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FLIGHT, 9 April 1954 Aero Engines 1954 Ses Sig. The fn de Hind ao, rk vat te soho, Mee ee U.S Foe On a ae dra bo scan {Ga Opie pce et tors oe oP lh RU Se ee ahh eee lita" "We Ste Sues nye 2 et aan ch ae Reg inciy te Zospetelia Pu med wad te tt FE De DDaala e Fatrey. The Fairey Aviation Cow Lida, Hoves, Midas. In Milton we their tetersenmwn work, the Fates company Bave one a lot of rewarch into helicopter tp-crive propulsinn, the frncipal teste of which are the Jet Gyrodync, the matic text Fer with exe aupnlied by two Darts and the forthcoming Roto- {jms In\tddtion, the company fave extied out much deveiop- enti he eo ign hes gon cl eviens this which can be plblshed ithe Beta IT motor, made to the design of the RAE. Rocker Propubion jen at West SSutthe Hei, 1 wap very Garman, cning 80 per cent Hcroges feroxide and “Cue” fed by a turto-purp, she unt having + Sirse of 2300 I. Napier. D. Napier and Som, Lid. Lonion W'3. Long famous for high-quality psou engines, Napiers are now concen: trating on gas-turbine tara engines, although the unique Nomad {ino lnvelves a pston engine. In addition to development of the Enugney doscribes below, the campant are in production with the Roll Roves Avon at their works at Netherton, Liverpool ‘Bland, ‘Ths exvabrdimrily ght and compact Singi-sbatt gurkoptop Jo abeaty. at am. advanced tage of development [Napier themuclves have developed mach of the associated equip. Brent, suchas the fuc-metenng unit and ieterinked tpan/ Tiicen governor, end alsa the patented ignition system wiich ‘pat hata Scat wae ears exceptional cacy in ett tonta coming enh. Alutinten-fronte com eat ey lw uti nea de ee Suetal nual was wil be made n'a teecowing sera Cn Shenae dan) apc wemion othe Hard wil power the Phiey Retodene, ‘ela “Tice nave been several diferent types of Nom ang each succeeding version bax been Smaller, Unter and Taare Porcral fas ie malcenor ne SN weeks onthe flow Terence fs ene seme = Haan Stetnek stoke, comoresienignison casing, with twelve ftrtataliyopponelcyene with lee alesis ant fect sub fos mage ing Whi ‘Seely, is adden, the tufbines deve a SEP Shprcor shee eopacharger me recprecating ence Fhe Nomad burns kerae er disel ely watt dec jection, 2nd yo ang ever umer consol Te thermal cen aed ‘peli sonimpron sre both aanicandr beter thay acs ‘sda wit any exe aee eng Various applcatns ae Sree an Rit ia wil fopn oe he caper Aight Stantaenalehmene af eutoy inthe meat fare A SERRE Notad wil be pushee imam eaty ste ‘Sef en the tee Lat be Oye ft nbo peerencr= sor sed far sopipings ow of he pi hich can be tied to To tango rhe Be apicnien tthe Ore moun he Meta of the Pertral Poa heleorter. ad supplying” 28 through ge eu op ihe ser of the cmp fo" exe SOR Ae at GP mex en the or laden Ts abe Sha fxedwine echo wih the nous err, sem hey ot ce Nei eter ts ene ae Buen er Soe agizes ‘hd ther prod fpryasr an A preset iavetver at Test af thee belonging 19 companies other ‘Sh beg overseas 451 gee 585m Seen ey ashe ot fe Lhe opm acdsee, Net est ats spite Relea Sam oe eee Sec pt eh Sake esti ches em Seog oka Fe ia uk en, S'S cette Peductiog and reper, end stnpping and assembly of ston ). Napier and Son ‘sivion at Ft thd ty Ge Standard Hoty Company Coen, Orr cm nice manalacurne engines of Sac design SpanorSuas (ance) Fakrigne Nationale (Belgian), Sventia Pisano Se Gans) Fatigue Navona Heo ‘remote ‘bomnor strli) and Prt ani Whiner (USA. Koll Royce of Canada, Lid, i tho manufacturing engines; and all these. com "te dealt ‘wah lsewhere, RelleRayee are als building a factary in Vene~ Zuela to service