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Body Tune-Up: Detox, Colon Cleanse, Juice Fast, and Diet

Internal Detox
This digestive system detox is suited for first-timers, as a pre-cleanse before a fast, for people with mild
digestive symptoms, or as a general preventative measure. This duration of this detox is usually two to
three weeks.
Detox agents
1. Activated charcoal
Activated charcoal binds intestinal toxins and unfriendly microbial growth and excretes them in the
500-600 mg three times per day 1 hour before or 2 hours after meals and medication
2. Bentonite clay
If activated charcoal is unavailable, bentonite clay can be used. Bentonite is a type of edible clay that
acts as a bulk laxative by absorbing water to form a gel. It binds toxins such as pesticides and helps to
carry them out of the colon. Bentonite clay can be found at the health food store.
Bentonite intake should be reduced and timed away from medication intake as it may interfere with
1 tablespoon liquid bentonite 2-3 times per day 1 hour before or 2 hours after meals and
3. Psyllium
Psyllium is a dietary fiber that supports normal bowel function. It cleanses the mucus lining of the
intestines and increases the bulk of the stools. Psyllium absorbs water and expand in the colon,
allowing toxins and mucus to be removed.
Take with activated charcoal or if using bentonite, stir it into the psyllium water.
1 teaspoon psyllium powder three times per day. Stir psyllium into 8 oz water and drink
4. Flax seeds
Flax seeds also absorb water and expand in the colon, allowing toxins and mucus to be removed. In
addition, flax seeds have been found to lower cholesterol levels.

Take one tablespoon of liquid bentonite and one to two teaspoons of ground flaxseeds or psyllium
in a glass of water first thing in the morning (wait at least 1/2 hour before eating) and before bed.


Adequate fluids are essential when taking psyllium, activated charcoal, or bentonite clay. Drink
8-12 glasses per day. When calculating total fluid intake per day, be sure to include intake of
herbal tea and alkaline broth.

Squeeze a wedge or 1/4 lemon into warm water and drink immediately after rising in the
morning, before having the bentonite clay and flaxseed drink.

Vegetable broth contains minerals that are necessary for tissue cleansing. Drink 2 cups per day.

The digestive tract maintains a balance between healthy and potentially harmful micro-organisms.
Probiotics, the supplement form of healthy micro-organisms, have been used for many years to increase
the proportion of protective bacteria and for the prevention and treatment of many health conditions.
The most common strains of probiotics are Lactobacillus acidophilus for the small intestine and
Bifidobacterium bifidum for the large intestine. Look for a combination of the two strains. Each
capsule or dose should contain more than 1 billion viable bacteria. The minimum therapeutic dose is
suggested to be 108-109 cells per day. More bacteria per capsule or dose is preferable, since the
bacteria must survive during shelf life and then after ingestion, during transit through the acidic
conditions of the stomach and hydrolytic enzymes and bile salts in the small intestine.
Probiotics should always be refrigerated before and after opening.
Continue taking probiotics for several weeks after the cleansing period is over.
1 capsule three times per day
Coffee Enemas
Enemas are quick ways to remove toxins from the colon and body. A coffee enema is believed to
detoxify the liver by rapidly emptying the colon, enhancing liver detoxification, and increasing the flow
of bile and the elimination of toxins through bile. Some people claim that it provides immediate relief
to toxicity symptoms, such as congestion, indigestion, pain and headaches.
Coffee enemas should only be performed under supervision by a holistic medical doctor, naturopathic
physician, or herbalist.

2 to 3 tablespoons of fresh ground organic coffee (light roast)

4 cups distilled water

glass or enamel pot (do not use teflon, aluminum or iron)

