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Second/ Third Grade Musical

How Does Your Garden Groove

Thursday February 12, 2015 6:00 pm
Our 2nd and 3rd Grade students will be working very hard over the next couple of
weeks preparing to perform the musical, How Does Your Garden Groove? On the
night of the musical, students need to arrive at school by 5:40 PM and go directly to
their classrooms.
Second Grade Dress/Costumes
Hodges/ Lewis Eggplant Attire: Solid black shirts and black or jean bottoms
(3 or 4)Potato Attire: Solid brown shirts and jean bottoms
Holbrook Pepper Attire: Solid yellow, green, or red shirts and jean bottoms
(3 or 4)Potato Attire: Solid brown shirts and jean bottoms
Chandonia Tomato Attire: Solid red shirts and jean bottoms
(3 or 4Potato) Attire: Solid brown shirts and jean bottoms
All 2nd Grade students are required to bring a pair of sunglasses (if they
are able to)!
Third Grade Dress/ Costumes

Third Grade students will wear a costume

according to the speaking parts.
Non speaking Third Grade students will costume according to the list
below and with the teachers guidance.
Morris - Lettuce, Spinach, Cabbage
Pope/ LaTour Carrots and Peas
Hogan/ Woods - String Beans and Corn
Please check for updated information on the Hawthorne
Music/Band/Chorus Website!
George Arrington
General Music and Band
Hawthorne Theme School of Communications and Technology
2535 Caladium Dr.
Atlanta, GA 30345

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