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Conforming to society is never an option one chooses on

their own unless its to fit in. But the in were talking about is
societys preconceived idea and beliefs of how people should act
and look and is the reason for most bullying and social issues.
In todays society we find categorys and groups we fit in to
make ourselves feel normal, but humanity shouldnt be run on the
principal of caring about if someone else thinks youre a good
person. When men post pictures on Instagram of them on
horses shirtless like Vladimir Putin did society responds with
comments about how handsome and fun it looks. But when a
female posts the same photo of her topless like comedian Chelsea
Handler did it gets removed from Instagram because it doesnt
comply with Instagrams Nudity section in their community
Guidelines. The only reason this is an issue is because society has
sexualized the female body and not the mens, thus forcing
people like Chelsea to conform to society. But by allowing Putins
photo so stay up even though he is showing his bare chest is
society saying he has more 1st amendment rights?
Conformity is a combination of personality and social
demands. Our society as a whole promotes and rewards
conformity and shuns those who dont fit in. Children, teens,
and even Adults are being bullied daily based on the fact of their
religious views. According to PEW Research approximately 78.4%
of all Americans are Christian and 20.8% fall under societys
other pile. Schools today are filled with young life groups and
after school Christian programs that are setting a judgmental
preconceived idea for the whole religious spectrum of the world.
This is the main reason for societal discourse such as racial issues
and gender intolerance.
When you look around the world and look at all the
people this earth contains there is no normal. So why does
modern day society try to push us in to a cookie cutter model of
what they think normal is. Whether someone is topless in

central park or wearing a habit in church no one should be

suppressed to conforming to society.

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