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bai 101 EXERCISES MoosoVvW 2 Pd ht BOL Rall aes ailabl Reece Cem Cre Te Us Arian PE a MensFitness By Jon Lipsey Photography Darren Russell, Glen Burrows Models Donald Akim, Adrian James and Matt Morgan@WAthletic Design lan Jackson Associate Editor Chris Miller With thanks to the Twenty Five Club ( Publishing Diteclor Richard Downey uy Managing Director James Bumay 30 Cevelan Dig Production Manage! Nicky Baker Ni material © Denn Scckavine Manager Dharmesh Mistry and may not 1 Diector Robin Ryan Managing Director of Advertsing jan Lioyd-Evans 101 BEST EXERCISES SBN 190723206 of Operating Group Finance Chef Exeeutive dames Tye Ohalman Felix Dennis reflex’ INSTANT WHEY DELUXE A NEW VARIANT OF INST WHEY WITH AN UNBEATE! eMac eMac UaN mean Meese NRW eM Moe neey yest) using the finest ingredients available such as freeze dried strawbemy richest, darkest cocoa, we're confident that we have ereated the best pease nn kes Tua ae ees ec taste with a compatitive protein level. By using specially selected protein that is rich in ene at one TS eee ere clase eru coh) eect Ur uscd as cae eda of muscle building amino acids is provided it also contains glutamine which has been Ste hogar keen oan enc) synthesis, its abilty to help prevent muscle tissue breakdown as wall as supporting Tee ee eres ae hydration and volume. PERFORMANCE Nene as apne) Pees ate cy) eRe eee ghee) ingredients with the inclusion of Digezyme Ce Wee eee Tereatecy Pr gen enhance protein digestion, whilst Lactospore probiotics, similar to those found in certain ee ree oe ge Instant Whay Deluxe is naturally rich in Oc teem eons natural production of Giutathione which is Pee one HEALTH WITHIN Find out more at POMPE BARC) reflex ee aad rere me a 4 ely ew} use the best equipment Derg Ce ee ge cs eee en a eee Its comprehensive formula safeguards your nutritional requirement to help sustain the body whils The advanced one-a-day tablet replaces your usual multivitamin and includes natural plant isolate NEE ae oe PSs De eh UUme eae ec a anced antioxidant protection and B-complex vitamins to help support ener aa ipctocies totaal [Ea Ea) art =iey sles) Foreword f you always do thi ry time you train, you'll never body you want. To develop a Jean, muscular physique you need to vary your workouts so that your i i Now that you have over 100 of the most mplete with detailed form guid in your routines. Tailoring workouts to suit your goals ‘The book is split up into body part sections so if you want to concentrate on a specific goal, such as. adding size to your arms, you have an arsenal of the best moves. We've also included a comprehensive guide to creating your own workouts (p8-18), so you can put the moves together for maximum e CONTENTS Creating Chestand Backand Absand Legs Shoulders workouts eps biceps core Spe er om - 0 Poa Introduction How to use this book Deets eed CTE MRR kere) Rete Rac ee ed Rae Pa eo that target your chest and triceps, back and biceps, abs, legs and Ae a era eke uo ecu eaig Recast Reactant Cree Mees Cd ie Ce close to your body Fy tale) fed] a7. CLOSE-GRIP PRESS-UP The medicine ball introduces a wobbly surface to the press-up, making the stabilising muscles in your shoulders and core work overtime, Ee Mi La 0 () ) eae chest slowly Pr Fj By using a cable instead of a dumb-bell for the pullover you can keep the resistance on your muscles constant throughout the move, whereas with the dumb-bell the resistance drops off as you raise your arms. CRT recs ry rotary CHEST & TRICEPS ory rr Con COE Ry CI Coa rend eta a = Sos Pepin , a no Po CCR eb Coo a SEATED ONE-ARM ¢ The toughest part of this move is just as you begin to raise the weight, which Is why its ‘good exercise to partner with the dumb-bell kickback (see p33) where the hardest par is when the arm is at full extension, Cu vertcal Pee Pet Pea BLEU Ola iz CHEST & TRICEPS NEUTRAL-GRIP DUMB-BELL PRESS Perform the press with palms facing each other to transfer some of the emphasis away from your chest and onto your triceps. It will also have a different training effect on your shoulders, helping to strengthen your rotator cul Pee Palms facing Ce ry ee oS ea) Crs Lower tha weights to ce Co Cig ae _s rire Fy | yy. yl hi Lou | _—" ous ONvAX. Yo Si ns oe TRICEPS EXTENSION a Wee paired these two muscle groups: