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Good morning, I am Woodrow Wilson, the 28th president of the United States.

When I gave the first annual State of the Union address, over 100 years ago, this
countrys problems were very different from those she encounters today. The economy
was good, but farmers stood on unequal footing with large corporations in selling their
products, and in the South General Huerta had just become a dictator in Mexico. Today
this nation encounters issues regarding the unequal footing of men and women in the
workplace, and in the east we are ending a long-fought war in Iraq.
Our women served this country during WWI by filling in the jobs left behind by
their brothers, husbands, and sons fighting over-seas. We repaid our debt to them by
granting them the right to vote: a right that they have earned again and again. The
women of this country are vital to its survival. However, in the workplace they are not
treated as though they are. Women who work just as hard as men, deserve the same
rights and the same salary as men. Thats why I supported women rights. Women
deserve recognition. If we cant appreciate their hard work, then America is setting itself
at a disadvantage in the world.
In 1990 the U.S. landed in the Gulf, fought a year long war, and pulled out when
the job was done. 12 years later we sent our troops back in. Now, after 12 years the
United States is finally ending its conflict in the middle east. However, it looks like well
be heading back again soon. Fighting a war is one thing, ending one is another. In my
absence, has this great nation done nothing to prevent future conflicts? My advice to
you is that, this time, rather than simply eliminating the threat, prevent others from
arising by supporting the creation of stable, strong, and fair government in Iraq. Work to
foster positive relationships with the people of the region. That is how one creates a
plan for the future.
However, I know for certain that this nation is moving forward in the right
direction. When I was inaugurated as president, I had a dream for America. Looking at it
today, I can see that it is achieveable. Todays economy is infinitely more times better
than it was during the Panic of 1907. Women now have the same rights as men.

America is constantly improving, and the only way to screw it up is if we turn on one
another. It makes me proud to have led such a wonderful nation.

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