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Iris Soto
Art Gutierrez
UL 100D
February 1, 2015

Part 1: The topic I will research is vaccinations.
Part 2: I decided to choose my vaccination as my topic because there is a lot of
surrounding them. There are many people throughout the
United States that choose not to
vaccinate their children due to many
different reasons. I want to conduct a research to see if
the benefits of
vaccinating children outweigh the cons. I want to find out if the vaccinations are
safe for children and not just the community as a whole.
Part 3: Are vaccinations safe for children?
Part 4: concept map is on page 2
Part 5: outline is on page 3

1) Introduction
a) I will define vaccination.
b) I will inform the reader with background information about vaccines.
c) I will state my research question.
2) Body
a) Benefits of vaccinating children
i) I will speak about good health to yourself, community, and country
present and future generations.
ii) I will speak about vaccines saving unborn childrens, childrens and
elderly lives.
iii) I will discuss the eradications vaccines has had on a couple diseases in
the United States and the planet.
b) Economical savings
i) I will speak about the medical saving vaccines have.
ii) I will talk about the savings in cost for parents.
iii) I will inform the reader about the time it saves parents from missing work.
c) Negative side effects
i) I will talk about the harmful ingredients vaccines have.
ii) I will inform the readers about the side effects of vaccinations can have
and the probability of the side effects.
iii) I will speak about the religious views on vaccinations.
3) Conclusion
a) I will come back to the benefit mains points.
b) I will revisit the economical main points.
c) I will go back to the negative side effect main points.
d) I will make my final statement and answer my research question.

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