because theyte often used together luring the same exercise. When you do a reverse-grip bent-over row, for example, both your back and biceps are working hard to move the weight Back Most men would rather train their chest by doing bench presses than spend a session working on their back But if you neglect the area you'll get bad posture and hunched shoulders as your overdeveloped pecs draw your shoulders forwards. A strong back will help you lft big weights as well as giving you a broad and imposing physique. At the top of the back are the muscles that contro! your shoulders. Your trapezius muscles (traps) pull your shoulder blades up and together while your thomboids pull your shoulders back. The latissimus dorsi muscles (lats} are the large ones down the sides of your back and are responsible for drawing your arms down and back. Biceps Gelting bigger biceps is a popular workout goal but theyre actually a relatively small muscle. The biceps brachii is made up of two parts and is responsible for bending your arm. When your palms are facing down, the muscle that bends your arm is the brachialis. The final muscle in the group Is the brachioradialis at the top of your forearm which is responsible for flexing the elbow. Ce een een onl Fy BACK & BICEPS >... ae pr INVERTED ROW - A powerhouse move for building a strong back Like a backwards press-up, the inverted You should be doing as many bent-over rows as row requires you to stabilise your core you do bench presses to maintain a balanced “r and work against your own bodyweight, physique. Ensure perfect form to prevent strains Keep the movement slow and controlled in your lower back, for maximum effect. CL , Te Poo ep Teg SO Ceo erry Cetra) Po Hold your body In 4 te) Rte a stralght line Retract your shoulder blades Song Sgr cry UR ric Co ed Ge TO eee Pa cron Roger SU Ed TE FA Fy The big move for training your upper traps. ‘There's not a lot of movement in this exercise, 0 you can afford to go as heavy as you dare. Be sure to hold the contraction at the top for a second or two before lowering, Dean y rae ong Cao] ee coo gd ry Po ren Coy Fy BACK & BICEPS pr oy: tei ‘Another change to target a large number of muscle fibres in your back and stimulate the bodys natural growth hormone response. Avoid the temptation to rock back and forth as you row, because this will transfer the stress to your lower back Neutral grip ~ palms Cro Brace your feet wlth recy A Poe coe Boog SHE OeeOs Resist the DU Cn Sr oer BACK & BICEPS pe LAT PULL-DOWN- ad A The unilateral nature of this, This targets your wings’ - the latissimus dorsi exercise means that you can ton muscles down the sides of your back If you are out any imbalances in your back aiming to shift heavy weights, you will need a specific development brought on by having lat pulkdown machine on which you can jam your ‘one arm stronger than the other. knees beneath pads to prevent your body lifting up, Ce Sea a —— z Let your arm hang ’ Ee cd Cy your face Cg On ay Ed Ray Co AOE OOS ... ee Ay Fy BACK & BICEPS . se 4 Pe) et Se " Oe WIDE-GRIP_ _ CABLE RO CABLE ROW Using a shoulder-height cable means you target not just the upper part of your back = your trapezius and rhomboids ~ but your rear shoulders as well. Keep a strong core to prevent your body twisting as you pull Use a jong bar to shift the emphasis away from your lats and to your traps and rhamboids, Stand square-on to frre) Ct Foot braced with Pena Roc Roary OCU ued rn fa GC) Oo Hi CS Hy BHEOeoos Pond Fy Fy BACK & BICEPS eM <= REVERSE-GRIP BENT-OVER ROW. Agreat test of your upper-body strength, the By tuming your hands to face pull-up should be a regular in any man’s gym outwards you transfer the emphasis programme. f you struggle to perform pull-ups, to your biceps and lats. You may find use @ bench to help get you into the ‘up’ position you have to reduce the weight you and then lower your weight slowly. would use on normal bent-over rows. Hands Just wider cnt os Pre Bend at the hips with Erato’ Underhand grip just es eee Cot ST) OO Squeeze your shoulder regi Coy Pee) Cg bcs SSC ony rd co bd GS Ray CoC ee coroner il FA BACK & BICEPS >... ie a > a HIGH C. payee SNATCH = Ss ¢ Your tear deltoids rarely get a lookin, but A powerful, muscle-building adding this exercise to the mix will ensure move that works the whole you get balanced