Canberrt aad Comet engines, and another in ‘isl to scivce nd wee a he ee Sie ares The cormgany iso party to astagsceteen with ‘ostcas fem of Westaghoute, velving some exchange of eremnnel shergntt ‘formauon sod jean manufocturing and the Iter ate required “Merlin. "About 130,000 of these 27-lire vee-welve engines Darwast RDA rjc Sige ‘ah Tee: ao See PLuGHT Aero Engines 1954 ‘per bull, and the the dominant rile in exablishing Bishi peice) in Wed War 2 oly 8 a bt transport Merlin which fp moce mportant. and tay are si IDtinine service. ‘Phe singlestage Merny sed in the Yerk tnd two-sage Merlins power North Start and Argonatim, te Inter feng trenged a ellcontane’ powerplant With pes “Griflon Slightly lager than the Mesto, some thostands of rane g iy utary and sal serve, ard progacton Derwent. Present Derwent (he RDA is most common) are scaled-down Nenes; they huve hatiy changed since 1988, when Mecl comprenor routing guide vates were adopted. in te Meor, Derwent fist ume had reached the tremendous ttl of 2 150,000 he early last month—~possibiy more than for any other “Rene.” Long ised tsa standard power unt in foreign fighter, aus ice our serving In te opal Nivys Acar wl Sch Eifwi. with elcrte andl carmidge narting respectively. In wariou developed farms the Nene has been made fa Auoeics, Fi Russir end the Arwentine. Tn Austra sod Canada i a feime made, and. deta of these engines are given in those spat i the et betes Conan Nene re bing made ‘Dart.""A highly successful civil engine devoid of any mili gcterouns, he Darts tamed’ as the powcr umtof the Vssount ‘he Ras now in trie il ee bros rte Bade od 4 two-piece compresor shaft. Except for seme BEA. engies, fgniton titted a wate/methanet syste B50 ‘dard, Wow coring in product for Vacounts ngw on order" us Di im whch w cew reducon sea and ot USti'sh.p at increased rn. There is sso the completly new Des, sib 98 crea pester desi sing, scheduled io: powcr “New Turboprop. fi can be stted that development is vt swe nance fara nevy and extemal ‘omic al sho. Drop. At presct a piene centre, wil intaly have a sting SE Shoat "2580 at stich sould allow peat tom for elope ‘Avon. Britain has many rivers bearing this name, which now lenis the krgestfamaly of high-power turbojet the Wor ‘The Aron, was begun airdy after the war, when ie wat ach ‘hat ceneugal earbojet mach bigner than the Nene would be likey to hive promibuive dimecert Not s pret del was knows, shout axial compress ae thet time, and’ Rolls Rayer’ needed ‘eet itso producion i 1950 a0 tating Of 6300 Te for the Mk 2Gantern. An unusual feature of these engives fs the nee smacaly scrumted row of varublesincidence inlet guise vanes, uch compen cating cv Scclrie wih Sfowsype RAZ wetpsed 300 and pave Oo Bb thst whe Bre profacion RAS wer 155 Iblignter “the second basic type to go iste production was the RAT, pitch stares 2°30 2 tamlly of Aton tm 1952. Fist of Roose Avorn with fll aleweather protection, the RA? arp e powe/ wight rat ces tees an at of te itor of he fine acres of Avon RAIS which it ran in 195) and jer nas beng delivered in inst le nes, ‘This Avon fly shows much redesen, 9 Apri 1954 branch of sis family is already bearing fruit and the Comet 3, SERGE ae to nave fad an cacy “Sliliad ALP he S000 it ‘FA.16) will now have a much later Avon giving 103000 1b. ‘Conway. "The exitence has been seveied of Ws enely nee (phe OF Powe ‘nt he epi emp Hers h sound the combustion chambers; tie roulling engine ‘reat man flow ats lower mean veloc tan would a simple furbojet burning fuel ar the same Fate, ne Conway Colt! and 3, and it may be assumed that {he procion