fine sieve

enema bag with rubber or plastic tubing and a fountain syringe applicator

small amount of olive oil

1. Using the amounts specified above in the pot, bring the coffee to a boil. Boil for 3 minutes then
simmer for 15 minutes. Strain using a very fine sieve. Allow this liquid to cool to body
temperature (98.6 F). It should feel comfortable to the touch.
2. Pour this liquid into the enema bag, clamping the tube as you pour. Lubricate the nozzle with
the olive oil.
3. Hang the enema bag between 1 1/2 to 2 feet above the floor in the bathroom. The higher the
bag, the faster the speed of intake into the colon.
4. Place a large towel on the floor. Lie on your right side, with your legs curled into your
abdomen. An alternate position is lying on your back with a pillow under your buttocks.
5. Take deep breaths and slowly insert the nozzle several inches into the rectum. If it is inserted
too quickly it may bend or become kinked inside the colon. A gentle rotating motion can be
used to insert. Move the enema bag higher or lower to adjust the flow of the solution into the
6. Retain the solution for about 10 to 12 minutes. To encourage the solution to reach all parts of
the colon, you can lie on your left side for 3 minutes, your back for 3 minutes and your right
side for 3 minutes. You may hear or feel a squirting of fluid below your right rib cage. Many
people believe that this is sensation is due to the release of toxin-laden bile.
7. Empty the bowel carefully. The enema syringe should be sterilized after each use. It can be
boiled or washed thoroughly with soap and water, then soaked in a solution of 4 drops
grapefruit seed extract and 2 cups water.

You may not be able to hold all the fluid in with one enema. In this case, the procedure can be
repeated two or more times in sequence, making sure to empty the bowel in between.

If you have cramping, the solution is flowing too quickly. Pinch the enema tube to stop the flow
and lower the bag. Do not continue until the cramps have subsided.

If the solution is flowing evenly, the enema tube may be bent or kinked. Slowly and gently pull
it partly out and then insert it again several inches.

Side Effects and Adverse Reactions

If you start to feel sick during the enema, or become dizzy, nauseous or faint, stop the enema. People
with gallstones should not try a coffee enema.

External Detox
Contrast shower
The contrast between hot and cold water increases circulation, promotes detoxification and strengthens
the immune system. This helps bring nutrients, oxygen and immune cells to damaged and stressed
tissues and carries away metabolic waste, inflammatory by-products and other toxic substances.
1. Start with three minutes of hot water followed by less than one minute of cold water.
2. Repeat this pattern at least once, always finishing with cold (e.g. 3 minutes hot - 1 minute cold 3 minutes hot - 1 minute cold).
Many cultures use sauna cleansing as a regular part of detoxification and cleansing. It is a powerful
method of eliminating environmental chemicals that are stored in fat cells.
1. Find a dry heat sauna that has not been treated with toxic chemicals.
2. You should not be hungry, have just eaten, or feel weak.
3. Exercise for 20 to 30 minutes. Cardiovascular exercise, such as running or using a treadmill or
exercise bicycle, is necessary to stimulate the circulation of blood and lymph to the deep
4. The recommended length of time in the sauna varies according to the condition. Sittings of
about 15 minutes at a time are recommended in a low temperature sauna. In advanced sauna
cleanses, up to 45 minutes at a time are recommended, but it is essential that the sauna be low
temperature and the person stays hydrated with water and minerals. Heavy sweating after 10 to
15 minutes is a sign that the sauna is too warm.
5. In order to increase circulation and mobilize chemicals from fat tissue, niacin supplements are
sometimes recommended for 2 to 3 weeks with daily sauna therapy. A health care practitioner
should be consulted to ensure the safety and efficacy of the detox.
Skin brushing
Skin brushing facilitates skin cleansing by stimulating the lymphatic system to eliminate toxins through
the skin. Approximately 10% of body elimination occurs through the skin, working in conjuction with
other organs of elimination such as the colon, kidneys, and lungs. If one of these organs is stressed and
not eliminating waste products efficiently, a greater burden may be placed on the remaining organs.
This is why people with chronic constipation often have skin conditions such as acne.
Skin cleansing is essential for eliminating pesticides and other drugs and environmental chemicals. It
also improves blood circulation throughout the body and removes dead skin cells and debris that clog
1. Buy a natural, not synthetic, bristle brush, since it does not scratch the surface of the skin.
2. Buy a brush with a long handle, so that you're able to get to the areas of your body, that are not
easy to reach, when doing your own skin brushing.

3. Skin brush, before showering or bathing, at least once per day, and twice, if possible.
4. Do not wet skin, since it will not have the same effect, because this stretches the skin.
5. Brush the soles of the feet first, because the nerve endings there affect the whole body, next
brush the ankles, calves, and thighs, then brush across your stomach and buttocks and lastly
brush your hands to the arms.
6. Always skin brush towards the heart.
7. Do circular counter-clockwise strokes on the abdomen. Do lighter strokes over and around
breasts, but do not brush the nipples.
8. Brush each part of the body several times vigorously, completely brushing the whole body.
9. Take a warm bath or shower, which should always be followed by a cool rinse at the end to
invigorate blood circulation and stimulate surface warmth.
10. Wash your brush every few weeks in water and let it dry.