gains and prevent you body. By taking a wide grip you getting hunched from having over-strong make your back do more work front delts that pull your shoulders forward. to stabilise the bar as you lif ee COEUR sy CO Palms facing each other 2 Body upright with Cr) Decry Cay Co ‘Stand up, initiating the ‘move with your glutes slight roy co Cony Split stance Donen for balance er td Pe SE SEy >, : Peer) Push your hips forward Cre as you stand FA fA REVERSE > BENCH FLYE This exercise targets the muscies of your middle back = your traps and rhomboids = while minimising the contribution from your arms, I) Poe Ro CTA Ly ofthe bench to allow a greater fer eoucucad Peet peas or BSeaiy BOE OSeoOs Se FA BACK & BICEPS pA WIDE-GRIP PULL-UP Make your lats work harder by taking a wider grip on the pull-up bar. This will restrict your range of movement, but you should still aim to get your chin to hand-level and lower all the way down to complete a full rep. DEY era) hang whthout swinging Re ey Ceo ey Cor > aw ROMANI DEADLIFT TO; ROW This combination move gives you wo classic mass-building exercises in one. You will need to keep your core braced and back straight throughout to avoid placing stress on your lower back CO Ty Eid Cag rear) \ Se rn re een Pa Ree cs Ce ety position as you pull the tar Pe A BACK & BICEPS oe CLEAN AND PRESS This exercise will work your entire body from calves: to shoulders, making you functionally stronger and flooding your system with muscle-building hormones, It should be performed powerfully but with complete control, ensuring a straight back throughout. eee) oUF Prec e tft Ard Cong rg cr Pou Push your hips ra) Ce) oo Pe Press rrr Cu CH bad eo CN Oe Ca) Cetra Poo ke oor cr Fy BACK & BICEPS oe Ja a > BENTO - eave etek BARBELL CURL = Really squeeze your shoulder This is the simplest move for packing muscle F blades together at the top of ‘on your biceps. Pick the heaviest weight you yd this move to ensure that you are can manage ~ but only with perfect form. If you working your back to the full and have to rock your body of limit your range of not just your rear shoulders. mation to lif the bar, pick a lighter weight. SR Prac Ter) Hands just outside thighs CO ns a] Rar Pee ro) Dont lean back ot rock to gain momentum S iu CS 3 ete) ay Peed CS A Fy ——~ yt sm: ta 8D sO ok@u) =). With dumb-bells you cant shift as much weight as with 2 bar, but you can train each arm separately, so your stronger arm can' take over the workload. By supinating your wrists ~ turing them out ~ at the top of the move you will get a greater contraction on the biceps. a Hi cS AA A Dumb-bells by Pau ao Cac . ne e Ay eae ec coy pA CHIN-UP er OL) Pec Sd Use an underhiand gtip to place more ‘emphasis on your biceps compared with a standard pull-up. Lower slowly all the on) TO eed Se BACK & BICEPS Prod aU Cae Fy BACK & BICEPS pA ea 3 HAMMER GC WEIGHTED PULL-UP The hammer grip ~ with palms facing When you can perform more than ten or each other ~ takes some of the 12 pulhups easity rather than simply doing pressure off your biceps brachii and more reps, your muscles will respond better if you places it onto your brachioradialis add extra resistance. You can hang weights from muscle that runs down to your forearm. a belt or grasp a dumb-bell between your feet. acs Poa ra Py racy Por Ag eo ee Pa Fert Cee a a erin EL Cea Pore os ‘your body from ey Benne) A Fy BACK & BICEPS eM <= ~~ Se DUMB-BELL ~~ 2 PREACHER GURL EZ-BAR CURL Like the barbell cur, this move allows you to move the maximum weight for your biceps. The zig-zag shaped EZ-bar places your palms in 2 more natural position than the barbell putting lass stress on your wrists and elbows. By locking your upper arm into place against the pad, you remove assistance from other muscle groups, placing all the emphasis on the biceps. Coa) Esa) Cos Grip the bar ust Cea Po a) ey Ret Per ary Pr eu ci) Co reco sides Brace your core to PCIe) ES ent Fy hon BEST EXERCISES WIDE-GRIP CABLE ROW ME =-Ry Shaping Every Body. DOR ay sry ay Your abdominals perform three main functions (or four if you count making you look better). They stabilise your body, keeping your trunk solid when external forces are acting on It; theyre responsible for forward bending and rotational movements; and they control side bending and back extension movements. These are the four