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Jackson Pollock

Jenica Quiroz
Junior Division
Website Category

Why I chose this topic:

For National History Day, I chose Jackson Pollock. I wanted a topic that I would be interested at.
I looked for topics in music, art, actor, etc. I saw Jackson Pollock's name while I was researching
and decided to research more about him. I found out that he had legacies that impacted art back
then and now. He also showed leadership through his achievements. I looked at some of his
paintings and thought they were very interesting. He had a unique way of painting that made him
important in modern art.
How I conducted my research:
I started my research at school. I was given different sources to use from the librarian, Mr.
Mitchell. He had a list of sources in his website to use and told us what information can be found
in them. I found all my research online. I did not look for books, because I was able to find
enough information online.
There were many kinds of sources online that I found for my research. The two sources I used
the most are Gale and Salem Press. In Gale and Salem Press, I only needed to search for my
topic and many documents would show up. Gale was helpful, because it had some primary
sources. Salem Press had many biographies and books. These sources both had many secondary
sources. I had to find facts from the sources and write it on my notecards.
How I developed my research:
I had many problems doing research about Jackson Pollock. I think researching is the most
difficult part. I could not find enough primary sources about him. I had a hard time finding the
original source. It was also difficult finding different secondary sources. Most of the secondary
sources I found were very similar. There were a lot of biographies. Also, I did not get an
interview with an expert, because the people I e-mailed never replied back. I eventually stopped
asking for an interview.

How my project relates to the theme:

This years Contest Theme is Leadership and Legacy. I found that Jackson Pollock showed
leadership and had a legacy. He showed leadership by having an important role in the Abstract
Expressionism Movement. He had a big impact in modern art, because of his achievements. His
legacy influenced many artists back then and now. He opened the door for performance artists
that used a similar way of painting and they performed in front of an audience. Also, he changed
peoples viewpoint about art after his drip paintings. His paintings were very abstract. He was
able to express his emotions through his paintings.
(439 words)

Annotated Bibliography
Primary Sources


INSIGHT INTO THE ARTIST'S PROCESS."InsideOut. MoMA, 17 Apr. 2013. Web.
27 Oct. 2014. <>.
This source is an article based on real information so it is a primary source. In this article, the
author has many photographs of Jackson Pollock painting and descriptions of his paintings. The
picture of Jackson Pollock shows his emotions as he is painting and how focused he is. He
frowns and looked serious. I can use this article to describe the techniques he used and how his
style is different from other artists.
Harrison, Helen. "Through a Glass Brightly: Jackson Pollock in His Own Words." The
New York Times. The New York Times, 14 Nov. 1998. Web. 24 Nov. 2014.
This source is a newspaper from 1998 which makes it a primary source. This newspaper is about
interviews and narrations Pollock has done. Pollocks radio interview is about his painting in a
glass technique. It also has a photograph of Pollock painting in a glass. I can use this interview to
know more about his personality and how he it can show leadership.
Jackson Pollock Documentary. Kim Evans, 1987. Film.
This source is a documentary about Jackson Pollock by Kim Evans. In the documentary, some of
his relatives talk about how he was when he was younger. Elizabeth Pollock said that Pollock has
a flashing smile that could manipulate people. They state his heroes and influences growing up.
It also explains how he got into art. I can use this information to have different views about from
people close to him and know a lot about him.
"Jackson Pollock." Biography in Context. Gale, 12 Dec. 1998. Web. 24 Nov. 2014.
This source is a biography about Jackson Pollock that was published in 1998 which makes it a
primary source. This is about Jackson Pollocks life before and during being an artist. It talks
about his early work which was studying or attending exhibitions. It states the classic period
when his paintings matured. This information can be used to know more about what he went
through in his life.
"Jackson Pollock 1956." Jackson Pollock 1956. C.T. Evans, 27 Dec. 2011. Web. 26 Oct.
2014. <>.
This source is an article that was published in 1956 which makes it a primary source. The author
talks about Jackson Pollock being the key figure in the development of the Abstract
Expressionist movement along with other artists like Willem de Kooning, Franz Kline, and Mark