Seven Day Colon Cleanse Fasting Regimen

It is strongly advised that you consult a qualified nutritionist or naturopath before embarking on this
cleanse, so that you can be advised and supported through it.
General instructions
The night before first day, take one mug of laxative tea at bedtime.
Begin each day with skin brushing 3-5 minutes.
Take coffee enema days 1-7, twice a day: 7.30 a.m. and 7.30 p.m.
Many ingredients can be added to enema water to increase the effectiveness in some specific manner.
Coffee enemas help detoxify the liver. Linseed enemas relieve inflammation of the bowel. Bentonite
clay water added to the enema assists in absorbing and mobilizing toxins from the bowel wall.
Chamomile and Slippery Elm are soothing.
During the 7 days NO SOLID FOODS whatsoever are to be taken, nor any prune juice, tomato juice,
V-8, apricot or peach juices. Hunger is NOT experienced as Colofibre and apple juices assuage the
appetite and apple juice keeps the blood sugar steady. More liquid than suggested may be taken, but
will probably not be wanted. Speak with your Doctor or an experienced practitioner of complementary
medicine before carrying out this cleanse to ensure that it is suitable for you.
FIRST THING, ON DAY ONE prepare the Bentonite clay liquid by mixing a level tablespoon of
Bentonite powder with cold water until it reaches the consistency of single cream. It's easiest to use a
hand blender. Once prepared, this mixture is enough for about two days and should be kept at room
DO NOT SKIP THE ENEMAS as they are necessary to avoid a toxic reaction and to achieve the
desired elimination. Sit on the toilet for a good fifteen minutes once elimination starts, as the colon can
hold on to some of the coffee/water for longer than imagined.
MASSAGE THE COLON DURING ELIMINATION - anti-clockwise. (Clockwise towards the end to
ensure all liquid has been eliminated).
MOVE AROUND with gentle exercise, such as yoga or gentle walking in the park. This will help the
lymphatic system to cleanse the body.
In order to see for yourself the amazing amounts of hard, encrusted, black faecal matter, green mucous
and rubbery strips of impacted waste products extracted from the colon wall during this cleanse, it is
'interesting' to place a colander in the toilet. The fresh waste and fibres will simply drain through the
holes, leaving the ancient waste as a testimony of the morbid, putrid accumulations.
Seven day fasting regimen daily schedule
Night before day 1: Drink one mug of herbal laxative tea at bedtime.
7.00 am

2-part cleansing drink, as follows

Part 1:

2 oz freshly pressed apple juice (not from concentrate)

8 oz spring water

1 tablespoon Bentonite clay liquid (see below)

Level teaspoon Colofibre

(mix and drink quickly - mixture thickens)
(prepare Part 2 and drink immediately)
Part 2:

10 oz spring water

1 tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar

1 teaspoon honey

7.30 am

Coffee enema

8.30 am


1 Coloclear capsule

1 vitamin C tablet

1/3 teaspoon Essential Fatty Acid Complex

4 Pancreatin tablets

Half a tablet of niacin, or a whole tablet if it does not cause flushing (optional).

1 Liver Support, multivitamin, and mineral

1 Klamath Lake Algae capsule

Herb tea or glass of vegetable juice

10.00 am

2-part cleansing drink, as above

11.30 am

Supplements, as above, with herb tea or vegetable juice. (no Liver Support this time)

1.00 pm

2-part cleansing drink

2.30 pm

Supplements, as above, with herb tea or vegetable juice. (no Liver Support this time)

4.00 pm

2-part cleansing drink

5.00 pm

Supplements, as above, with herb tea or vegetable juice. One teaspoon of crushed
linseeds (flaxseed). (no Liver Support this time)

7.00 pm

2-part cleansing drink

7.30 pm


9.00 pm

Herb tea with one food form calcium and magnesium tablet

9.30 pm


After the seven day fasting regimen

On the 8th day:

Stop the enemas, unless you feel you need one.