main muscles in the group. Transversus abdominis ‘The transverses abdominis is a deep- lying muscle that runs across your torso from side to side, holding your ribs in place and stabilising your pelvic area ecu Internal obliques These run upwards from your hip, allowing you to bend and rotate to the sides. External obliques These lle above the intemal obliques, and work alongside others to. bend and rotate your torso. Rectus abdominis At the front of your stomach is your rectus abdominis - the abs. This sheet of muscle is separated into segments, giving you the classic six pack look when it is developed. cue Ra ABS & CORE The original abs move. Remember Build power for sport with to keep the pace slow, especially a move that requires you to as you lower back down, to keep maintain an angled body the maximum tension on your position while twisting stomach muscles. through your torso. This move targets your side abs. Hold the ‘up’ position for a one-count and lower slowly again to stop momentum from doing the work By lifting your legs ‘towards your chest you place most of the emphasis on the lower portion of your abs. ABS & CORE ABS & CORE This classic stability move strengthens < As well as providing an unstable surface your deep core muscles, helping to that trains your deep stabiliser muscles, improve posture and protect your the gym ball also allows you to get a lower back from injury during heavy i greater range of motion over the standard lifts such as squats and deadiifs. ‘crunch, giving your abs a better workout. ABS & CORE This move can be tough, not least because you have This requires a certain amount of to hang from the bar for the duration of each set. balance and co-ordination because you raise just your legs, youll mainly be working your you need to keep your weight hip flexor muscles rather than your abs, so aim to centred over your gllutes to avoid draw your knees to your chest to work your abs hard. falling forwards or backwards. - a ABS & CORE By holding a weight plate or dumb- bell across your chest when doing crunches, you can adjust the resistance 0 that you get near to failure within the muscle-bullding ten-to-12 rep range, Like the standard plank, this exercise trains the deep core muscles to help stabilise your i spine during heaw lifts and sporting movements, =< SOS ehemo fe 5 B = The gym ball lets you get a on rape SES oo a a SOSSnEgE ABS & CORE ‘The cable keeps a constant Preventing the ball from tension on your muscles, wobbling requites strong core developing core power for muscles. Aim to increase the sports that require twisting time you hold the plank by ten and throwing movements, seconds each time you try it ABS & CORE Adding resistance to this, Keep your hips high and crunch your tough move wil iit the hips towards your chest to work your number of reps you can abs. you just pull your knees back perform, giving your abs a and forth then you will mainly work muscle-bullding stimulus. your hip flexors, not your abs. ABS & CORE Place the emphasis on your lower Passing the ball from hands core muscles by transferring the to feet, and back again, forces. twisting movement to your lower you to perform the jackknife body, while keeping your shoulders, movement correctly and flat on the floor under control. ABS & CORE Keep the weight light when you fist ty this exercise to prevent possible strain to your lower back ¢ Use your core muscles to control the movement slowly Up and down without letting your hips sag. DE Oe OO Nee ba ABS & CORE <- SE BOOSEREME Using a gym ball allows you to get full range of motion on this classic lower-back exercise, while the additional wobble works the deep stabilising muscles in your core, Hb CY el eS This exercise requires your whole body to work. through several planes of motion at the same time = lifting and rotating simultaneously - using ‘your core muscles to control the transfer of power from your lower body to uppet. ABS & CORE The swimming motion with your hands and feet strengthens the muscles that support your spine during dynamic sporting movements. * GRENADE” has been : described as ‘The world’s strongest fatourner’ and is quickly becoming one of the --most highly recommended and talked about supplements * ‘on thé marke + Advanced thermogenic formula * Contains clinically proven tat burning ingredients | + Accelerates metabolis m . * NO Cravings, NO Crash! DE Oe OO TRAIN HARDE Pont sken oo : ria Se Vice creel bleh BEST EXERCISES Legs Your legs and backside (glutes) contain On the front of your thighs the quads the biggest muscles in your body help straighten your leg and stabilise and they make up about hall your your knee. On the back of your thigh. total muscle mass. Training the lower your hamstrings are responsible for halt of your body will have a positive extending your hips and bending your Impact on the upper half because knees. Both these muscle groups work training these large muscles provokes —_with your glutes every time you go 2 huge growth hormone response. from a sitting to a standing position. maximus ° as DYE ay The original power move. The deadlift uses several large muscle groups, which floods your body with muscle-building hormones race blades retracted CY Ca ey Peo er) tip for stabity Looe ny Peed Pe Peay co cad a UY 8 fC) ea or) Fy Cet preg eT orc Ve SI ad Coa PRN Oy Seg Brion LEGS ‘The squat is a classic move that builds muscle throughout your lower body and should form the basis of all your leg training. Some people find the squat difficuit to perform well, but keep practising and perfecting your form and you'll be repaid in spades. See Geen ais et Cay Cee shoulders, with elbows and RT od Cer Gey Se a eed ee oe at Peay Fy LEGS JUMP SQUAI Using dumb-bells instead of a This explosive move fires z bar can take the pressure off iy up the fast-twitch muscles i, your lower back by allowing in your quads the ones ‘you to keep your torso more with the most potential upright as you squat. for growth. SO Aaa id OT cS or Foot shoulder- are Can ry rr posta Lower until your thighs. Boe SU] ey Eu cc) ee ec Cn cia a Py ONE-LEG SQUAT Squalting on one leg strengthens the stabilising muscles in your hips, knees and ankles, giving you a more solid platform from which to increase the weight you squat, and protacting your joints from injury eo balance Tt the floor NeaOOS Be eed re ce cg or FA LEGS DUMB-BELL GYM BALL SQU Using a gym ball to a support your back iy places the focus of the squat firmly on your quads. Ror) Rood ea front of your body Cee Lower slowly, rolling your back Coa BOE Ce OO CO Py STATIC SKI SQU This isometric (holding a position under tension) exercise will help build muscle endurance in your thighs, which will in ‘tum allow you to lft heavier when you rotum to normal squats. OS i) Hi cs FA Fy eon Por) Sa Ce a LEGS By holding the bar in front of you, as opposed to behind your neck, it naturally alters your posture 50 your torso is more upright. This will decrease the pressure on your lower back and place more ‘emphasis on your quads than a standard squat does. TO ey Coan ra os > reas ee Rd Ce as Ec Brace your core throughout rr) eng Nears Do Back straight and head up CH bad Coe CAN Kl {<2 Sonar Th trar Fy Sie]Ury DUMB-BELL STEP-UP 1e wider stance Target your quads and nsfers some of the ‘ iy glutes with a move that will stress of the squat on help to stabilise your knee to your inner thighs ~ joint, making you more the adductors, efficient at running Coe Coad Ctr ey ost Cee Co CL Ue PO ig Pea toes pointing out rey A nd 9 Rosny Pee cad LEGS iia This move works your entire lower body and requires good balance and flexibility at the hip, so it will help to make you more dynamic when playing sport ety Don peony Cs Rrsated Ro forward Take a big step forward esd Png Don't let your ont Poo Poa Fy LEGS Lunging to the side works your quads and your inner thighs. You can develop this move by lunging at different angles to stimulate your leg muscles in different ways. ‘Stand upright with dumb ee ed DC Cos Sy ra Ca TY fy LEGS GYM BALL SOM Na Ns) 6 I ol@ LONE Leaping from one lunge to another Placing your back foot on a gym. will build fast-witch muscle fibres and he ball puts you in a very unstable also requires a lot of energy, so it's Position, so your muscles are a great way of buming calories and required to work hard to keep you steady and maintain form, Improving cardiovascular fitness, rey 1. Soca Soe aay Body upright, holding dumb- bells by your sides eer ny ball behind you Feet pointing forwards S i iad eC a Poe) Ce eT Pc uy TRO ce ad Feet pointing forwards LEO Cs FA LEGS Coy (ey. Ee ROMANIAN DEADLIFT LEG CURL Target your Isolate your