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Analysis Paper:
Comparison and Contrast of 2
Researched Works
Rough Draft Due: _____
Final Due: _____

Please format to MLA (The Modern

Language Association) standards.
Additionally, please use Times, 12 pt. font,
w/ 1.5 spacing.
Please choose 2 images from your
completed artist research assignment or
other source. These images should be
from 2 separate artists.
Write a 3 paragraph (min. w/
introduction, body, and conclusion)
paper comparing and contrasting the 2
separate works you have chosen.
Use a minimum of 15 evaluative
vocabulary words form the handout
Basic Vocabulary and Guidelines for
Critique of ART and/or Visual
For your Rough Draft make sure to
HIGHLIGHT in light yellow the text
for those evaluative vocabulary words
you use.
Make sure to include your 2 images
with your paper. You may either attach
them and reference them or include

them in the body of the paper. Please site

the works.

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