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Greek Choral Odes Project

A critical part of Ancient Greek Theatre was the Greek Choruses. The
Chorus role was to provide narration and comment on what was
happening to the main characters in the play. This was done to give
the audience a better understanding of what was going on. The Greek
Chorus had anywhere from 15-50 people in it. All of these members
would speak and move in unison (at the same time).
In your teams of 3 or 4, you will try a modernized version of these
choruses by making a choreographed presentation.
Guidelines for music selection:
1. All music must be classroom suitable. They lyrics, storyline, or
subtext must not break any school rules.
Your music will be a CHORUS from a song (the part that is
2. Select music with a good beat and lots of potential for
movement. Consider songs that tell a story.
3. A copy of the lyrics must be submitted and approved by Ms. Wolf
before you begin rehearsing.
Guidelines for Presentation
1. As a group, listen to your song and plan an overall concept. This
means that the whole group should agree on ideas and the way
you want to present this project.
2. You will do a live performance of the dance.
3. Learn the lyrics. Yes, you must lip-synch for this project. (You can,
but are not required to, sing along).
4. Work out the choreography for your song. If you arent a dancer,
thats fine. You can do real dance or anything that goes along
with the lyrics. It can be funny or serious. The main requirement
is that everyone is in UNISON (and appropriate).
5. Rehearse and polish your piece. We will have class time to work
on these.

Rubric Choreography Project

Movement is in unison and appropriate
Lip synching is correct and in unison
10 Points
Group members performed in a professional manner
15 points


(No giggling/inappropriate interaction with the audience, correct entrance and exit
into performance space, correct slating of project)



40 Points

(Get this sheet from the front of the room to use in planning
your presentations)
Group Names: ____________________



Song Title: _________________________


Recording Artist:

Lyrics: (Once they have been approved, you can add the
choreography notes)

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