hamstrings with hamstrings with a i ‘a move that looks simpie but move that allows you will soon exhaust your hams, 10 shift a lot of weight especially if you do it immediately under control. after Romanian deadiits. Ce) Pcs Hold the bar against ‘your thighs with ae! Pay Feet shoulder-width apart, pointing cory Y OR fool peal Pieris a keeping your back straight Draw the bell Into ag Cpa ey to allow the bar to travel ee eo roa before retuming to the start Fi ONE-LEG ROMANIAN, DEADLIFT Keep this move slow and controlled to build strength and stability in your glutes and hamstrings. Aon Tee es Cras Os Sy Pee Cee i) Hi cs EA Cay BO tc) Sn) ry LEGS STANDING eM N= Don't neglect your calves ~ add as much weight as you can manage to stimulate these hard-to- build muscles. Cee ec) Eee eee oO cd Rr foot on a box oF step Tey CST Ce ar) Arey before lowering slowty The main shoulder muscle, the deltoid, is a three-part muscle that goes around the shoulder joint The anterior (ron) deltoid starts on the collarbone, the medial (middle) deitoid starts on the top of the shoulder and the posterior (rear) deltoid starts on the shoulder biade. Medial deltoid ‘The anterior deltoid is involved in pushing moves that also work the chest, such as the bench press. The medial deltoid is responsible liting your arms straight overhead and the posterior deltoid is called upon when you raise your arms out ftom your sides ree N SHOULDERS This is the classic move for building Using your legs to initiate bigger, stronger shoulders. Be c ¥ the move allows you sure to keep your core muscles ) press more weight, which excess sltess on your lower back muscles. SHOULDERS SEA ee : SHOULDER PR =e When you don't have any weights The dumb-bells allow you to a to hand you ean still bulld your ‘work each side of your shoulders ~i shoulders, Just make sure you independently, and also let your can control your own bodyweight ‘arms raise in their natural arc 80 you dont fall on your face. compared with using a barbell SHOULDERS This twist on the dumb-bell Isolate your deltoids press combines a pushing with a single-joint motion with a rotational one, move that gets hitting your dettoids from harder the slower several angles at once you do it. BOE OS oOoOs SHOULDERS Place the emphasis on This complex move works your your front dettoids, using shoulder through several planes of light weights to protect the motion, helping to strengthen your vulnerable rotator cuff muscles rotator cuffs ~ the muscles that around your shoulder joint. stabilise your shoulder joint. re eee lo) Use this move as This works your rotator cuff muscles a warm-up for your in the opposite plane to the internal shoulder joint before rolation. Combine the two exercises going on to do together to give your shoulders a heavy its. proper warm-up. ay 3 CS Ss ee sx} Oretine a grcopen rectacemert cr , Svenath, speed and ean mci moss ‘AT, BUILD wea é ‘slow proteins (whey: oor 5 2.5kg £38 Inside Men’s Fitness > New workouts to help you build muscle thy t1098 TB : akg £1285 "i 5g 30 © Meal plans that strip away fat Porat sy ray sau orcas ed © Fitness advice from leading experts pote harbors Somieearo 2 Winning tips from top sportsmen > Gear for active men tested and rated 9089 18.08 1.4ng 014.98 2k9 029 \ sig ti0 Big S58 \ ‘St the UK's Han torr a an aeeg rater protein powder Poner 009 814.95 12g £18.85 Tabits aso 495, {orineasng eon rie FLAVOURED CHEWABLE Claim of Men’s Fitness today for £5 and start getting results TABLETS Place your order securely online Order online today at or Sarees B14. oo. CALL 0844 844 0081 —— using offer code G101WORK pots ee If during your 5 Issues, you decide Men's Fitness isn't for you, simply cancel and you wort pay a penny more. But if you continue reading youll SAVE 15% on the shop price, and pay just £19.95 every 6 issues. ‘Amino Acids 1s00rg 900 Tabs Pn ece ED Oeil T Dotan ca cet aca! Scone hundred of the most effective muscle- building exercises at your disposal you'll keep your mind and body stimulated, You'll never be Seto ee neo eBay n Cs moves to help you blast through a plateau. Beer Ra acne Reece motes Reno brea cncebece ac nc eects Reon RC Notte m Ma eben Ms Beste acta EXERCISES dela But em elie le sh meee PETER en On er E tL cr pA Cetea ti Ett Tel AY GYM-BAG SIZED

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