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Butterfly larvae, or caterpillars, consume plant leaves and spend practically al

l of their time in search of food. Although most caterpillars are herbivorous, a

few species such as Spalgis epius and Liphyra brassolis are entomophagous (inse
ct eating).
Some larvae, especially those of the Lycaenidae, form mutual associations with a
nts. They communicate with the ants using vibrations that are transmitted throug
h the substrate as well as using chemical signals.[7][8] The ants provide some d
egree of protection to these larvae and they in turn gather honeydew secretions.
Others such as Phengaris arion communicate with ants to form a parasitic relati
Caterpillars mature through a series of stages called instars. Near the end of e
ach instar, the larva undergoes a process called apolysis, in which the cuticle,
a tough outer layer made of a mixture of chitin and specialized proteins, is re
leased from the softer epidermis beneath, and the epidermis begins to form a new
cuticle beneath. At the end of each instar, the larva moults the old cuticle, a
nd the new cuticle expands, before rapidly hardening and developing pigment. Dev
elopment of butterfly wing patterns begins by the last larval instar.
Butterfly caterpillars have three pairs of true legs from the thoracic segments
and up to 6 pairs of prolegs arising from the abdominal segments. These prolegs
have rings of tiny hooks called crochets that help them grip the substrate.[10]
Some caterpillars have the ability to inflate parts of their head to appear snak
e-like. Many have false eye-spots to enhance this effect. Some caterpillars have
special structures called osmeteria which are everted to produce foul-smelling
chemicals. These are used in defense.
Host plants often have toxic substances in them and caterpillars are able to seq
uester these substances and retain them into the adult stage. This makes them un
palatable to birds and other predators. Such unpalatibility is advertised using
bright red, orange, black or white warning colours, a practice known as aposemat
ism. The toxic chemicals in plants are often evolved specifically to prevent the
m from being eaten by insects. Insects in turn develop countermeasures or make u
se of these toxins for their own survival. This "arms race" has led to the coevo
lution of insects and their host plants.

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