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Is AIDS God's punishment?

TOPICS: God does not punish people - Jesus portrayed God as a loving God - Chris
tians use a false image of God to judge others - AIDS is product of karma create
d through promiscuous sex - loveless sex and hatred of the mother - increase in
sexual perversions - karma coming due at end of Piscean age - people who are mos
t vulnerable reap the karma first - Karmic Board can hold back people's karma to
help them grow - Sodom and Gomorra - viruses not created by God - AIDS virus an
d secret laboratories - protecting yourself from the virus - a spiritual cure fo
r AIDS Question: Is AIDS God s punishment of homosexuals, as some fundamentalist preacher
s say? I don t think it can be, but did the Karmic Board decide to let AIDS manife
st in order to teach people a lesson about sexuality?
Answer from ascended master Jesus through Kim Michaels:
You are correct that AIDS is NOT God s punishment. The image of an angry and punis
hing God is a graven image that was projected upon God during Old Testament time
s, as I explain elsewhere. It is a false image, and therefore a violation of the
second commandment. The true God is a God of unconditional love, as I explain i
n another answer. I came in part to give people a new image of God, namely that
of a loving Father figure with whom people can have a personal relationship.
When I told people to Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy
soul, and with all thy mind (Matthew 22:37), I essentially told people to leave b
ehind the old image of an angry God. How can you possibly love a God who is angr
y and ready to punish you for the slightest transgression?
Needless to say, I am saddened by the fact that so many modern Christians hold o
n to an image of God that has been outdated for 2,000 years and that is in direc
t opposition to the image of God I gave them. I am even more saddened by the fac
t that so many Christians use this false image of God to judge and condemn their
fellow man. I am further saddened because I know God s law will not be mocked. So
these Christians will inevitably be judged by the same standard whereby they ju
dge others.
As I explain throughout this website, God has created a mechanical law that retu
rns all energy to you that you send into the universe. This is clearly stated in
the Bible, Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that
shall he also reap (Galatians 6:7). One might say that the universe acts like a
mirror that reflects back to you whatever you do to others. That is the real rea
son I told people to do unto others as you would have the universe do unto you.
Thus, AIDS is a product of humankind s karma, which is the result of their continu
ed misqualification of God s energy. In this case, the misqualification of energy
has occurred through sex, which is why it has been reflected back in the form of
a sexually transmitted disease. In particular, the misqualification of energy t
hat has led to the disease of AIDS is that of promiscuous sex. With that I mean
sex that is done purely for the gratification of the lower (selfish) emotions an
d has no deeper feelings of (unselfish) love behind it.
This form of sexual activity is actually based on a disrespect for the body temp
le as a gift from God and as the vehicle for the lifestream s liberation from the
matter universe. It serves only to further bind the lifestream to the matter uni
verse. Many of the people who engage in loveless sex actually have a
usually unr
hatred for the body. And because human bodies are made from the Mother
energies, the Ma-ter light, this is actually a hatred of the Mother. This is th
e same hatred that started with the fall of Lucifer, as explained by Mother Mary
in her discourse.

When a large number of people continue to engage in an activity that misqualifie

s energy, you have a build-up of tension. You can compare this to water rising b
ehind a dam. The water exerts a pressure on the dam, and it will eventually brea
k through the weakest points. This is simply a mechanical process, and if you kn
ow the pressure and know the weakest points in the dam, you can calculate when a
nd where the water will break through.
This is very similar to the karmic tension building when a large number of peopl
e engage in promiscuous sex. Obviously, this has been going on for a very long t
ime, so there is much karma that is coming due here at the end of the Piscean Ag
e. This karma must be balanced before humankind can make the leap into the consc
iousness of the Aquarian Age, and that is why AIDS appeared at this time. During
the past decades, beginning in the 1960s, there has been an increase in promisc
uous sex and many forms of sexual perversions, such as pornography, sexual slave
ry, sexual abuse of children etc.
This has built a tension, that started in the emotional realm, which is right ab
ove the material realm in vibration. I explain this in grater detail elsewhere.
As the tension reaches critical mass, it begins to break through in the material
realm, and that is when you see actual physical events, in this case the first
outbreaks of the AIDS virus. Obviously, as with the water behind the dam, the fi
rst material breakthrough happened in the weakest areas, in this case areas with
an ongoing misuse of sexual energy.
I am sure most unbiased people are aware that here is much promiscuity in the ga
y community and there is much promiscuity in many areas of Africa. In reality, t
here is no intent whatsoever on God s part to punish certain groups of people, nor
is there a judgment based on race or sexual orientation. It is simply a mechani
cal effect that when the karmic tension reaches a certain intensity, it will man
ifest in the lives of the people who are the most vulnerable to this particular
form of karmic return. In this case, the vulnerability was caused by an unwillin
gness to curb the promiscuous sexual activity. In both Africa and the gay commun
ity this was due to certain cultural beliefs that made people think promiscuous
sex has no negative consequences. These people had turned the deaf ear to the va
rious warnings from both religion and science which indicate that all actions ha
ve consequences.
You mention the Karmic Board, which is a group of ascended beings who oversee th
e spiritual growth of human beings and are assigned to help people free themselv
es from the downward pull of their karma. Be careful not to transfer the image o
f a punishing God unto the Karmic Board. In reality, the members of the Karmic B
oard do not determine who is to receive what karma and when. This is all determi
ned by a purely mechanical law.
What the Karmic Board can do is to hold back a portion of the karma of an indivi
dual or a group of people for the purpose of giving an opportunity for spiritual
growth. In other words, if a person has shown a great willingness to change in
a positive direction, yet the person has a karmic return that would set back the
person s progress, then the Karmic Board can hold back that karma for a season. T
his allows the person to accumulate good karma, what I called laying up treasure
in heaven" (Matthew 6:19-20), so that it will be easier to pay back the karmic d
Yet the Karmic Board does not do this arbitrarily. It is all determined based on
how the lifestream is likely to use the opportunity. In other words, the Karmic
Board is evaluating what has the greatest potential to assist a lifestream s spir
itual growth. If the lifestream is willing to change, then holding back a certai
n portion of karma is often the best way to help the person. Yet if a lifestream
is not willing to change, then allowing the person to experience the karmic con

