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How to Fix the Mistake That 99% of Guys Get Wrong to

INSTANTLY Increase Your Results With Women.

2011, Brad Branson

You do not have the rights to sell, share,

or claim ownership of the contents of this eBook.

Real Social Dynamics 2

Table of Contents:

What is The Command and
Challenge Method?(CCM)...................................5
Female Attraction...7
Please Like Me Mode (PLM)............11
The First C: Command.....13
The Second C: Challenge...17
How to Use CCM...................19
The 4 Ss: Smirk, Scold, Smug, Sneaky..20
The Quickest Method for Calibration....21
What to Say: Just Vomit Words......24
Investment: Everyone Wants a Return......25
Lets Get Pumped Up....26
About the Author.......30

Copyright 2011 Brad Branson Page 2

3 Command and Challenge: CCM


Are you frustrated from another night out trying to meet
women, only to end with you home alone, again?
How many of your nights result in no new phone numbers,
multiple rejections, and leaving you wondering what went
What if you ARE getting decent results, but want to FINE TUNE
your skills at meeting and dating women to SUPERCHARGE
those results?
After traveling to over 35 countries on 4 continents, jet-setting
around the world, and rocking out in night clubs and bars at
least 5 nights a week, Ive recognized that certain patterns
repeat themselves over and over again.
I have talked to literally THOUSANDS of women, resulting in
many ridiculous stories and successes beyond my wildest
Theories have been developed from these patterns, and an
entire new approach to dating women has been established.
Every weekend I run bootcamps teaching this material to
clients. It has been finely tuned week in and week out, leading
to dramatic improvements for each client in the short time span
of a single weekend.
The process has been broken down into a complete science. A
full new gameplan has emerged for creating massive success
with woman.
My entire weekend bootcamp is built around this new
philosophy, but unfortunately it would take just as long to
explain the whole process.

Copyright 2011 Brad Branson Page 3

Real Social Dynamics 4

Through years of personal research, and teaching literally
HUNDREDS of guys in bars and night clubs around the world, I
have discovered what works and what doesnt.
One characteristic, more than any other, which is a part of
EVERY conversation you have, can either SABOTAGE your results
leaving you home alone, or can give you the ROCK STAR
LIFESTYLE that every man desires.
Sounds good doesnt it?
Lets get down to business.

Copyright 2011 Brad Branson Page 4

5 Command and Challenge: CCM

What is The Command and Challenge Method? (CCM)

A new medium of communication has been discovered.
There is a secret language that, through the use of this new
method, will completely change how you interact with women
and allow you to build instant attraction.
This method does not rely on how you are feeling, what you are
thinking, who you are talking to, what you are wearing, what
you are saying, how fat you are, or how much money is in your
As a dating coach, I would study and try to break down why
some guys had great results with women, and some just didnt.
While some of the best had very different personalities and
styles, there was a common thread among them.
I just couldnt put my finger on it.
Then one night, while I was out teaching a bootcamp in Dubai, it
I was chatting up this hot Brazilian girl and she was LOVING me.
But the venue was loud, and I had to strain my voice. I noticed
that all of a sudden ONE SENTENCE completely changed how
the girl was acting towards me.
But what I said wasnt that bad I thought.
I realized it was HOW I said it.
The epiphany hit me like a ton of bricks.
I knew how to flip the conversation around, and get the girl
I had to try it.
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Real Social Dynamics 6

I confirmed that I was right, the technique worked, and I quickly
had the girl all over me again.
What is the missing link?
CCM (The Command and Challenge Method) is the missing
ONE THING, an external switch that you can consciously
execute, changes the entire dynamic of the interaction.
CCM is also one of the best ways to calibrate specifically to ANY
woman in ANY environment.
And the best part is that after you develop the technique, and
internalize it, you will do it AUTOMATICALLY in a very short
period of time.
What is CCM and why is it so important?
First we need to gain a foundational understanding of what
attraction is, and how CCM plays a key role in building attraction
in a woman.