Rothko. This document has a timeline of important events in Pollocks life which is very useful.
It also states how he developed his paintings. I can use this to have more background knowledge
about Jackson Pollocks career.
"Jackson Pollock: Is He the Greatest Living Painter in the United States?" Biography in
Context. Life, 8 Aug. 1949. Web. 25 Nov. 2014.
This source is a magazine article from Life magazine that was published at 1949 which makes it
a primary source. It mostly describes Jackson Pollocks life as a painter. It has dialogues of him
talking about how he paints and what his techniques are. He explains why he paints a specific
way. He works on the floor with him standing and painting. I can use this information to prove
his significance in art, by showing one of the first articles about him.
Namuth, Hans. "Pollock in Action: The Making of a Drip Painting." Media Player.
SFMOMA, 1 Jan. 1950. Web. 24 Nov. 2014.
This source is a footage from the time period that was taken by Hans Namuth which makes it a
primary source. This video shows Jackson Pollocks technique in painting. It also shows his
facial expressions when he paints. He talks about what he thinks of painting this certain way. I
can use this information to describe his legacy through his technique.
Nemser, Cindy. "Art and Life of Lee Krasner." Biography in Context. Gale, 1 Jan. 1956.
Web. 24 Nov. 2014.
This source is an interview and an article that was taken during Pollocks time period which
makes it a primary source. This article talks about Lee Krasner life as an artist and a wife to
Pollock. It describes her and Pollocks marriage and how that changed her and her art. It also has
an interview about her art. I plan to use this information to see who may have influenced Jackson
Pollocks art.
"Number 1, 1950 (Lavender Mist)." Explore This Work. National Gallery of Art, n.d. Web.
26 Oct. 2014.

This source is an article that was from the time period which makes it a primary source. The
author of this page describes what peoples reactions were when his paintings debuted in New
York in 1948 and how his method was developed. There is a picture of one of Pollocks painting
which I can use as an example of his drip paintings. It also states how his paintings titles dont
relate to his paintings obviously. I can use this to explain his contribution to modernism in the art
"SFMOMA | Jackson Pollock's Lucifer." San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.
SFMOMA, 1 July 2003. Web. 24 Nov. 2014.
This source is an interactive feature and the Museum of Modern Art worked with Pollock before
which makes it a primary source. This interactive feature has some of Pollocks paintings. It
describes how his paintings changed over time. It also shows what the critics think of him. I plan
to use this information to know more about the feedback he got about his art throughout his
Tuchman, Phyllis. "Jackson Pollack: Modernism's Shooting Star." Student Research
Center. Ebscohost, n.d.
Web. 26 Oct. 2014. <
This source is an article that was published during the time period which makes it a primary
source. It describes his life from being poor into becoming a painter at New York. This article by
Phyllis Tuchman describes Jackson Pollocks career being influenced by other artists like Diego
Rivera and his painting styles. This has information about who influenced him as an artist which
is very important for my research. I can use this article to give a better understanding of his
involvement in exhibitions and other art events that gave him more opportunities.

Secondary Sources
Baughman, Judith. "Jackson Pollock." Biography in Context. Gale, 16 Dec. 1998. Web. 26
Oct. 2014.

This source is a biography that is not from a person from the time period which makes it
secondary. In this biography about Jackson Pollock, the author points out the important events
that happened in his life and how Pollocks interest in art increased as he studied. This document
provided me with more information about Jackson Pollocks early life up until he died in a car
accident. He also battled alcoholism and depression. I can use this biography to show the
audience what Pollock achieved as an artist and how he got there.
Culley, LouAnn. "Abstract Expressionism."Salem History. Salem, 1 Jan. 2005. Web. 24
Nov. 2014. <
This source is an article that is published in 2005 which makes it a secondary source. This article
defines abstract expressionism. It talks about what the influences are and who are the supporters.
It also explains its impact in the art world. Jackson Pollock contributed to his movement. I plan
to use this to know more of what he helped lead.
Day, Frank. "Rosenberg Defines Action Painting." Salem History. Salem, 1 Dec. 1952.
Web. 25 Nov. 2014.
This source is an article and is a summary of a news about Pollock which makes it a secondary
source. It summarizes how Rosenberg got the idea of action painting. It states how he met
Pollock and other abstract artists. He was one of the people who helped Pollock get famous. I
plan to use this to know more about Pollocks technique and how he got famous for it.
Fischer, Jack. "Jackson Pollock's Breakthrough Pushed Art past Symbols."Student
Research Center. Ebscohost, 22 Feb. 2001. Web. 24 Nov. 2014.
This source is from a newspaper but is not from the time period which makes it a secondary
source. This news is about the movie Pollock that is based on his life and art. This film is
played by Ed Harris. It explains the importance of Pollocks breakthrough. I can use this
information to have background knowledge about the film Pollock.
Herczyriski, Andrzej. "Painting with Drops, Jets, and Sheets." Physics Today. Web. 24
Nov. 2014. <

