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Interface in PHP

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INTERFACE Introduction
Interfaces allow you to define a some standard structure
for your classes. Interface helps to create multiple
inheritance because as most of developers knows, PHP
does not support multiple inheritance directly, we need
to use interface to implement multiple inheritance which
is not supported with abstract.
Interface can be, not extended. Interface can contain
abstract method. If Interface variables are constant or
final then it must be initialized. implemented by class

access_specifier Interfacee interface_name //access_specifier is public or no_modifier
return_type methodname1(arg list); // Method declaration
return_type methodname2(arg list);
type variable_name1 = value1; // Variable declaration
type variable_name2 = value2
} // Interface created
class Class_name implements interface_name{
public function function_name(){
// Desired method code


interface intI{
function disp();
class Cls implements intI{
public function disp(){
echo "inteface intI implemented by Cls";
$obj = new Cls();
// prints inteface intI implemented by Cls

Extended Interface
interface I1{
function m1();
interface I2 extends I1{
function m2();
class C1 implements I1{
public function m1(){
echo "Method M1<br/>";
public function m2(){
echo "Method M2";
$obj = new C1();
//Method M1
//Method M2

Finally, The difference between class and

We can extend the class.
Multiple inheritance is not supported by class.
We can implement the interface.
Interface can support multiple inheritance.

Thanks You
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