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Monitoring your bodys

reaction to exercise
P6- Follow guidelines to interpret collected
data for heart rate, breathing rate and
temperature before and after a standard
period of exercise.

Objectives: P6/M3
All: To be able to measure temperature,
pulse and breathing rate before and after
a period of exercise.
To record data accurately and be able to
say why measurements may change after
Most: Present your data in graphs.
Explain what may affect the validity/
accuracy of your results.

1. Obtain a partner to assist you in this activity.
2. Ensure you are wearing safe and appropriate
footwear and clothing.
3. Ensure you have a watch to record the
observations accurately.
4. Ensure you have the recording sheets to
5. Follow all health and safety procedures.

Exercise Activity
1. Record the observations at rest: temperature, respiratory rate and
pulse before commencing the period of exercise.
2. The subject then steps up and down (one foot and then both feet)
at a rate of 30 steps per minute for 5 minutes.
3. The individual sits down and the measurements are taken. Ensure
the stop watch is re-set to record at one minute and three minutes
after exercise.

4. You will not be able to do all the measurements together so do

a. Exercise and record pulse
b. Exercise and record temperature
c. Exercise and record respirations
Record the rate of temperature or breathing or pulse at the set times
on the data sheet.

Your Report
Title Page: You need to decide on and
add a title to the report. You need to add
your name and date of the report and
Pass criteria (P6/M3)
Introduction: This explains what the
report is about and the activity undertaken
and how you undertook the activity
including health and safety guidelines

Your Report
Main part: This will contain a description
of your findings and why they occurred
using graphs and submit all original
charts. This will also contain comments on
all points found and any changes in
results and why you think they occurred
using your P5 work to hep you.

Questions you must answer

What were your own results? Did they
change as you would expect?
What happens to heart rate (pulse) during
exercise? Why?
What happens to respiration rate? Why?
What happens to temperature? Why?
What are normal ranges for these

Websites which may help

Example of a line graph: add your data to excel spreadsheet see below.
Highlight the information.
From toolbar click on chart wizard.
Choose line graph.

Add title for graph

Your Report
There will be a core section on Validity/accuracy
and what affected the results. Consider:
Can you use the equipment properly?
Does the equipment work?
Is the equipment clean?
Is the room warm/cold?
Did you count breaths/pulse for a full minute?
Did you count accurately?
Did you exercise for long enough?
Can you think of anything else which may
affect your results?

Your Report
Conclusion: You will draw conclusions
from doing this activity to add at the end of
the report.

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