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Dear Mom and Dad,

My first week in Japan wasnt what I thought it would be. My 7th

grade class is not what I thought it would be. No one speaks any
English. The first day was terrifying. I walked in the building not
knowing what to expect, but I thought that at least some people would
know some English. But no one did. I walked into my classroom and
everyone smiled and seemed excited to see me, but I had no idea how
to communicate with them. I picked up a few Japanese words, but its
so hard to talk to people when they dont understand me and I dont
understand them. I know that the other kids think that its really cool
that Im from America. I think its cool that theyre from Japan; I just
wish it were easier to become friends with them.
I never really thought that Id be somewhere without anyone who
speaks English. I guess Im just used to Pennsylvania. Japan is
definitely very different. Even my books are written completely in
Japanese. Every sign, billboard, and store name is also in Japanese.
Theres no English anywhere. Im slowly picking up what some words
mean when I hear people say them and point to an object. I dont
know how Ill ever learn to read or write this language though. The
Japanese alphabet looks like Egyptian hieroglyphics to me. Its
completely different from the English alphabet. Im studying it and
trying to remember what the symbols stand for, but its really hard.
Its really lonely here for me right now. Writing you this letter is
the first time Ive felt like I make any sense. It feels like I dont belong
here. Im really excited to be in a new country and learn about
everything here, but I miss home a lot. I always wanted to travel and
learn new places and things, but I never thought Id be doing it on my
own at 12 years old. I hope that it gets easier living here. Its really
frustrating to be learning Japanese so slowly, but Im trying my best to
learn it. Im also trying to teach some of the other kids some English.
Even though its been a scary and lonely first week, the other kids
have been really nice to me and been helping me to learn. My teacher
is also very kind. She knows that this isnt easy for me and is trying
her best to help me.
I think that this will all get better over the next few months. I am
going to learn how to speak, read, and write Japanese. Im determined
to do this, even though I know it will be hard. Im really excited to
learn the language and to be able to speak both Japanese and English.
Its really awesome to have the chance to live and go to school in
Japan, and even though this week has been really hard, Im still hoping
for the best. I have a lot of people helping me and trying to make me
feel welcome. I know that Ill eventually fit in and belong.
One of the things Ive learned is the Japanese symbol for love: .
I love you so much and cant wait to see you.


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