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7 Command and Challenge: CCM


What creates attraction in a woman?
What creates attraction in ANYTHING?
Attraction comes from "value. More value = more attraction.
Lets say you were walking through the desert, and you hadnt
eaten in 2 weeks.
You come to a fork in the road, and to your left there is a new
Bugatti Veyron, to the right, a juicy hot steak.
Based on your current human needs, that steak has a lot more
value to you.
You are therefore attracted to it, no matter what the financial
value of each item is.
Now picture a fit woman wearing a tight little mini skirt rocking
4 heels. For most men, that alone would appear to be a decent
amount of value, and it creates a jolt of attraction.
So what creates attraction for a woman then?
As seen above, value is relative, and you need to realize that
men and women value things VERY differently.
Luckily, women arent as superficial as men, there is more depth
to what they value in a man.
Men value looks, and this can create a lot of confusion. They
assume that since THEY are attracted to looks, women should
be as well.
But women have OTHER characteristics that they place more
importance on. Particularly, they are looking for a man with
HIGH VALUE characteristics.
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Real Social Dynamics 8

You could call it:

Being alpha
A leader of men
High self esteem

What are some characteristics that convey high value?

A man of action
Being a leader
Being unapologetic
Not trying to impress the girl
Not identifying yourself based on other peoples opinions
Reacting less towards someone compared to how they
are reacting to you
Showing intent
Self amusing
Having self worth
Having a strong sense of entitlement
Being a risk taker
Being unstifled
Acting congruent
Being authentic
Having integrity
Being outgoing
Being social
Being comfortable in your own skin

Copyright 2011 Brad Branson Page 8

9 Command and Challenge: CCM

If you pay close attention to these examples, there is a
consistent pattern among how they are all conveyed.
To build attraction with a woman, i.e. to convey that you are
high value, it must be NON-VERBALLY COMMUNICATED.
Value isnt conveyed on the level of the words, actions speak
louder than words.
Using the age-old thought experiment of viewing caveman
times in context of our current social environment, if a
cavewoman were on a quest to find her ideal partner, what
would she look for?
The caveman that is going to provide her with the best chance
of survival and long-term happiness is going to be the caveman
that has the highest value relative to those around him.
The only way she can discern this, especially in the era prior to
language development, is based on how he interacts with the
other members in their little cave community.
The Real Social Dynamics crew has broken down how that
caveman would carry himself pretty extensively. It is in line with
the lists provided above. To build attraction you need to convey
high value traits.
Weve learned through thousands of hours in the trenches, out
in the hottest night clubs around the world, that to really
subcommunicate value and build immense attraction, you need
to develop and internalize core beliefs and mindsets about how
you view yourself in comparison to women.
But it takes a lot of time to fully internalize a mindset and make
it a belief! CCM will help you get results right now!
The quickest way to convey value at the immediate onset of the
conversation is through your voice.

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Real Social Dynamics 10

Think about it, what is the initial impression a woman has of
Sure, there is your physical appearance, and maybe she saw you
talking to some other girls, but all things considered equal, she
isnt going to be able to truly discern your value until she talks
to you. Then you have the opportunity to convey those high
value traits.
But again, that takes time.
What is the first thing she is going to be exposed to?
Your voice.
So be loud, and use CCM to convey HUGE amounts of value and
create a dynamic where she is DRAWN to you.
It is the quickest, easiest way to create instant attraction.
Why is this?
There is actually inherent value in the way you talk to someone
and the projection and tonality you use.

Copyright 2011 Brad Branson Page 10

11 Command and Challenge: CCM


The Please Like Me tone of voice, or PLM for short, conveys
LOW VALUE. It is unattractive.
The quintessential example of someone in PLM would be the
dirty beggar on the street.
Can you spare some change please?
Or, the nerd at the party.
Hi, will you be my friend?
(Audio Clip #1):

Do you hear the tone of voice? Neediness. Being upset if it

doesnt happen. Scarcity minded. These are all very
unattractive qualities.
The same thing happens when most guys talk to a hot woman.
Heyyy! Youre reallllyy pretty! You guysss having funnn?!
When you fall into PLM, this stereotypes you as someone who is
lower value. You are perceived as UNATTRACTIVE, no matter
how cool you look, or what amazing cool story you are telling.
Why does this put you in the NERD category?
People have picked up various social cues through out their lives
that determine how low and high value people communicate
with each other. When in PLM, you are characterized as
someone who wants something, i.e. has less value.