Start a course of HUMAN CULTURED ACIDOPHILUS AND BIFIDUS in order to build up
the friendly bacteria washed out by the enemas.
DO NOT eat any junk foods or processed foods. Only eat small amounts of fruits (e.g., stewed
apple is good) and vegetables.

From the 8th day onwards, continue with the following supplements, twice a day with food:
1 Coloclear tablet
1 vitamin C
1/3 teaspoon Essential Fatty Acids
l Liver Support with multivitamin and mineral combined
2 Klamath Lake Algae capsules
2 Bioacidophilus (instructions on bottle)
On the 8th day to 30th day, have one 2-part cleansing drink per day.
On the 9th day, continue with fruits and vegetables, and introduce some protein, such as cottage cheese
made from sheep or goats milk (see recipes), almond or hazelnut or cashew nut butter, a little white
fish. Continue to avoid mucous producing foods, such as bread, refined flour foods, sugar, cows milk
produce, processed and junk foods, excess meat, etc.
When introducing solid food after the fasting regimen:
Eat lightly and slowly and chew well.
Herb and fruit teas and vegetable juices are allowed between meals, as desired.
Drink at least one-and-a-half liters of clean water per day, at room temperature or warmer.
Sample post fasting regimen meals:



Shredded carrots, slightly wilted, or stewed apple.

Large salad; sheep or goats yogurt.
Large salad; one steamed vegetable.

Fresh fruit or dried fruit, revived. Millet, brown rice, corn or buckwheat
cereal (no sugar).
Large salad; one steamed vegetable; yogurt or cottage cheese made
from sheep or goats yogurt. (recipe below)
Large salad; one steamed vegetable; a little white fish.


Resume regular 'clean' diet.

Continue with acidophilus and bifidus bacteria for several months, and periodically thereafter.
Periodic enemas and continuation with the natural colonic support should be maintained until 2
HEALTHY BOWEL MOVEMENTS DAILY are achieved. Then such treatments can be reduced
according to one's needs.

Juice Fasting
Juice fasting is a type of detox method and can aid in losing weight. It involves the short-term intake of
raw vegetable and fruit juices only. Proponents of juice fasting use juices because they are rich in
vitamins and antioxidants. Juice fasting is considered an extreme form of detoxification. More gentle
detox methods are less restrictive and include a variety of foods.
Juice fasts typically last for one to three days. Longer fasts require medical supervision as well as a
thorough assessment to ensure that nutrient deficiencies do not result.
Who shouldn't try juice fasting

It is important to consult a qualified health professional before trying a juice fast.

Pregnant or nursing women and children should not try a juice fast.

People with diabetes, low blood sugar, eating disorders, kidney disease, liver disease,
malnutrition, addictions, underweight, anemia, impaired immune function, gout, asthma,
infection, nutritional deficiency, low blood pressure, ulcerative colitis, cancer, terminal illness,
epilepsy, or other chronic conditions should only fast under strict medical supervision.

People should not try juice fasts before or after surgical procedures.

Fasting can reduce blood proteins and change the way prescription drugs react in the body.
People taking prescription medications should consult a health professional skilled in
detoxification before trying a juice fast, and should never discontinue or reduce their
medications on their own.

Side effects
Common temporary side effects include headaches, tiredness, hypoglycemia, contripation, acne,
increased body odor, and bad breath.
Other side effects can include fainting, dizziness, low blood pressure, heart arrhythmias, weight loss,
hunger, vomiting, diarrhea, and kidney problems. If these side effects occur, there is a worsening of
symptoms, or new symptoms appear, the fast should be discontinued and it should prompt an
immediate visit to a qualified health professional.
Another possible side effect is diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration and electrolyte loss.
If continued for a longer time, fasting can lead to nutrient deficiencies, particularly protein and calcium
Grapefruit juice should not be used during a juice fast, especially if a person is taking prescription
drugs. A compound in grapefruit can increase the amount of prescription drugs in a person's body.
Recent evidence suggests that pomegranate juice may also increase blood levels of prescription drugs.

What a typical juice fast involves

Proponents of juice fasting suggest it be done during the warmer months of the year only.
Spring is thought to be the best time of the year for juice fasting.

Seven or more days before the fast, alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, sugar, dairy, wheat, animal meat,
fish, and eggs are usually reduced or eliminated from the diet. The diet should consist mainly of
organic fruits, vegetables, and beans.

