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In Death Duty does not end

Visions of glory radiated in his minds eye as his life signs fluctuated into parabolic arrhythmia. A
healthy robust Vendrake resplendent in bespoke artificer terminator armour , Indentured Xenos in
lieu, receiving a rapturous welcome by his peers at the conclave on Dhaltus Prime for single
handedly defeating the Eldar armada in the Howling stars, was followed by a less lucid apparition
of Dhartur interrogating a hooded assassin in the bowels of a burning frigate. Clouds of smoke
billowed in obscuring the detainee. Vendrake strained to see the face of the assassin but the harder
he looked the less he saw . More black smoke billowed in until he could see nothing , his breathing
laboured the old man fell to his calliper'd knee gasping for air before blacking out.

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