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2) United States Patent Shaikh 'US00703583081 (10) Patent No.: US 7,035,830 B1 4s) Date of Patent: ‘Apr. 25, 2006 (54) METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR REMOTE, FILING AND RECORDATION OF DOCUMENTS Inventor: Mohammed Nasar S. Shaikh, 525 Borsian Way, Santa Barbara, CA (US) 93109 6) (4) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 USC. 1540) by 0 days. ey @y 6) Appl. No, Filed Int. Cl. GOOF 17/60 09/562,808, May 1, 2000 (200601) (2) USC. ‘05/82; 705/67: 708775 ‘FAB! 70; 713/176; 713/178 Field of Classification Seareh 708/52, "705/67, 75, 7; T1¥176, 178, 170, 15S See application fle for complete search history. (8) 66) References Cited USS. PATENT DOCUMENTS. 586.656 A * 1/1996 Zaybel Je 82.219 BI * 1/2001 Feld etl 85.689 BI © 22001 Ginter eral, FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS. osisi7¢ 319907 ansars 176 713175, ® (OTHER PUBLICATIONS Bleet illinford, 3, “Suevey of Info 23, 1993 Markott, J. “Experimenting... . Cipher”, an, 1992.* * cited by examiner Primary Esaminer—DeasT. Neuyen (74) Attorney, Agent, oF Firm—Randall L. Rood on A document filing method and system is disclosed hat tized has user interface display connected server in lecirnie communication with atleast one remote compute engine with URL capability, the server being adapted 10 receive and display an clecironie copy of a document submitted from a remote location for fling with the user of the server, an electronic stamping apparatus adapted 10 jmpart an electronic stamp on the submitted document responsive t© a user input through the user interface, a database in electronic communication with the server and the wer interface i adapted to store the document after the electronic stamp is imparted to the document; and s com- ‘munication device is adapted to transmit an electronic eopy fof the dacument to the submitter with electronic stamp imparted to the elevtronie copy of the document. The electronic stamp ean indicate that the document is accepted or rejected. The system ean provide for an electronic fee payment mechanism. A security mechanism includes Timi ing the software for imparting the electronic stamp to the electronic copy of the document being filed to running on the server only, without upload to any other compute engine, And limiting access tothe server to atleast one authorized ‘user uniguely identified to the server prioe to use of the clectronie stamp. Assuring authenticity of the clectronie stamp by sloring the electronic document in a form that Timits access and/or modification, ABSTRACT 26 Claims, Drawing Sheets oO

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