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Walters How it’s Possible Twas Denies I wanted to be friends with the “cool” girls. Their names were Stephanie and Danielle gad they were pretty, popular, and I was determined to be their friend jl WO WAS There was another gir! in our class, Amanda ite the opposite with bigjbuck teeth and fizzy aha) blondghaiigshe didn’t have many friends. I will never forget Hany yp at recess “mm of i “friends” called her over to where we were playing and eveeliy asked her if they ead comb her hair. Feeling excited about this prospeoy/Amanda quickly said yes. I watched, homified, as Stephanie and Danielle pulled a comb they had found from the mud and proceeded to comb it through her hair. When Amanda realized what they were doing, she ran away, crying and devastated. That day went home crying to my mom. I didn’t know if was angrier at these ‘ girls, who I had so wanted as “fiend or at myself for not standing up fortis poor gil. That is the first experience in my life that made me ponder gwthe Atonement of Jesus Christ Thave experienced a little more life since then, and at times in my life have had a deeper % understanding oe the Atonement and its eftstgh. my life. Each time I have gone through a trial, situation, or eatisins the Atonement as a part of my everyday lied have learned more and have a greater ay respect,and admiration for our Savior, Jesus Christ. I knew of the miracle of y forgiveness that the Atonement offers. Never before had I realized that the Atonement is not President only to receive forgiveness for ourselves, but it also aids us in forgiving others. IgdePUchtdorf x testifies, “Lay your burden at the Savior’s feet. Let go of judgment. Allow Christ's Atonement to change and heal your heart, Love one another. Forgive one another,” Little did I know I was 5 about to have some practice with this principle Cte. Pa Maley fo addiction to pornography for a long time. They had tried to overcome it many times, but as I Thad a very close and dear relative disclose to me that they had suffered with an ‘would later come to understand, addi mean overcome, When firt told, I was goat ‘was not outwardly angry and I tried to be ns are a terrible trial and take time and mpectrhelp to supportive, loving and understanding, but inside I felt a sense of betrayal, resentment and Y sadness. I prayed that I might overcome these feelings. I prayed that our relationship might be the same, but it broke my heart that it wasn’t andthat they knew Moustmastbefeeling, Months SPouingome I still loved and talked with them often. Then, one day! was sitting in a meeting at church ang! had a thought come that I needed to forgive ths person, so that we could both heal. This had never crossed my mind before because I didn’t realize that it was forgiveness that was needed. I knew that in order to do this, I needed Christ’s Atonement to change my heart in order for forgiveness to come. My last and most recent experience pile Move about the power of the Atonement _guare as | learned of my grandmas passing, My grandma was a strong and good woman who endured more in her life than I can ever even imagine, She married her love right out of high school, They had eight kids together, times were tough, they struggled with activity in the church gad faithfulness to each other was betrayed. My grandma went on to raise eight kids rer on her own, woe jobs outside of the home,and pe best she could with ‘what she had at those times in her life. After her death, we ne through some of her old journals and jn them, she ese ote es ce being her constant and loyal companion Sisters ar Giese ra ines at Ge eat ee sore ie noe a ee oe ae able to forgive and find happiness again through the power and gift of the Atonement. It will be an ongoing journey in my life as I attempt to understand the magnitude of the Atonement and all that it entails. Iam grateful for these experiences,#/they have provided me jh Fesdont the opportunity to better know the gifts offered through the Atonement. JddeF Uchidorf states, a ? “The pure love of Christ can remove the scales of resentment and wrath from our eyes, allowing us to see others the way our Heavenly Father sees us: as flawed and imperfect mortals who have potential and worth far beyond our capacity to i ‘ rs bets nol, eve Is Aplainud) iin Se NF The tacheston ig PPS 40 connec. Bhastder trd with nae tpg

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