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Ecological architecture

Course coordinator conf. dr. arh. Mihai Opreanu

Specialty optional project for year V
Second semester/ 20132014
1. Objectives
Testing the assimilation of basic and specialized professional skills by means of
an individual work project, integrating various aspects of current architecture
practice, offering a coherent and pragmatic response to the chosen case study
defined by the program. It is intended for this project to integrate the
architectural and technological vision of the proposition into the sustainable
development criteria of human-build environment.
2. The project
There is a choice from the following subjects:
ISOVER MultiComfort House Students Contest, Edition 2014: School of
tomorrow Gaziantep ;
sustainable intervention on an object of patrimonial value (the cave assemble
Basarabi; Curtea Domneasc (the old
court) from Bucharest; the protection and revitalization of archeological sites
a sustainable intervention that promotes cultural and ecological values of the
assembles/ architectural objects (natural areas or protected sites);
project for a high rise building (office tower, hotel, etc);
experimental theatre;
other themes proposed by students are allowed as long as they meet the
general theme but only if it was previously discussed with the teacher and/or
the class assistants and it was agreed upon.
3. Content
In the general theme context defined by the specific problem of the current
generation, that of intelligent architecture, energy efficient and ecological
compatible, there is a certain degree of freedom in the students choices. As it
is, the program will be proposed by the students, with the tutors agreement. The
project will include applicative research, furthering the studies on various issues
discussed in the specialty courses attended previously, especially those of
Construction physics and Architectural eco-technology using practical training in
planning for execution. The project will have to include the quality assessment
of the obtained conditions versus the normed performance criteria.
As such, the study will be composed in three stages, as it follows:
Stage 1: Preliminary research
a. preliminary information on basic program and the choosing of intervention

b. research regarding innovative systems and technologies with high level of

specialization like
systems and parts of systems for prefabricated industrialized construction, for
new buildings or rehabilitation of existing ones, special technological
interventions, unique in character, rehabilitations, integration of renewable
energy sources and energy saving solutions; green building design; research
in normed criteria for lighting, heating and ventilation systems, acoustics, safety
: bioclimatic buildings, smart buildings or with special integrated structural
systems, etc. the documentation will be closely related in accordance with the
chose program.
Stage 2: Before-hand Study
This is meant to be the equivalent of the basic content of an architecture
contest together with a first stage of licensing procedure ( Feasibility study,
without the economic part of it).
Stage 3: the developing of the study
It shall be developed, for a certain part of the proposed object, reaching the
level of technical detail project and architectural brief. The project will
incorporate, in an coherent and unitary solution, the specific requirements from
other specialties involved and will be able to include the making of specialized
pieces such as equipping and structural drawings.
The project will be made individually or in groups of maximum 4 students,
depending of the particularities of the chosen subject. In specific cases, for more
complex projects larger groups can be accepted, by common agreement with
the tutors.
To facilitate the communication all students are required to subscribe to the
yahoo group Arhitectura Ecologica 2014 by sending a mail to arh
4. Project contents:
Stage 1: Preliminary research
In class there will be open talks with each group regarding the choice of the
base program and the content of the documentation.
A CD or DVD will be requested with the following contents:
- Base program
- Table of contents with documentation- editable in .doc format
- Explanation of documentation and choice of solutions- also in .doc format
- Selection of documentation relevant in regard with choice of program
Stage 2: Before-hand Study
Map of A3 size and CD/DVD with following contents:
the definition and motivation of the program and of the chosen site
(description of the architecture program and propose functions, functional

the analysis of the site (bioclimatic studies- solar control, natural light; urban
studies, opportunities, all of which will be shown with conclusions)
Illustration of the interventions concept of sustainability
a. eco compatible intervention principles resulting from previous studies
b. functional, ambiental control and intervention strategies represented through
schemes, relations, technological choices, equipment, etc (ex. Google search
image: architecture
sustainability diagram)
c. evaluation proposition of project sustainability (LEED, BREEAM,etc.). Using
spherical diagrams the following will be presented using a notation system going
from +3 to -3: the air and atmospheric impact (climatic factors, stored energy,
used energy, minimization of energy loss, using energy from renewable sources,
transport/mobility); water impact, soil impact, flora and fauna impact, cultural
factors impact, human impact, community impact (see anex 1)
the drawn pieces needed to completely and clearly express the layout and
solution be they generic or specific
Stage 3: the developing of the study
The final deadline will be accompanied by an oral presentation of the projects on
19th may 2014 starting at 10.00 AM. The following pieces are mandatory:
Written parts:
architectural presentation
Drawn parts:
presentation of the projects sustainability concept
area plan sc. 1:2000
site plan sc. 1:500 / 1:1000
ground floor plan sc. 1:100 / 1:200
different level plans sc. 1:50 / 1:100
characteristic sections sc. 1:50 / 1:100
facades sc. 1:50 / 1:100
details of joining (plan, section and view) sc. 1:20
three (3) specific details (1 detail = a subassembly determined by at least two
orthogonal projections) (sc. 1:10 or 1:5, depending on the detailing need)
Note: all pieces will be paged on A2 landscape. There are exceptions when
A1 landscape is admitted only if the dimension of the project cant be done
otherwise. The drawings will be saved and delivered digitally as .pdf or .jpg. by
neglecting to do so will cause an one point deduction from the final grade.
5. Evaluation method:
The content and quality of the activity during class will be noted by the tutors in
the students individual chart. The final evaluation consists in the presentation
of the work made by the students.
the promotion of this project is conditioned by having at least 6 discussions for
each student;
the project that best fits the objectives will be featured in the magazine Igloo

6. Project schedule:
17.02.2014 (week 1) official launch of project and group forming
24.02.2014 (week 2) class discussions
03.03.2014 (week 3) deadline and presentation stage 1- preliminary research
10.03.2014 (week 4) class discussions
17.03.2014 (week 5) class discussions
24.03.2014 (week 6) deadline and presentation stage 2- before hand study
31.03.2014 (week 7) class discussions
07.04.2014 (week 8) class discussions
14.04.2014 (week 9) class discussions
21.04.2014 02.05.2014 break for practice activities
05.05.2014 (week 10) class discussions
12.05.2014 (week 11) class discussions
19.05.2014 (week 12) deadline and presentation stage 3- the developing of the
VII. Minimal bibliography:
CROWTHER, Richard L., ECOLOGIC ARCHITECTURE, ButtrworthHeinemann
SLESSOR, Catherine, ECO TECH, Sustainable Architecture and High
Thames and Hudson;
IN EUROPE, Design, Performance and Evaluation, PrismPress1991
Note: generally the bibliography of the courses in Construction Physics and
Architectural eco technology. In particular, the finding and selecting of
bibliographic reference adequate for the specific studied case is an obligation of
the student and it represents an evaluation criteria of the present work

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