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Real Social Dynamics 12

You fall into PLM when you talk to someone you perceive as
having more value than you. This could include your boss, your
parents, or that hot girl that you dont think would ever like you.
Or it might just be that you arent in a social mood yet, either
too nervous to approach because of your internal headspace, or
you havent built up any social momentum.
CCM breaks you out of PLM, and can drastically change the way
people interact with you IN AN INSTANT.

Copyright 2011 Brad Branson Page 12

13 Command and Challenge: CCM



CCM works for 2 important reasons. The first, which I will cover
in this chapter, is that it puts you into a COMMANDING
COMMANDING means to literally give instructions as if you
were a person of authority.
This creates a situation where you convey yourself as higher
value than the woman, and builds INSTANT attraction.
Some specific social examples of someone COMMANDING
attention would be:

The boss talking to an employee

The lecture professor talking to the student
A dad talking to his child
A drill sergeant barking at the cadet
The policeman talking to a criminal
Or my personal favorite- Yelling at a dog

Policeman: License and registration!

Dad: Where were you last night!
Boss: Did you finish the papers on time!

(Audio Clip #2):

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Real Social Dynamics 14

A COMMANDING tone of voice is more authoritative than a flat,
normal conversation.
This does not necessarily mean you are lowering the overall
tone of your voice. You are just COMMANDING attention.
Again, there is inherent value in using CCM.
It normally takes a certain amount of self worth and perceived
self-value to talk to someone this way.
But social value is completely arbitrary, it develops based on
two people pinging off of each other to see how to respond.
One takes on the higher value role (more attractive) while the
other takes on the lower value role.
The problem most guys have is that, due to social conditioning,
they perceive the girl as higher value.
On a superficial level this makes sense. Advertising, TV, social
conditioning in general have battered our self-esteem,
glamorizing beautiful women as the paradigm of human
But it doesnt have to be this way in an interaction.
Again, social value is COMPLETELY arbitrary. Its all in your
I have a great example from a bootcamp I was running in New
York City.
I had a very successful student on program, taking the
bootcamp with his 2 best friends.
We were giving feedback and his friends were saying how, in
the corporate boardroom, this guys tone of voice was
Its because he had an actual dollar symbol indicating his value,
he knew how much he was worth.

Copyright 2011 Brad Branson Page 14

15 Command and Challenge: CCM

So when he was talking to a woman in the boardroom, he
brought out that spicy CCM tone.
GUY: Cindy! You know you need us for this deal. Were the
best there is!
But then place this guy in front of a girl in a night club, and its
amazing how things change.
GUY: Oh heyyyy! Hoooww are youuuuu!
(All smiley)
You take on specific roles based on your perceived value, and
your tone of voice changes because of this.
Ultimately we want to change this headspace, reinforce that
belief that you are higher value. That is what the RSD bootcamp
and other RSD products are all about.
But again, changing belief patterns takes time.
The human mind is too smart to just intellectually trick yourself
into thinking that you are higher value than a hot woman.
There are some reframing techniques that help a lot, but
ultimately it is going to come down to real life experience to
bolster the high value mindset into your belief system.
This creates a huge problem. How do you get positive reference
experiences and good results if you dont have these high value
beliefs in the first place?
CCM is an external tweak that can push beyond how you feel
internally, no matter what headspace you are in, or your
perceived value, and get you results now.
A lot of people worry about how good they feel, and how it
affects their night. (either in state or out of state)

