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DECEMBER 9, 2014
A meeting of the Council of the Village of Greenhills was called to order on Tuesday, December
9, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor David Moore. Present were: Mayor Moore, and Messrs. Glenn
Drees, Jeff Halter, Greg Hermes, and Jack Lee, and Ms. Melanie Brokaw and Maria Waltherr.
Also present was: Municipal Manager Evonne Kovach.
Without objection, Municipal Manager Evonne Kovach was appointed to serve as Acting Clerk
of Council for Clerk of Council Kathy Lives.
A prayer was led by Mr. Drees after which the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United
States of America was recited.
1. ORDINANCE NO. 2014-14-F
Ordinance Approving the Greenhills Annual Temporary Appropriations for 2015 was
read in full by Mr. Drees.
Mr. Drees moved, seconded by Mr. Hermes, to suspend the rules requiring reading the
ordinance two times on two separate occasions. Motion carried by voice vote.
Mr. Drees moved to adopt, seconded by Mr. Hermes.
Finance Director Matt Sanders provided an explanation of the temporary appropriations,
stating this supplemental is decreasing revenue projections that were made for the 2014
appropriations based on estimated revenues.
Drees Pointed out that a small amount will be transferred to the Non-Voted Debt Fund
due to the sale of real estate in 2014.
Voting as follows: Aye Brokaw, Drees, Halter, Hermes, Lee and Waltherr; No
Ordinance No. 2014-14-F adopted 6-0 by roll call vote.
2. ORDINANCE NO. 2014-15-F

Village of Greenhills
Council Meeting/Work Session
December 9, 2014
Ordinance Making Supplemental Appropriations was read in full by Mr. Drees.
Mr. Drees moved, seconded by Ms. Brokaw, to suspend the rules requiring reading the
ordinance two times on two separate occasions. Motion carried by voice vote.
Mr. Drees moved to adopt, seconded by Ms. Brokaw.
Drees This temporary ordinance covers the beginning of 2015 to allow time to close out
2014 and hopefully minimize the number of supplemental appropriations in 2015.
Voting as follows: Aye Brokaw, Drees, Halter, Hermes, Lee and Waltherr; No
Ordinance No. 2014-15-F adopted 6-0 by roll call vote.
3. RESOLUTION NO. 2014-41-F
Authorizing the Municipal Manager to Enter Into an Agreement with Suggs Properties,
LLC, Regarding Consulting Services for the Greenhills Golf Course was read in full by
Mr. Drees.
Mr. Drees moved to adopt, seconded by Mr. Hermes.
Hermes The administration worked with Mr. Joel Suggs to arrive at these contract
renewal terms. Last season, revenues were down and expenses increased. Because of this,
said contract keeps compensation to Suggs Properties at the same amount of $32,000, but
from this amount, the village will deduct monthly golf course expenses.
Voting as follows: Aye Brokaw, Drees, Halter, Hermes, Lee and Waltherr; No
Resolution No. 2014-41-F adopted 6-0 by roll call vote.
4. RESOLUTION NO. 2014-42-F
Authorizing the Municipal Manager to Enter Into a Swimming Pool Agreement and
Maintenance Agreement with SwimSafe Pool Management, Inc. was read in full by Mr.
Mr. Drees moved to adopt, seconded by Mr. Hermes.
Hermes This continues the services performed by SwimSafe Pool Management, Inc. in
the form of a renewed three-year contract in the amount of $128,515.00. The quoted
contract amount is the same as the 2014 cost which includes the snack bar management
(with two extra hours) and the extra weekends. SwimSafe proposes to hold the contract

Village of Greenhills
Council Meeting/Work Session
December 9, 2014
amount for three years. This is an awesome opportunity for the village to hold expenses
for the pool in light of decreasing revenues.
Voting as follows: Aye Brokaw, Drees, Halter, Hermes, Lee and Waltherr; No
Resolution No. 2014-42-F adopted 6-0 by roll call vote.
5. RESOLUTION NO. 2014-43-F
Authorizing the Status of the Position of Finance Director from Hourly to Salaried and
Establishing Compensation was read in full by Mr. Drees.
Mr. Drees moved to adopt, seconded by Ms. Waltherr.
Drees This makes the Finance Director a salaried position and establishes
compensation. The resolution is in order and adoption is recommended.
Voting as follows: Aye Brokaw, Drees, Halter, Hermes, Lee and Waltherr; No
Resolution No. 2014-43-F adopted 6-0 by roll call vote.
Mr. Halter moved, seconded by Ms. Brokaw, to amend the agenda to include workshop
discussions. Motion carried by voice vote.
Streets and Services Committee - Waltherr

The Streets and Services Committee will meet on December 29, 2014 at 9:00 a.m.

Finance and Audit Committee - Drees

Negotiations continue on the property and casualty insurance renewal.

Due to inclement weather, Light Up Greenhills was rescheduled from December 5, 2014
to December 12, 2014. The Greenhills Historical Society will be open during the event.

Municipal Manager - Kovach

Ms. Kathy Fisher, who purchased property from the village, has now paid the debt in full.

Community Development - Halter

Village of Greenhills
Council Meeting/Work Session
December 9, 2014

In preparation for the upcoming Council Retreat, requested members of Council to

identify areas for cost savings or new revenue sources. Mayor Moore, Councilman Drees
and Municipal Manager Kovach will coordinate the agenda and time for the retreat.

Village of Greenhills
Council Meeting/Work Session
December 9, 2014
Laws and Rules Committee Lee

The Laws and Rules Committee will meet in January to discuss changes to the Employee
Manual and amendments to the vicious dog ordinance.

The Council meeting of December 23, 2014 may be cancelled due to a lack of agenda items.
With no further business forthcoming, the work session adjourned at 7:30 p.m.


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