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Kelompok 2 :










Nur Nadifa

One day, in a class, there is a group of friendship that every people there
have their own couple in the same class. And in the new semester, there is a new
student from the exchange students program.

Good morning everyone.

Morning mam/sir...

Today, in this semester, you will have new friends from other school.
They come from other school in the exchange program, Please,
welcome to two students over there. Give applause...

(Every students clap their hand)

Would you please introduce yourself?

With my pleasure mam. Hello, Im E, I come from other region in X

island. I hope we can make a good relation with each other. Hmm....

(Look at a girl in the middle of the class, make his mind was blank)

Why are you so quite?

(Just look at the teacher and smile for no reason)

Take your seat, you can sit, right beside..., yes, beside G.

Yes madam.

He wants to built a communication with G. But he was embarassed to talk

first with her. And one time, G wants to borrow a pen from E for doing her task.

May I borrow your pen?

Here you are.

Thank you for the pen. By the way, why do you want to join in
exchange program?
Whats your motivation?

Yeah..., I want to know and make some experience here. By living in

different place, different family, different weather, even different
friend. I also want to make new friends in another place. And I also
want to improve myself as soon as I come back to the place where
I come from.

Really? Thats really nice of you. Do you say that you want to make
a friend? Now you have your first friend here.

Who? I dont think that I can make a friend so fast here. (Giving a
sad face)

Yeah, I am your new friend. Nice to meet you. Im G, and you are E,

Hahaha... I already told you from the introduction before,

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