve hantriviet com: ( 5 INSTANT CREDIT RATING ee ‘The KA Bank has recently announced that bank clients can now request their I personal credit rating and a record of their credit history aver the internet. The KR Bank has provided credit rating services through in-branch meetings since 1985. history: It also provides information regarding foan application procedures. KA Bank GEO, Norman Macintyre states that the bank is using the latest encryption technology to secure clients confidentiality. Dear Mr. Newlove, | have been a client at KR Bank now for over ten years and:| have always been | plsased with the service that | have received. | have recently heard about a new service that KR is providing that offers credit ratings to customers through the internet. While this sounds like an intriguing program, | am not very comfortable using computers. Would it be possible to have one of your financial representatives sit down with me at the bank and. show me how to properly use the internet credit rating system? Please contact me at 809-789-8866, ‘snceroly, Wow TORIC 4na;p8o Lede! 4 BME ew rote seecnios wwweahantiiviergom 491, What statement is true based on the above article? (&)-Clients. could ask for their information over the internet. (B) Clients are now. required to do.all of their banking through the internet. {C) KR Bank will not use online services. iD) KR Bank is not concerned about security risks. 492. What else can clients learn about through the website? A) Exchange rates 8) Loan application procedures (C) Mutual Funds (D) Credit card applications 499. The word “intriguing” in passage 2, line 4 is closest in meaning to {Ay Confusing Protective (©) Unstable {D) Interesting 194. How will Jane Ramsey take advantage of KR Bank's new program? (A) By-studying how the program works through KA Bank's website (@) By learning how-to uSe the program through a KR Bank financial representative (C} By Ravirig a financial representative come to her house (0) By having her credit ratinig mailed to her 195. How long has KR Bank been providing credit rating service? (A) For 8. years: (3) For 10 years iC) For 15 years (©) For 20 years Go'on to the next page: Poet Ov Big veviwibiani ‘Questions 196-200 refer to the following letter and résume. Wales reusnte sonar re 656 Hyde Street Tampa Bay, FA 92564 A ear Mr, Berkeley: Tampa Bay, Florida oe eter bart sopra nial Neen hours per Wee ahr ter or Administrative Skits + Recently: Perimeter ape ane and obtained certification for License in the United States of I * Excelent corarunivation and prenemation exits L oc ee BOB Kew TORIC ane G60. Le¥es a ‘Sanaa allen eee fee ‘applications including Word, Excetand : swmvwinhantiiviercom 496. When did Mr. Wyatt work for America Trust? (A) Before entering the Schoo! of Business (B) After working for Wetherby Insurance Brokers inc. (C) Shortly after graduation from university {D) During his studies as a university student 197. Why did Mr. Wyatt refuse a position at America Trust? (A He had difficulty working independently. (8) He was unsatislied with the working conditions at America Trust: (C) He expressed a desire to move to Tampa Bay. (D) He had a:conflict with his superior. 198. How many years did Mr. Wyatt work as.a bank teller? (A) One year (8) Two years (0) Three years (D) Five years 199. To whom is Mr. Wyatt's résumé intended? (A) Arterica Trust {B} Wetherby Insurance Brokers Inc. (©) University of Seattle (0) Tampa Bay Bank of Fiorida 200, What section is NOT included on Mr. Wyatt's résumé? 1A) Administrative Skills iB} Schooling (C} Previous Employment (0) List of Reference Stopl This is the énd of the test. if you finish before time is called, you may go back to Part §, 6, and 7'and check your work. . bart.6i won aanteiviercorn ( 8 POPP EE UCEE EEE CE CUE ECPEEEEEP EU EEE CU EEO D EEC R EEE E DEER ERED NEW TOEIC 4n4 ACTUAL TEST ANSWER SHEET -_ ___ LISTENING (Part 1 ~W) — Ino ANSWER. Ino ANSWER: 10. ANSWER: Be ANSWER. ANSWER ANSWER ABCD [ABe BCD ABCD geadaa @ hg ig i ine igi is ig i ch pa LA 2 ia thing tie gps di hog hh a fh ahh iy i i hh, “Tie tute ce ee 7S tain RL A ei Ss OMB hk a a hi i BNE ep a as A 1 i i Sd la hain ® Hi OCBOOD gd 08g ae 5 Bun i hs i i ih slg hc i Tag yl pn’i hi sh ee pb hin ui ig pl Wig wa a Sea NTN “YO. Treing sit acid thi hs rig dpe pep bd phige 