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What makes a good thriller?

A good thriller showcases intense excitement building up suspense, tension and anticipation of things to come.
The movie genre provides thrills from various circumstance accounting mysterious situations which has an
enigmatic effect on audience.
A thriller usually consists of a battle between the protagonist character and the antagonist, when there is a
disruption in the equilibrium. Then the story shows a chain of bad events building tension and suspense for the
climax. The aim of the protagonist is to restore justice, while the antagonist seeks to destroy it.

Treatment of our Psychological Thriller

-Hanna Balinski
Our main plot is focused on a girl aged 18 (Hanna Balinski) who befriends a younger girl aged 16 (Carrie) and tries to control her
life; influencing the way she acts, dresses and what she eats After Carrie refuses to take part in cannibalistic activities; Hanna
Balinski turns on her and Carrie makes it her mission to escape before she too becomes main course of Hannas grand feast.
Hanna wears very provocative clothing (usually red), symbolising danger, sexuality, murder and her hunger for blood-drenched meats.
Carrie wears dark clothing. She dresses quite modestly in jumpers and jeans. Her clothing style changes to become more sexual, similar to
Hannas as she is influenced.
Body language:
Hannas body movement is very controlled and eloquent. Can be quick, sharp, and aggressive.
Carries body movement is very awkward, still and clumsy.

Technical elements
Opening sequence duration: 2 minutes
We hope to film our opening sequence in one of the performing arts studios in Dagenham Park. We want to film our opening sequence here because
then our set will be dark and we will have access to a range of lighting, i.e. strobe and red lighting that will make our film more disorientated and eerie
for our audience to watch.
Visual elements:
We will edit our opening sequence framing various objects to create a montage of images, such as a bloody knife, slicing meat, etc. Our camera
movement will include transitions from slow zooms and quick shots between montages and angles add to make our film more thrilling.
Sound used in our film will be made up of diegetic and non-diegetic sounds with diegetic sounds being enhanced to make our opening sequence
impacting and thrilling. This includes sounds such as slicing meat and sharpening knifes. We also want to have sounds playing in the background that
are eerie and make the audience feel uncomfortable and scared, such as increasingly loud drums banging, a low/out of tune piano or violins. This
technique will engage the senses and make the audience feel uncomfortable and tense which is my intended effect.
Tool-box, cage, fake blood, meat, rope, books about cannibalism, red lipstick, toothpick.

Intended Target audience

We want our film to appeal to audiences within the age demographic of 14-20. This is because young
people are at a stage of development where they want to learn and experience new things. Horror and
thriller genres often provide cheap, safe thrills. Weve aimed our thriller at teens specifically because the
characters in our film are teenagers and therefore, our teen audience can relate.
Gender demographic:
Females and males.
The characters within our opening sequence are both females, therefore the heterosexual, male audience
may be attracted to the characters. Combined with male hormonal desires with there love for blood,
violence and gore; this will certainly appeal to the teen boys.
Stereotypically females are thought to be more sensitive and scared of themes that involve blood and
gore. However, this isn't the case for all females. And by having female characters within our film; we
can appeal to a larger female demographic through realistic portrayals of friendship and betrayal, which
females can relate to and also thrilling twists that keeps them on the edge of their seats.

After reading through the guidelines set by the of
BBFC; we have chosen to rate our film a 15.
There will be:
Adult themes
Some use of strong language
Scenes containing violent implications throughout the
film that some viewers may find disturbing.
We didn't rate our film 18 because it doesn't contain
nudity or scenes of a sexual nature.

We may not be able to get the props we want such as, a human size cage. In this case we may
use a chair as a prop instead.
Some of our team may not be available for filming and rehearsal days. In this case well starting
filming the knives and meat, e.t.c for our montages and film shots that they aren't in.

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