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Real Social Dynamics 16

The reality is that there are nights where you dont feel great.
CCM works independently of how you feel, either mentally or
physically. You can still use a COMMANDING voice, and build
immense attraction in the girl, even if you feel like crap.
I remember one time in Paris.
I had food poisoning from an unpasteurized smoothie, but I still
had a bootcamp to run, and it was time for a demo.
I felt like absolute SHIT, but I had to represent on program.
So, with hot flashes and a curdling stomach, I pushed my way
through the crowd and approached some cute little Parisian
ME: Ay! Yerr CUTE! Whats your NAME!
CCM completely locked in the attraction, and her positive
reaction made me forget about the queasiness for a while.
I rode out the attraction and within MINUTES I was making out
with the girl in front of the students.
No lines, no stupid games, no magic tricks needed, CCM takes
care of it all.
It doesnt matter if you are feeling bad, feeling nervous, or have
approach anxiety.
At the very least, the worst case scenario, the girl will be
intrigued by the dominant-sounding guy talking to her in a way
that no one else does.

Copyright 2011 Brad Branson Page 16

17 Command and Challenge: CCM


The CHALLENGE aspect of CCM takes advantage of the way that
human beings AUTOMATICALLY respond based on the tone of
voice someone uses towards them.
If you are talking to someone in PLM (Please Like Me Mode),
automatically, without even thinking about it, theyll use CCM
against you.
NERD: Hey girlllssss, you guys having funnn???
GIRLS: Not anymore. -backturn
Whereas by coming in dominant, with a strong loud CCM tone
of voice, you get the opposite effect.
PLAYER: AY! You guys having FUN.
GIRL: Oh heeeey!!! Whats uppp?! Were just hanging out,
partying it up blah blah blah
You create a dynamic where she goes into PLM, and starts
trying to get with you because of how you initiated the
Why does someone go into PLM when you approach with CCM?
People always move towards the social norm.
Think about how it would sound if everyone talked in PLM. How
bizarre would it be if everyone sounded like girly fashionistas?
Oh my god! Your shirt is soooo pritttttyyyy!!

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Real Social Dynamics 18

But more importantly, the reason CCM creates a CHALLENGING
dynamic, and forces the other person to go into PLM, is because
if both people stayed in a COMMANDING authoritative tone of
voice, the situation may become very tense.
When people encounter CCM, their normal inclination is to
respond by balancing the conversational tone by using PLM to
avoid tension.
Most people will do anything to avoid a tense moment, but
because you know that they will diffuse the tension, you can use
CCM to get them to respond in PLM.
This does a couple of cool things when you approach a woman.
Automatically the girl will now see you as comparable to every
other person that has spoken to her in that way.
Her jerk ex-boyfriend, her boss, her dad
All high value people, and people that she was attracted to. You
now fall into the same category.
On another level, by using CCM and getting her to respond in
PLM, she is automatically thinking about how she only talks in
PLM to people that are high value, and since she is talking to
you in this way, it must be because you are high value
(attractive) as well!

Copyright 2011 Brad Branson Page 18

19 Command and Challenge: CCM



How many times have you been talking to a woman, and it just
isnt going anywhere?
Its like the girl isnt even into the conversation!
The quickest fix is to GO IN HARD!
As a high value person, you shouldnt care about impressing the
girl, but you still have that initial first impression.
You want it to convey as much dominance, high value, and
alpha-ness as possible.
How do you do this?
Go in HARD!
Use strong eye contact, and be fucking loud with a CCM tone of

Copyright 2011 Brad Branson Page 19

Real Social Dynamics 20


What is the difference between CCM and just being an outright
The difference between prick and playfully dominant is the
playful smirk.
Saying YOU SUCK! with a smile completely changes the
meaning compared to just a mean YOU SUCK!
The look you want to be conveying is a mixture of scolding,
smugness, and most importantly a smirky sneakiness.
What are you sneaky about?
Its like the kid getting caught with his hand in the cookie jar, yet
naively knows he can get away with it.
But instead of stealing a cookie, you are stealing a look at her
fine body.
This is flirting, sending mixed signals to the girl. CCM does a
great job of creating that initial flirtatious sexual tension.

