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Oyster Bay High School

Math 7 Accelerated Course Expectations

Ms. DeClemente
Necessary Supplies:
1. A three-ring binder (or math section of a binder) with extra loose-leaf
2. Several #2 pencils and pens (blue or black ink)
3. A TI-30X IIS Scientific Calculator
Extra Help Schedule: Extra help will take place at 2:20pm on Mondays, Wednesdays,
Thursdays and Fridays in Room 310. Students are encouraged to attend extra help before a test
or quiz.
Grading Policy:
Homework (20%): Homework will be checked and/or collected almost every day. Make sure your
homework is completed on time. Late homework will not be accepted!
Class Participation (5%): This grade includes promptness, participation in class discussions,
contributions during group work, preparedness, focus & following classroom procedures
appropriately. Your grade is calculated using a class participation rubric every month. Daily
attendance is an essential requirement for doing your best work!
Tests (45%) & Quizzes (30%): 75% of the grade will be based on the students performance on
examinations. You will be notified about week in advance of an upcoming test. Quizzes will be given
frequently, sometimes with only a days notice.
Make-up Procedures:
You are responsible for the class activities, assignments and handouts you missed. Please
email me at, and I will be happy to send you the assignments
via email.
You are responsible for making up and showing me missing work before or after class within
one week of return.
If you are legally absent during a test or quiz, you are responsible to schedule a time to make it
up outside of classroom instruction within one week of return.
If you have a music lesson or are going on a field trip, please notify me at least one day in
advance. You are responsible for all work missed the following day.
Classroom Rules:
1. Arrive to class on time.
2. Respect all members of the learning community.
3. Raise your hand and wait to be called upon if you would like to contribute.
4. Refrain from speaking while the teacher or another student is speaking.
5. Follow directions the first time they are given & complete all assignments in a timely manner.
Be Responsible!
1. Take organized notes, pay attention and complete all class work and homework assignments.
2. Ask questions, study and attend extra help regularly, especially before tests and quizzes.

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