2hi. ‘0 eg a oe ep pe oe 0 ot ip Be go Hae me iw Ap AS QO0GOO wey Qa cr® “Beh a npg son op op He OURO SR HL (0 0203 pe ta ge i ra ee ep PE AHEAD y ‘i am 0 ym ey Bape eg eB, “Spey Say a Hay sg po me ip Gr ON a ERT ROH Ht Re HERE AOR tg 9 nm He we A 1 a TE es ur I mS oi i 9 gn gr i i a ag a fa Hip AP REZ aS pg t Oe 9 a Bg A ee yo ES a a ot a a SOSESS ASGOD® TOOOOOO®D Boos z Zz g 2 5 SOO DBE Ox (A~ 1 138d) ONINALSIT fo > 3 SODOOOSO P@2eeseos e< ie OSS. J 2 B = S| Zz 6 = s DOSDOOGD: g OA@®GOGOOGOS® See “4 Sigiddisdisassssesas é 4 & >DS PSSST OS SOSS Ss : z a e og SOSDOSSCODO = PSSOOSSSSSOSOSSSE 2 PSRSSSRESR ES SSS FG & DOOD GOO OOD O@ OQ @@ ie eS BODO OOOE & Ww = m = 8 oO > a > rm im n = NEW TOEIC | | | An4 860 Level Tela eleret Ura te Ch [Part 1] ‘or 1A) Bicycles are parked outsicie a Shop. {B) A cyclist is. riding beside a car. (©) Bicycles have bead placed an thevehiola: {D} A bicycle is standing alone: JA The man is.operating a machine. {B) The man is inserting the key into. the machine, (©) The man is wearing protective gear; (0) The man is checking his wristwaten, (A) They're exchanging a: document {8) One of the men is iauighing, hay are dressed in Suits. (0) One man is adiusting his’ glasses: BO. Wy Pedestrians are crossing the street (8) Cars are parked on both sides of the road, (©) There are vehicles stopped at aiaht: 10) The cars have been parkectin a ine oS 1A) They're Yemoving food from thei table {Bf They're waiting served, {©) They're standing in: ine at the bus stop: (©) The olerk is cleaning the counter. 18) Thee ate’ doltg sonie construction work {8}: One of the mén is holding a:tasder, {© The:men. have finished pairting a house. (D) The imien are working on the wites.. (A) The leaves are piled up on the rootof the house, (® The tence is being constructed, (G) There are'no windews in the building, (0) There's a big tree ih front of the Bulldihg ‘008 {A) He's straightening a picture, 1B) He's pointing to the charts on the wall. {C) He's looking at something in the distance: 10) He's examining the X-rays with a magnifier. me ( (A) The bridge is reflected in the river: (B) The Ship has reactied the shire. (Gi The ship ts passing under the bridge. (0) Some people are swimming in the water. ‘oO: {A) The-git is pickieg up @ painting. (8) The chi «s playing 60 the swings, (Co The: chit is drawune: something on the ground. (©) The child is seated 04 a bench. [Part 2] on Ist going to rain this weekend? (A) Sales are forecast to increase. No, but they're calling tor nartiy ‘baiiay skigs. (C}lt's the weekend after next or Whore i Séarbora does this bus stoo? (A) Just after 11 o'eoek, {B) No: don't think so. Cuieeihe say avtskins: 018, Parclon mea: May.| borrow yout call ohoné for a while? 1A) Ga down te the crosswalk, then turn right. (8) Yes, my phone works partectiy. JEL Pe sorry, mine is Broken: om ‘Do youraccept credit cards oF should | pay cash? 18) We take all majorcards: (8) | accepted the job with the Hong Kong firm. (@) No, that's not the right pce, ae ‘Why didn't she take a bus? 1A) She said she feels idee biking. (B) At most:2 hours. {Cy Just a biock away trom here. ‘ore: Isn't he licerised to drive a bus? (A) That doesn’t make sense, (8) The direction to the City Hall, (C) He got that 3 years'age. ‘wwii nhiahtiivleticorn’ or ‘Who willattend the’ Marina’s dinner party? (A) She ordered some seatood. 18) She warits everyone to. comi- (©) Yes, have been there once. ore How tong do you want to borraw his van for? iA) Tha smallest one offered. |B) Hike this ‘oive van better. (For three weeks, {Fis fine; you'ean join us for lunch jd) fd love to. but have werk to finisti, (8) F want to join anart class. {G) The restaurant Called: Coo! Garden, ‘Where do you wart to hold the presentation, jn ‘Seoul oF Tokyo? A) Sorry, ! can’t hold itany more. {8 Either. one would be okay: (©) No, it's in the seminar room, ‘o2t. “When ate you going to start your new job? 4A} At the building uptown. (8) For three weeks from now. (Cun just a number ot days. 022: Don't your think the. other team did etter? (A) Yes, we've met him before. 18) Yes. it was an exciting game thowah. (©) It went 6n for four Hours, 023. ‘Ate we going to the ttalian restaurant? JA) No, we cauldin't have it done. {B) lust tor three people.

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