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“Modern” Mythology Project

1. Find three examples of mythology’s influence on our modern lives. (For example,
NIKE is the name of an athletic shoe company, which derives its name from the Greek
goddess of victory.)
2. Choose some kind of graphic to illustrate each myth, god, etc.
3. Write a short paragraph explaining the reason this mythological reference was used.
(Why is the myth, god, etc. relevant to our modern lives? What message is being
expressed by an allusion to mythology?)
4. Affix all of the information and graphics to a piece of poster board and add detail,
color, titles, etc. to make the overall presentation attractive.
5. Submit your completed poster by Friday, January 29th.
6. Present and explain your poster during class.

“Modern” Mythology Project

1. Find three examples of mythology’s influence on our modern lives. (For example,
NIKE is the name of an athletic shoe company, which derives its name from the
Greek goddess of victory.)
2. Choose some kind of graphic to illustrate each myth, god, etc.
3. Write a short paragraph explaining the reason this mythological reference was
used. (Why is the myth, god, etc. relevant to our modern lives? What message is
being expressed by an allusion to mythology?)
4. Affix all of the information and graphics to a piece of poster board and add detail,
color, titles, etc. to make the overall presentation attractive.
5. Submit your completed poster by Friday, January 29th.
6. Present and explain your poster during class.

“Modern” Mythology Project

1. Find three examples of mythology’s influence on our modern lives. (For example,
NIKE is the name of an athletic shoe company, which derives its name from the
Greek goddess of victory.)
2. Choose some kind of graphic to illustrate each myth, god, etc.
3. Write a short paragraph explaining the reason this mythological reference was
used. (Why is the myth, god, etc. relevant to our modern lives? What message is
being expressed by an allusion to mythology?)
4. Affix all of the information and graphics to a piece of poster board and add detail,
color, titles, etc. to make the overall presentation attractive.
5. Submit your completed poster by Friday, January 29th.
6. Present and explain your poster during class.

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