Copyright 2011 Brad Branson Page 20

21 Command and Challenge: CCM


How do you calibrate the amount of CCM to use when talking
with a specific girl, or in a specific environment?
The amount of CCM used is directly related to the level of
stimulus needed to pop the girls bubble.
This bubble is what historically was called the bitch shield in the
pickup community. It is the initial resistance a woman gives you
at the beginning of the interaction.
It is just a screening tool. She cant talk to every guy that
approaches her, so she has developed an auto pilot response to
screen for a high value guy.
Pop that bubble, and the interaction hooks, attraction has been
created. You have passed the initial test by showing her that
you are a cool high value dude.
Depending on the venue, the time of night, and how attractive
the girl is drastically changes the level of CCM needed to pop
the bubble.
You obviously dont want to go up to some woman in the mall
and shout:
GUY: Ay! Who are you!!!
You have to calibrate to the environment. In this situation, you
must have amore neutral tone of voice, similar to a normal
In a posh night club however, with big alpha dudes running
around and hot girls wearing skimpy outfits, its going to take a
lot more intensity to push through that initial bubble and
convey yourself as the cool high value dude that you are.

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Real Social Dynamics 22

Another calibration tip is based on how hot the girl is.
If you are talking to a sub-par girl, you dont want to make her
sad by straight yelling at her.
You already have plenty of value just by approaching.
Being more commanding, conveying more value, is only going to
make the gap even bigger.
So again, keep it flat and neutral, like a normal conversation.
But have you ever tried to approach a hot woman in a nightclub,
only to result in her giving you that face saying, Get the fuck
Or worse, she completely ignores you?!
Pop that bubble with razor sharp CCM ice daggers!
ME: Ay! YOU! GIRL! Youre cute!
You have to pop the bubble and get the girls attention.
The more stimuli in the venue, the more CCM used.
The hotter the girl, the more CCM used.
The hotter, the harsher.
In a bar or nightclub, I start EVERY interaction using CCM, erring
on the side of appearing too high value, but trying to calibrate
the intensity based on the stimulus level of the venue, and how
attractive she is.
The strong CCM usually lasts for the first 30 seconds to a few
Stay in CCM until the hook point. This is when the woman
starts adding to the conversation, and wants you to stay there.

Copyright 2011 Brad Branson Page 22

23 Command and Challenge: CCM

At this point she has realized how cool you are, and you can
transition into a more equal 50-50 ratio of talking between the
two of you.
This is the time to settle into a more neutral, conversational
tone of voice, with little spikes of CCM spiced in.

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Real Social Dynamics 24


CCM quickly puts you in that proper high value category,
allowing you to get away with saying almost anything.
I can go up to girls and just vomit words, spewing any random
You can literally say whatever comes to mind, no matter how
ridiculous it seems.
Ive also gone in full interview style, but the context of the
conversation completely changes when using CCM.
The underlying tone is almost interrogative as opposed to some
needy dude just trying to build a connection with the girl.
This flips the whole concept of what you say on its head.
You can say ANYTHING to the girl as long as its with the right
tone of voice.
Within common sense reasoning obviously!!!

For more information on vomiting words check out the
resources section at the end of this book.

Copyright 2011 Brad Branson Page 24

25 Command and Challenge: CCM


There are other ways CCM forces the girl to invest and put more
effort into the conversation.
Ill be vomiting random nonsensical conversation and at some
point shell say something that catches my attention.
A nicely placed REALLY?! in CCM gets her chasing you, it
places you even further into a high value authoritative role,
while getting her to invest more into the interaction.
Heres an example:
GIRL: Yeah, I was riding my bike down this crazy steep
mountain an
GIRL: Yeah, it was a lot of fun, I was with my friends and it was
kind of dangerous becaus
GIRL: Yeah, I mean blah blah blah
(Audio Clip #3):

For more information on investment check out the resources
section at the end of this book.

Copyright 2011 Brad Branson Page 25

Real Social Dynamics 26


Earlier it was explained how CCM isnt dependent on how you
feel, and it can help you transition into a better state of mind
once you get a good response from the woman you are talking
Also, in general, just using a commanding voice feels good as a
man. It is authoritative and all men have that alpha dominant
side to them. You call out a girl, and it feels good.
Having problems being dominant?
Use CCM.

