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TASK: part A

1. How many human rights are guaranteed, according to the

document? 30
2. According to the Universal Declaration, how should respect for
human rights be promoted? Respect for the human rights should
be promoted according to the universal Declaration by the
development of friendly relations of nations.
3. Which two articles of the Declaration do you think are the most
important? Give reasons for your answer. I think that the first
most important article is number 3, Everyone has the right to
life, liberty and security of person. This is important because
everyone deserves to have a life of their own and to be able to
feel safe. The second article that I feel is important is article
15, everyone has the right to a nationality. This is important
because a persons nationality is where a person comes from and
its important for people to know about where they came from
and who they are.
4. Should a nations record on human rights be the major factor in
determining the United States relationship with that nation?
Explain your answer. It depends on what that nation does for us.
I think that if the nation is really helpful towards how we are
living in the US that we should try and be friendly with that
nation even if they have a bad record of human rights. If we
stay close with nations like that we can also try and change the
nations that dont have good human rights. If a nation has good

human rights then we are going to be civil with them no matter

what as long as they are back to us.

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