Conway wil Be sme pears ahead of sy sar She Taabomecs Aupis (990). | faundorsenoc. Scunier-Roe, Lat, Osborte, Hast Cowes, Tele of Wight. “The company’s helicopter, division Tas de ‘eloped two smal) pulses, inital intended for rotor ip-dve feaione. Mage of Nimonic 73, they hive completed some ‘Gute lengthy rummin, using poo! betzol or beted propane at fuel: The #5 Tbaduase unt Husated on rho page hes sow Isacyvcn wo the tench 10 «sit sr ln, mer ‘with a throst of 120 Ib. CANADA Avro Canada, A.V. Roe Camda, Lid., Gas Turbine Divi- som Malin, Oniavin. “Tye Breisl) Hawker Siddeky Group took over the Victory arent facory near Toronto im 194) 10 form ‘Avro Canada, tnd. the followiag year te Canadian fem took over the Canadian’ government organization Turbo esearch, Led, to form the nucleas of an engine company. BY Is) the’ Chinook axat urboet hac been developecy and (hit Pap tnlengl bythe, mh ae Oned ch fet i ‘company’s super sqft factory was ‘ull, aod i staf of aver 52000 have since been snaking Ortadae at something ike 125 per ooth “To make sue of fhe fare ‘eseurch and development has been siming at 2 number of im: Frewsive developments; of these, only the eistence of © new {utbojetcaa be mentioned. ‘Orenda. “The irs production engine desiged in the Brash Commonnalth-oure Great Bevan, that iis, remareably Dough, this big and complicred wurbojet. The ame means ‘the source of ai fand refers tan Indian ‘elty. ‘The SCP b of ovo Ib auras an theses beaker canes Secied by un alcabol spray whtled from the spinner cone’ The Sotomcie tari tos ote ‘Grenda wos delivered early tus year, on schedile. “The Orends 1 hae 3 two-tage turbine and gece Sbowt 7.000 Th cht wel = pectic fel consumption well under unsy. A Solar after Shige duc Sine empies, Dosing the thrust (6 about Wacenda, This is reported to be the name of a new axial ubojet now being developed, agaist» Goveramenr contact “Tie Baton ext wee dese o Gees 18000 fh iat Sch ponauly for Eectinics inthe Aro Canad 108 alt weather fighter. Tack 19208 in laigescale produc ‘American T-§ Tecans (Harvard) Rolle Royce. Roll-Royee 9 ‘After a lone period of ‘ani Merin sevice, the manufacelre of complets ee Tarot to be unerakes [n'a new tncory whet fy faly tsied sad tn ovr ‘Nenes ftom Brith parts. “The Canadair Siver Sure (T-S3AN ‘ileal nour 90 Nenci; de muon wilde bull at Deby bat Ena delveria wil care. fiom’ Mioopeal The ‘Nene 10h nated by « projecting electric starter ard ¢ mass of enble fipg A Eta fol syne sad Ronin talon te AUSTRALIA Gemmonmeatthe, Comment Aird. Corns, ey. Lid. Lorimer St, Pore Mabcurre ‘oration teence- ‘the Pratt and Whitney R340" Wasp Sea RID Twi Wop. At the cn of the ws te ein fay a Lidcombe, NSW, switched to preduction ‘of the Merlin toa for Aiton wd Tacos, ‘td mow working on the fae coe 20H Thor genelly resembles the eth engine = Ee eid had to be reduee te compresses ce Siete hae SET Sa tire ten roa rata Cane ees eee eae one — FLIGHT, 9 Aprit 1954 Amon. 7 {ign Deion of, vel Men Cg oes Th Ann, Gee ee powell oe Mie Pee fest ome ie grep epee phere DU pie Se ela ame Soe Bek ies, te eine tees Poe hateg el tee rgrd I pe iets oe ec da Se a es ee at os ec Spel oon ae Gein eee rare ‘Aero Engines 1954. sagnesium, The unit i istalled—with “clephant-ca intakes Rte Dit. Vampire 9, snd i sow airing way to tre Avon ‘Avon, Produsion of the Roli-Royce Avon’ bow fall sing for the Commonwesith CAx2? Sabre aad DAP. Can ferma’ The engines now being delivered ccrrespond 10 RAs, "Ele. “Dasng tet nok on te ran tnd Whiney amie Guring the we, the Commonwentn engineers hare de> ‘eloped thi alsAusulian power unin which 9 be