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Written By: Mir Fateh Ali Shah

Translated By: Pir Taimur
If we look at the history, we
come to know that, in this world
every nation has been searching
for the existence of God (Allah).
Some of them accept son their God
and some moon, some accept tree
and some lion, and some accept
cow as their God etc.
In this whole struggle it has
been observed that every nation
has been indulged in searching
there God. It was all because
somewhere inside them the feel of
God was there, and for that it is
must that they would have met
the God already, otherwise how
they come to know about God and
roam here and there for searching
Him in different materialistic things
or they would have felt His
existence in this world and they
start searching.
By studying Quran, we come to
know that Allah (God) created souls
first, and asked them that “aren’t
I your Lord?” all replied “Yes”.
By accepting this truth we will
be able to understand that why
every nation has been indulged in
searching for God that is the only
reason between the relationships
of every human with God.
Then some of them accept the
God and some of them denied. But
the truth remains, that in both
perspectives the existence of
God is there.

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