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Crystal Grids for Karmic Upliftment, Energetic Balance, and Dream Healing

By: Certified Crystal Healer Ashley Leavy

Karma is the Universal/Cosmic Law of Divine Justice. It holds you accountable

for your actions, whether they are good or bad. Basically, you will receive
what you send out to the Universe. Your past lives can affect your current
karma. Past lives are previous incarnations in which your soul lived in another
time and/or place in another physical body. It may be necessary to heal past
lives because it can help you to deal with negativity in this life that has been
carried over from previous lives (and from the karma, which attached to the
psychic body, resulting from the souls choices in these lives). By healing
negativity in your past lives, you can move forward along the path of healing
in your current life.

Using crystals during meditation to heal past lives can be done by holding
them in the hands or against the 6th chakra (Third Eye/Brow Chakra).
Crystals have the ability (when combined with a clear intent) to clear etheric
blockages by opening and balancing your energy system. A crystal grid can
also be utilized during meditation to release negativity from your past lives.

I have created several wonderful crystal healing layouts/gridding systems for

energetic balance and past life healing.

The first crystal healing layout is in the form of the Buddhist Wheel of the
Dharma. It is suggested that his grid be made entirely of double-terminated
Tibetan Quartz. Although the Tibetan Quartz are most compatible for this
exercise, it is not necessary that they be used (other stones may be
substituted if you intuitively feel that they would be more helpful in the given
situation). I have found that this crystal layout is best used for Karmic Release
during a past life ascension healing session.

The grid should be laid out upon and around the client's body (with the center
of the Wheel placed at the heart), or on a picture of the person (or group of
people) to be healed. The grid can be as large or small as you like and there
is no particular number of crystals that needs to be used.

The goal of clearing karma and releasing past life trauma is ascension.
Ascension is the evolution of your conscious awareness. By raising your
energy vibration (through positive actions and thought/intentions) you are
able to advance your state of awareness and move further down the path of
spiritual awakening.

The second grid is based upon the Sanskrit symbols for each of the chakras
and should be used for general chakra healing and energetic balance. In this
crystal healing grid, the Sanskrit chakra symbols are created out of crystals
and placed on the appropriate chakra of the body.

The last grid that I have created is intended for dream healing. Crystals that
are useful in dream healing include Herkimer Diamonds, Moonstones,
Celestite, and Moldavite. These stones can be used under the pillow, or in
grid formations within the dreamers bed or bedroom.

Herkimer Diamonds help one to fully tap into his or her astral body and to
have control over it while in ones dream consciousness. They facilitate the
journey and are invaluable for this type of work.

Moonstones are beneficial for those attempting lucid dreaming, or a state in

which our conscious awareness is present during astral travel. This state of
dreaming can be beneficial because it allows one to direct a dream in order to
receive guidance according to his or her desired agenda.

Celestite facilitates communication between ones consciousness and higher

spiritual beings. Using this stone for dream healing can help one in receiving
insights and guidance from those in the astral plane.

Finally, Moldavite can assist one in dream journeying. This stone will take one
where few others can. With this crystal, the ride may be fast and bumpy
(always with good reason), so hold on tight! When using this stone for dream
work, it is imperative to also utilize a grounding stone such as Hematite or
Red Jasper so that it is not difficult for the dream consciousness to return to
the body and resume being ones waking conscious awareness.

If using these stones in grid formations, one should be creative. Stones can
be placed in the corners of the room, in each of the four directions, one each
to represent the twelve houses of the zodiac, in a circle around ones bed, or
in any other formation one so chooses.

*Crystal Healing is not meant to replace conventional medicine, but rather to

compliment and enhance it. The information within this guide is purely
metaphysical in nature and is by no means medical. Crystal Healing should
only be used with the understanding that it is not an independent therapy,
but one that is a part of a holistic healing approach.

Certified Crystal Healer Ashley Leavy

Founder & Educational Director of the love & Light School of Energy Medicine
Phone: (630) 254-4685
Love & Light School of Energy Medicine
Mimosa Books & Gifts Online Shop

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