te sondsd Pf Wien wig am Ne ep he ee fontnge Grbarcor "Ae the raving ss te anscew Salt ahghtly sbove the engine contre ine U.S.A. Aerolet. Aerojet Eovinerise Cerpe. Aaa, Calioria ‘Siobnelacy of te Gencral “te and Raber Gs, Aeroee ae ‘peal 1 rocket more thas pron of ahi foe ee alersied Orie eget fn ate werd Ae cacy store concenal midfue! RAO unit, ut gd fet motes Tebow ing, rene and ay in petrol Sed’ aestivum fioogh a nd "he st RATOG nis ie, ange of real slic bodies with Nineak ose The ‘USCA art ing inca Sos rosea aca an approved bythe CAA In ater Seis, Se bere ig rose wes Un rain ns aia teak the mediate future. Tete re seduction, Fowever tat the company’s huge oupu of 1952°3 will be the Aighest for some time to some i. The only Amerioncdesigned centrifugal rurboiee in vetvee, ths fis’ a family tuce gone back to the While fines, a1 noted wove, Xb tase GEG desun. “The Seine iloemed i ryncal of the ‘original 153; in the form ‘Shown it powers the Ladheed T=85 and t80, and the Y3S-A 33 (pltcrbrary 7000 1b duu) powers the F-P4 aoa B State, ‘ne 133-438 in Korea completed 1 200 combat hours with three clrepatr cycles there berg one 800-br period witout more than tine erg ‘Risen fave developed a revised 133 able to pase a mass fw ot Lib bye se 108Gb pam Tht soore powerdal family wed Sh the FOR Panne (334-16, 9880 Ty ttt dry) and with an therbumer, in the XF92A {)33-A-29, 6200 Tb shruat), “The BEACON of ee dy fag. tho poweil ‘nase™ th enuize powers the Cougar and four Cougars of squad fon VES recent Jew 2408 hr in one month so the 33 Ganpor give much uoubles IC ia ae mich sed. mk apps cong aly £16.00) in such rere a8 the Mat GSA) and Regulus. 1s Guay the Gener Hic TO, he 2s pats indtructive comparison with G-E sown }47. Although four only inthe F-a9" Scorpion (wit aftcrourne) aoe the sraght-wang F.8eThunderet, these tw apiicatons lone have absorbed ver 12000 9380. "The origina! engine was red at 4000 Tb hres, but Allison modifial X the same manner as they Gud the J38, end the’ present engines have a tuawer mas, Sn Safunt which safes fom eigine te ergine between 35200 si 3,090. “The reheat engine has Solar dewachableafteyoumner, with ncumatcally scfumed eycids: ons uch, 2 J33-ar35. 1 use neh na Th Inet Fie we seabe nae reny ‘ih Geaeral Elsie capachor-dintoage Sguthon, Production i now tapering of "Trl Alison have found this impressive turboiet ruber ‘le to rack. Fast run 1950, fee high compressions a Stel engine, very well ade and fried for alweather operation. thas ts on integral oi and hydraulic systems, the lance Being sed to acute noseinake screrma and! doors and a alppe ‘aller ‘which wares the propulive noazle arena very unusdal tenet tau e de he ft oa ff foal cagine: it teow Hig baset © develop thant toni "The Sane engines Pted at 9700 16 10,000 Ib according 10 subcype, and 14000 ib i avalable with an afterburner” Maior Production of the 7-8-9 la now in and fr the Bete sey ad {thet applications are the FAH Demon (A? with afterburner) and VPCT0s (ACT with highaltmuce afterburger "T38._Originaty .stgheshaft crn with no fewer than 19 Garapresor stages, the 16 hs since been somewhat lightened and had two compresior ages moved. Hoth on the gourd aad inte XE 38B, Mocs much testing of supenome a= screws, with dive speecs 2000/2300 tm. Tualso few in the Convair Turbo-Liner. A sarin is scheduled 19 power tie PeTHO. Hesicaly consisting of two T38 7 ically consisting of two er sectians, ca driving buth bales of 8 contorrtating aifarew a. gearton ‘moupied well forward of the etwine, the present T40-Act0, Wich powers the Tadewind, ia much shor nd lighte than En peedequvrn