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Jackson Pollock

Jenica Quiroz
Junior Division

Why I chose this topic:

For National History Day, I chose Jackson Pollock. I wanted a topic that I would be interested at.
I looked for topics in music, art, actor, etc. I saw Jackson Pollock's name while I was researching
and decided to research more about him. I found out that he had legacies that impacted art back
then and now. He also showed leadership through his achievements. I looked at some of his
paintings and thought they were very interesting. He had a unique way of painting that made him
important in modern art.
How I conducted my research:
I started my research at school. I was given different sources to use from the librarian, Mr.
Mitchell. He had a list of sources in his website to use and told us what information can be found
in them. I found all my research online. I did not look for books, because I was able to find
enough information online.
There were many kinds of sources online that I found for my research. The two sources I used
the most are Gale and Salem Press. In Gale and Salem Press, I only needed to search for my
topic and many documents would show up. Gale was helpful, because it had some primary
sources. Salem Press had many biographies and books. These sources both had many secondary
sources. I had to find facts from the sources and write it on my notecards.
How I developed my research:
I had many problems doing research about Jackson Pollock. I think researching is the most
difficult part. I could not find enough primary sources about him. I had a hard time finding the
original source. It was also difficult finding different secondary sources. Most of the secondary
sources I found were very similar. There were a lot of biographies. Also, I did not get an
interview with an expert, because the people I e-mailed never replied back. I eventually stopped
asking for an interview.

How my project relates to the theme:

This years Contest Theme is Leadership and Legacy. I found that Jackson Pollock showed
leadership and had a legacy. He showed leadership by having an important role in the Abstract
Expressionism Movement. He had a big impact in modern art, because of his achievements. His
legacy influenced many artists back then and now. He opened the door for performance artists
that used a similar way of painting and they performed in front of an audience. Also, he changed
peoples viewpoint about art after his drip paintings. His paintings were very abstract. He was
able to express his emotions through his paintings.
(439 words)

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