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Jonathan Himelspach, Christina Jacques, Jayson Kjenstad, Alyssa Mastel, Shayne Hoff

Punk Rock:
-Negation: The difference between Punk Rock and other genres is the cultural values.Punk Rock
listeners tend to value anarchy and prefer music with a message of counter culture. Performers
such as Britney Spears or Taylor Swift would not be considered Punk Rock artists because they
usually sing about the happiness and fun of life. Artists such as The Ramones and The Misfits on
the other hand have lyrics that describe the rebel of youth.
-History: The term Punk Rock first referred to music played by garage musicians in the 60s.
They did not follow the rules of traditional rock and basically played whatever they wanted. In
the 70s, a few of these garage bands became popular and became the first well known Punk
Rock bands. Punk Rock became very popular with the young, angry, and rebellious crowd
throughout the next decades. In reality, Punk music has been around for quite a while that would
criticize the cultural norms. Punk Rock didnt get on the scene till Rock was developed by such
pioneers as Chuck Berry.
-Examples: Some examples of punk rock bands are the Ramones, the Misfits, Rise Against,
Blink 182, The Offspring, and the Clash.

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