This source is an article based on information from other sources which makes it a secondary
source. This article focuses on the aspects of the drip painting technique of Jackson Pollock. It
explains his method in deploying paint. It also describes his three dimensions of painting. I plan
to use this information to explain how his paintings influenced the modern art.
Jackson, Kenneth. "De Kooning, Willem."Biography in Context. Gale, 1 Jan. 2002. Web. 24
Nov. 2014.
This document is from an encyclopedia and it was not made during Pollocks time period which
makes it a secondary source. This document talks about Willem de Koonings, Pollocks mentor,
life. It describes how he started pursuing art. It also states what he has achieved as a painter. I
plan to use this, by describing Pollocks mentor and how he was influenced by him.
Jankauskas, Jennifer. "Jackson Pollock." Biography in Context. Gale, 2 May 2013. Web. 26
Oct. 2014.
This article is published in 2013 which is not near the time period which makes it a secondary
source. Jennifer Jankauskas explains how Jackson Pollock developed action painting and the
reason why he is considered as a modern artist. He also joined the Federal Arts Project where he
has his first exhibition. This document talks about his action painting being the cornerstone of
the abstract expressionist art movement, which he started. I can use this to explain why Jackson
Pollock is a leader in the art world, even now, through his discoveries.
Miller, Dodie Marie. "Art Movements."Salem History. Salem, 1 Jan. 2010. Web. 24 Nov.
2014. <
This source is an article written in 2010 which makes it a secondary source. This article explains
how WWII helped shift the art world to United States of America. It also talks about the abstract
expressionism movement at this time. It describes how other artists helped during this
movement, like Theodoros Stamos, Jackson Pollock, James Brooks, etc. I plan to use this
information to know more about Pollocks friends and rivals.
Namuth, Hans. Jackson Pollock in Front of One of His Works, from Jackson Pollock:

Energy Made Visible by B.H. Friedman (McGraw-Hill). Jackson Pollock in Front of

One of His Works, from Jackson Pollock: Energy Made Visible by B.H. Friedman
(McGraw-Hill). Library of Congress. Web. 24 Nov. 2014.
This source is a photograph by Hans Namuth and is not the original which makes it a secondary
source. Jackson Pollock is in front of one of his paintings. It shows Pollock with a cigarette in his
mouth. He does not smile in this photograph. I plan to use this as a visual of what Pollock looked
Pollock, Jackson. Number 1, 1950 (Lavender Mist). Explore This Work. National Gallery
of Art. Web. 24 Nov. 2014.
This source is an image of one of Pollocks famous paintings and this is not the original which
makes it a secondary source. The main idea is to show one of his works. It shows the techniques
he used to paint this painting. It also shows how his paintings are titled. I plan to use this as an
example of his work.
Seed, John. "What Makes a Jackson Pollock Painting Worth Millions?" The Huffington
Post., 2 Feb. 2014. Web. 22 Oct. 2014.
This article is based on other information which makes it secondary. In this article, John Seed
gave an idea about how Jackson Pollocks technique in painting was different from other artists
and making his paintings worth millions of dollars. I was surprised by how much money people
paid for his paintings and it made me realize how he changed the art world. It also described
others thoughts about Pollock. I can use this information to give the audience more background
about why Jackson Pollock is admired and envied by many people.
"Thomas Hart Benton." Biography in Context. Gale, 1 Jan. 1990. Web. 24 Nov. 2014.
This source is an article that is not from the time period which makes it a secondary source.
Thomas Benton is one of Pollocks mentor and friend. This document talks about his pursuit in
art. It describes how he got famous and his life as an artist. I plan to use this information to show
how Pollock was influenced by him.
Usborne, David. "Portrait of the Artist: The Life and Art of Jackson Pollock." The
Independent. Independent

Digital News and Media, 4 Nov. 2006. Web. 22 Oct. 2014.

This source is an article that was published in 2006 which makes it a secondary source. David
Usborne, the author of the article, describes Jackson Pollocks life as he became more popular
and how the events in his life affected his art. This article has dialogues when Jackson Pollock
was interviewed about his paintings that will be useful for my project. It also has information
about how much his paintings were sold. I can use this article to describe to the audience
Jackson Pollocks process in painting and how he became popular.

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