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Regions of Canada: Tourism Assignment

Names of group members ____________________________________________________

Region ____________________________________________________________________
Assignment: You are employees of Tourism Canada, and it is your job to convince
people to come to your region. You can use any number of techniques- some
- Humour
- Pictures (a PowerPoint presentation, handouts, video)
- Facts/Statistics
- Drama
- etc
You can also do a variety of different styles of presentation. Some suggestions:
- Fake newscast
- Puppet show
- Sales pitch
- Interview
- Phone conversation
- Visual presentation, like a fake texting conversation or a PowerPoint/Prezi
- etc
The kind of presentation is entirely up to you! It must, however, include these
- Information about the location of the region
- Information about the climate of the region
- Information about activities that can be done in the region (do some
- Information about the economy in the region
It should also
- Convince people to come to the region (so it should be positive and
- Be entertaining in some way
- Be between 3 and 5 minutes
** I want these presentations to give a fairly clear picture of the region, its location
and its characteristics. **
Consult the textbook pages 16-23 and the atlas page _____ (for location and/or
physical geography). You are also more than welcome to do some outside research.
Presentations will occur tomorrow (Friday Feb 13), but I will also give you _________
minutes to work on it in tomorrows class.

Each category will be given a mark out of 5. The first three categories are group
marks, and the last is individual. Every person must have some sort of role in the
presentation to get a good participation mark.
Use of class time
Required information present
Presentation- prepared, convincing,
Participation (individual mark)

Use the space below to take notes on your region and start planning!

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