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Valentines Day Cards

Write a message for each student. You must create a message that uses each of the following
literary devices. First, define each of the terms and write your messages on this document
first. Submit this work to the Dropbox. Then, you can make the cards. The cards you create
do not have to be elaborate. You can make several on a sheet of paper (on MS Word), cut, and

Personification- human like qualities given to an inanimate object

o My heart is excited with joy when Im with you
Simile- comparing two unlike things using like or as
o Hope your day is as sweet as you!
Metaphor- comparing two unlike things without using like or as
o You are the chocolate to my strawberry
Hyperbole-an exaggerated statement
o My heart stops when I see you
Iambic Pentameter- A meter with 5 iambs per line
o You are a rose, pretty and beautiful!
Iambic Tetrameter- A meter with 4 iambs per line
o Teddy bears are as cute as you
Couplet- two lines that rhyme with each other
o You are like sunshine
And the stars that align
Alliteration-The repetition of a consonant in the beginning of each
word in a sentence.
o The sun always shines and the stars always sparkle when you are
Assonance- The repetition of a vowel sound in a sentence.
o Lets travel to the galaxy and see the milky way
Consonance-The repetition of a consonant in a sentence.
o Red roses and are as pretty as you
Enjambment- Occurs when one sentence continues to the next verse
without punctuation in a poem.
o Sugar is sweet
and so are you.
Internal rhyme- A rhyme involving a word in the middle of a line and a
other at the end of the line or in the middle of the next.
o Its a treat to be with someone sweet
Onomatopoeia- Words that sound like what they describe.
o You are pur-fect
Imagery- Description using sensory details

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