Copyright 2011 Brad Branson Page 26

27 Command and Challenge: CCM


Once you remove the tonality blind spot, you will begin to
notice this new form of communication EVERYWHERE.
It opens your eyes to a new sub-language of human interaction.
A silent medium where social value is CONSTANTLY being
Every single interaction that takes place between two people
involves this tonality-value matrix, and it is the most blatant
indicator of who has more value.
Here are a few examples:
I have a friend who has great tonality. Hes just a cool laidback
dude, and knows how to have a good time.
But what happens when his girlfriend calls him on the phone?
FRIEND: Ohhh heeeyyyy hunnnnie, how are youuuuuuu???!!
His tone of voice completely shifts into PLM. Who do you think
wears the pants in that relationship?
Be conscious of your tone of voice even on the phone, a shift to
CCM can drastically change your results in phone game.
Look at how customer service people talk to you. They are
always in PLM because they are trying to please you, aiming for
the big tip.
Ever wonder why every news broadcaster sounds exactly the

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Real Social Dynamics 28

Its because they always use a COMMANDING tone of voice
when they deliver the news. People want their news delivered
authoritatively, decisively, and it all comes down to the
broadcasters tonality.


Once you become conscious of this value matrix, its easy to go
into super analytical mode, constantly analyzing yourself and
This might be good for a week or two, but relax. Most of the
time you wont need to worry if you are in CCM or PLM. Men
naturally talk in a neutral to COMMANDING range.
Its only when you slip up, usually due to an unconscious self
perceived change in your value, that you fall into PLM.
When you approach an average looking girl, youll probably be
just fine. But with that super hottie, thats when you might
accidentally switch into PLM.
But its good to be conscious of this, because you can then
switch back!
Time to bring the CCM ice!
Use CCM to supercharge your results now, and as you start
getting better results, and gaining more positive life
experiences, something interesting will happen.
Its the best part of the whole process! This is how mindsets
turn into beliefs!

Copyright 2011 Brad Branson Page 28

29 Command and Challenge: CCM

As you start getting better results with women, and internalizing
that you ARE high value, you will begin to use CCM
automatically. It is your default way of speaking to someone
you perceive as lower value!
Just as the boss/dad/policeman/professor doesnt need to
consciously think about being authoritative when they interact
with others, once you internalize the proper mindsets, you
wont have to worry about it either.
Now go out and COMMAND & CHALLENGE!
Thanks for reading this e-book, and for subscribing to the blog.
If you received this e-book from a friend, please check out my
site at
There is a veritable LIBRARY of material that will not only
increase your success with women, but your success with LIFE!

Copyright 2011 Brad Branson Page 29

Real Social Dynamics 30

As of 2011, Brad Branson has been an international dating
coach with the leading dating company Real Social Dynamics for
over 2 years.
Through his own success and teaching experience, he has
taught HUNDREDS of men how to create the dating life they
Hes coached in over 35 countries on 4 continents, developing
universal patterns that ANYONE can apply, no matter what city,
age, or income bracket they come from.
His website is one of the top dating
advice blogs in the world, with a high level of interactivity
between himself and his readers.
Coining the phrase Lifestyle Development, his motivation is to
focus on all aspects of your life.
What is Lifestyle Development?
Its personal development on steroids.

Lifestyle development incorporates every aspect of your life, from going up
and talking to that girl across the room, training hard in the gym, eating
healthy, honing your entrepreneurial nature, traveling the world, and being
a man of stories. is dedicated to creating the ultimate life, to making your
reality and the experiences you have as kick ass as possible.

Through each article, youll see my own journey, the process I use to teach
my clients, and how you can incorporate the concepts into your own

Be the man of stories, James Bond without the spy shit, Pierce Brosnan in
the Thomas Crown Affair, or the next Richard Branson.

Personal Development is so 2000s, Lifestyle Development is for the 2010s.

Copyright 2011 Brad Branson Page 30

31 Command and Challenge: CCM


How to Talk to Girls and Never Run Out of Things to Say
The Million Dollar Mouthpiece: Learn to Vomit Words
Get HUGE Returns! (How to Get the Girl to Invest)

Copyright 2011 Brad Branson Page 31

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