The puma reduction gnrbox and Ao Frodaco cearoniccomtrol stem have bth raed » eat many Frotiers, bur now seomto be working sntatecony. fhe engine rin production forthe Tradewind. apd i har ako been sleted forthe firs crop of vertcal the-af "Tea. Ths chelnc consis af two 3e power sections coupled tonether, as are two, T38s in the THO, Three 34s are about to fete on tests of three diferent types of supersonic mimcrew, Doge mounted in Repube XP 6411 tetas "Ts6. "A turboprop of 3780 hyp, the T36 teary a close re- semblance’to the a8, It's, however, » much ‘neater engine, ‘eth fewer compressor stager and wiki am annular combustion Ghamber. ‘OF alltel consruction, thas completed it pre- be fats an oy Shory te FAB (C 0 ce. heed C130. i SH0-C-1." ‘Thin projected turbojet version of the T38 hae # FLIGHT, 9 Aprit 1954 Aero Engines 1954 design thrust of 1,870 Ip with an sfc of 0927 lb/ar/Bb. Produc- See eee Boeing. Boeing Airplane Co. Seattle 144 Washington. Boe Jag hive had 1s gu-turbine section for over ten Years, and an immense varety of items has been studied. After'a Model $00 ‘bore of abou 200 Satie thrust had teen rua, a hat-dve Sec "Thue engine, originally Medel 802, ar nce Teccved development somract or the US. Navy #8 te 13 Boeing have aly developed ramets, ever since the beginning cf the Ground /Air Piotlest Aitcral projet in 1946. GAA has led the way to the F-99 Bownarc.Anothe: Boeing development tse Fs conte, aber dierent types of 1 have been develope {he divwang shows the fised-wiag 502-8, which has completed 36th eraiotion ina Cina L-18. The Damp telioper com ay have sated that they afe preparing 9 150 hp. 150 with compression. Earlier types af 30 have been wed faa Kaman heloper, and the eine is alo in production for USA aurcompressor ums, Continental. The Aircait Engine Dioision of Continental ‘Motors Corpry Muskegon, Michigan. Niatufactarets Of sult motive, manne and other engines, Continental have trade ait aero engines since 1928, 19 0" total value of 393m, ses ny "compat Costin Avan a Engineering "aan a development programme on sight stains of Peroméen dein, for which Cantnental hol folactiring ah ‘Of these, the Mazbort isthe 129 (below): the shaft-drive ‘Anouste is" Being tested in an S32 belnoptér and’ 4 Cesana “19K; and the Palourte se im progucnon ae the MA-1 (9 fil 2 El.9m USAF. contrac: for ground.itancr compressors ison Engines. “Cntinersal have a range of generally sim= lar flaefour and flt-sie, uns direc-drive engines in Frodecien, th toting’ on G8 900 hi Non fave venta Strouretiors but the E-I#S and 225 sericyTaned i the Bonus fa Mentor hare Sow -prowa fchinecton. The C14, fed Powers he Cesina 1, 275 radial engite wn 9 stndard power nit for Boney multary sehcies and nks ntl 1985; and t spec Teron now powers the HUP-2 and 125A; an eater R973, of 323 bp 8 eed in the HUP-1 and Kaman HOK-1 169. ‘The Turboméca Marboré 352 has been “Ameri- auzed” and put into large-scale production by Continent the ire alr epg ete Compa a erineehe ar 369 has American alloys, pipe- and bolt-theads, fmol ome Ameritan equipment such 66 Bendix high-energy ‘ignition system. Pare. Faeclild Basie Divison of Farehid Boing Lang Island, NY. frente TES te ‘nd Valley Steam, Nv, the Racha’ Exgie Dteiton hat opened rw’ plaee at Roone™ Se Feld, Ny whigh engaged on u secret Ele gta Sic deci wiki te us te See (Glow We VfB tipo aii pores wy and mae Sypris na Ps tine lames pt sutution Ce itn fact aud tie "Micnasogee’ Sage tise tno Snel abe Torns ihe pentrg ate wl ea Sporting te comps Houiig Sad cast sion, wile 55

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