sequences of its actions is often the only possibility of awakening that lifestr
eam to the reality of life, namely that you will reap what you have sown.
In the case of AIDS, there simply were not enough people who were willing to cha
nge their attitude to sex that the karma could be held back. This is much like t
he situation around the destruction of Sodom and Gomorra (Genesis, Chapter 18).
This Biblical story describes a situation where a certain people had created a v
ery intense karma based on the misuse of sexual energy which is the very life forc
e itself and therefore creates intense karma when misused. This karma had become
so intense that it was about to spill over into the material realm.
Abraham was used as a messenger by the Karmic Board, and he pleaded with them to
spare the city if enough righteous people could be found. As you can surmise fr
om the story, the Karmic Board would actually have spared the city if there had
been enough righteous people. Yet when such people could not be found, there was
no justification for suspending the karma. Therefore, the law of karma, the law
of action and reaction demanded that the energy was allowed to run its natural
cause and the cities were destroyed by natural disasters. I am not saying every
aspect of this story should be taken literally, yet there is an underlying truth
about how karma returns.
In the present age, there is again a karmic return due to the misuse of sexual e
nergy. Yet this is not concentrated in one or two cities but is a worldwide prob
lem. Therefore, the karmic return has taken the form of a sexually transmitted d
isease, which of course
can only be transmitted by people who engage in promiscu
ous sex.
Let me point out that a virus is actually not a creation of God. God never creat
ed any virus. All viruses are artificially created in the laboratories of dark f
orces residing in the emotional/astral realm. The viruses can then be transferre
d to the material realm in areas where the vibration has become so low that the
area vibrates at the level of the astral realm which is exactly what you have in a
reas of Africa and certain large cities with intense misuse of sexual energy. On
ce the virus has crossed over into the material realm, it can then spread throug
h material means although only people with a karmic vulnerability will get the dis
Yet I must tell you that in the case of AIDS, this virus first crossed over in c
ertain secret laboratories, and its spread was partially due to an experiment ru
n amok. Obviously, this was done by people who were blinded by their own karma a
nd pride, and were therefore vulnerable to the manipulation of dark forces. And
this could not have happened if it had not been for the karmic vulnerability of
humankind. My point being that there really is no reason to place particular bla
me on the people who became the instruments of the crossing over of the AIDS vir
us. They were simply the focal points of the general karmic vulnerability, and t
he AIDS virus would have crossed over regardless. In fact, the virus did cross o
ver in separate locations and thus the entire epidemic is not due to one single
physical source.
So what is the protection from this virus? Obviously, a reform of one s actions is
the best defense. Stop all promiscuous sex and then move on to change your atti
tude to sex, seeking to heal your psychology of all unconscious hatred of the Mo
ther light. As I said, the spread of this virus is a mechanical process where th
e karmic tension that drives the virus mechanically finds the weakest points in
society. So make sure you are not one of these weak points when it comes to your
sexual behavior and attitude.
Obviously, you can also use Archangel Michael s Rosary to seal yourself from misqu
alified sexual energies and use Mother Mary s rosaries to clear your energy field
and transmute ancient karma. Yet such measures will have the maximum effect only

if you are sincere about reforming your actions and attitude. In other words, g
ive the Karmic Board the best possible reason to set aside any karma that might
make you vulnerable to the AIDS virus. Such measures can also prevent people who
are HIV positive from developing actual symptoms, and it can diminish existing
symptoms. What I am saying here is that there is a spiritual cure for AIDS, as f
or any other disease.

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