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A smart offeror

A: Hi
B: Hi , how are you?
A: I am fine, how about you ?
B: I am fine too. where do you go ?
A: I want to go to market
B: what will you do in the market?
A: I want to buy something
B: what do you want to buy ?
A: I want to buy banana
B: how many is it ?
A: just a few of bananas
B: may I follow you?
A: oh sure. I am very happy if you accompany me
B: thank you, I want to buy banana too
A: Ok. so we buy banana together
B: yeah, let's go
A: look, there are so many seller.
B: let's go there
C: ladies and gentleman please come here.. I have many fresh fruits here
A: do you sell banana Sir?
C: yes of course. there are so many kind of bananas
B: ok. let's choose it
A: so what kind of bananas that do you sell Sir?
C: this is susu banana and raja banana
A: how much does it cost?
C: for susu banana is three thousand rupiahs, and raja banana is four thousand rupiahs
B: it is so expensive right?
C: no, it isn't. today the fuel price increase so all of the price is increase too.
A: I want to buy five cloves of susu bananas, how much is it?
C: the cost is fifteen thousand rupiahs
A: can you make it lower ?
C: I'm sorry it is the fixed price
B: Ok Sir. is there any discount ? my friend buys many of bananas. if three cloves of raja bananas how
much it cost?
C: if three cloves raja bananas is twelve thousand rupiahs
B: is there any discount?
C: no. I'm sorry it is the fixed price
A: the cost is so expensive. lets go there
B: lets go. thank you sir.
C: you're welcome
B: why the cost is expensive, how dou you think?
A: yeah. but I don't know why it's like that
D: hi guys. what are you doing here?
B: we want to buy banana
D: there is fruits shoop. why you don't go there?
B: yes, we already go there. but the cost is so expensive
A: five cloves of susu bananas is fifteen thousand rupiahs and four cloves raja bananas is twelve thousand
D: yes. it is expensive. is there any discount?
A: no. do you want to help us?

D: help for what?

B: could you help us to buy banana there? you are a smart offeror.
D: hhaha, you must be joking
A: yeah you are a smart offerer
D: it is ok. i will do it
AB: thank you very much
D: never mind. we are a best friend.
B: ok.
D: so I will go there.
A: yes. good luck
D: ok
C: ladies and gentleman please come here.. I have many fresh fruits here. there are water melon, apple,
banana.. let's choose
D: is there any banana?
C: yes of course
D: how much it cost?
C: for susu banana three thousand rupiahs, and raja banana is four thousand rupiahs
D: it is so expensive. can you make it lower?
C: I'm sorry it is the fixed price
D: I want to buy many bananas, give me a discount
C: It's impossible. i can't give it to you
D: ohh... ok. I will go if you say like that
C: wait wait, how many do you want to buy?
D: I will buy five cloves of susu bananas and three cloves of raja bananas
C: I will give you discount
D: yes. thank you
C:the cost all together is twenty six thousand rupiahs
D: the discount is too small
C: yes, it should like that
D: how if twenty three thousand rupiahs ?
C: sorry I can't
D: give me more, you only give me a discount one thousand rupiah
C: yeah. you also rise your offer
D: how much?
C: twenty five thousand rupiahs
D: it's same as the first time I offer to you. how about twenty four thousand rupiahs
C: hmmm..ok. i give to you
D: yes sir
C: so, I pack it all in one?
D: no. please separated it between susu banana and raja banana
C: of course. this is your banana
D: yes. this is the cost twenty four thousand rupiahs Sir
C: yes. thank you
D: you are welcome
D: hi guys
A:hi, do you get it?
D: yes of coure. don't offend me. I certaintly get it
B: wow you are a smart offeror
D: haha .. this is your banana
B:thank you very much
D: you are welcome. ok I will go home now
A: yes, take care on the way
AB: bye
D: yes. bye

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