Between 32 and 64 ounces of juice is usually recommended per day. The juice is sipped
throughout the day. Typical fruits and vegetables include celery, carrot, kale, cabbage, apple,
pineapple, cranberry, spinach, beet, and greens. Citrus fruits are often avoided.

Approximately 6 glasses of room temperature or warm filtered water are often recommended in
addition to the juice.

Organic fruits and vegetables are usually recommended. If organic produce isn't available,
practitioners suggest peeling the skin off fruits and vegetables or washing vegetables with a
non-toxic produce cleaner, usually available at health food stores.

Freshly juiced fruits and vegetables are preferred, but if unavailable, practitioners suggest
buying it from the health food store or juice bar as fresh as possible.

Green vegetables and sprouts contain the pigment chlorophyll, which juice proponents believe
are especially beneficial during a juice fast.

A combination of fruits and vegetables is recommended.

Variations on the strict juice fast include eating one meal a day in addition to the juice.

Take a mineral supplement. Many people prefer liquid mineral supplements. People with heart
or kidney disease should not take mineral supplements without consulting a qualified health
care provider.

Certain fruits and vegetables and their parts should not be juiced, such as the pits of peaches,
apricots, cherries, and other fruits, apple seeds, citrus peels, carrot and rhubarb tops, tough skins
(such as kiwi, pineapple, mangoes), and bananas and avocados.

Juicing ingredients
Apple Cider Vinegar: Apple cider vinegar is extracted from apples then naturally fermented. The
resulting natural vinegar is believed to have many health effects and contains trace minerals, enzymes,
and beneficia bacteria.
Blackstrap Molasses: Molasses is the by-product of sugar refining that contains all the nutrients from
the raw sugar cane plant. Of the varieties of molasses, blackstrap molasses is richest in nutrients such
as iron, B vitamins, calcium and potassium. It has a slightly bitter flavour, so use it sparingly. Start with
1 teaspoon mixed into a glass of juice or shake.

Carob: Carob can be used as a substitute for cocoa and chocolate. It does not contain caffeine and is
lower in fat. Unlike cocoa, it does not need extra sugar. You can start with 1 teaspoon of powdered
carob in a glass of juice or shake.
Wheatgrass: Wheatgrass is a common juicing ingredient. Grown from the seeds of the wheat plant, it
is high in chlorophyll, beta carotene, antioxidants and a good source of protein. Wheatgrass has a
strong flavor. Start with no more than 2 to 3 tablespoons of wheatgrass per day, as suddenly
introducing large amounts can cause nausea and diarrhea.
Propolis: Propolis is a sticky resin collected from the cones of evergreen trees. It is a tonic that can be
used to help strengthen the immune system. A common amount to blend into drinks is 1 teaspoon.
Psyllium: Psyllium add bulk to stools, helping to ease their passage through the intestines. Start with 1
teaspoon of psyllium mixed into a full glass of water or juice. It is imperative that psyllium be taken
with at least 8 glasses of fluids per day to prevent bowel obstruction.
Wheatgerm: Wheatgerm is a good source of vitamin E. It can be stirred into juice or added to
smoothies. Add 1 tablespoon per glass of juice or shake.
Sprouts: Alfalfa sprouts and other sprouts are high in vitamins, iron, antioxidants, and enzymes. You
can grow them easily at home by the window. To juice, wrap them in leafy green vegetables before
feeding them into the tube.
Honey: Small amounts of honey can be used to sweeten the juice of bitter vegetables. Honey is rich in
vitamins and other nutrients. It is also an antimicrobial. Honey should not be given to infants.
Breaking the juice fast
Proponents of fasting recommend gradually introducing solid foods back into the diet to avoid adverse
When introducing solid foods back into the diet:
Chew food well so it is more easily digested
Don't overeat
Note food reactions to introduced foods, such as energy loss, digestion problems, cravings, and
other symptoms.
Transition to a healthy long-term diet.
Try new, healthy foods.
Example of a seven day plan to gradually reintroduce solid food into your diet:

Day 1 - Two pieces of fruit--each piece divided in half so there are four servings for that day.
Day 2 - Lightly steamed non-starchy vegetables, such as spinach.
Day 3 - Brown rice, fresh salad.
Day 4 - Organic yogurt, unflavored and unsweetened. Eggs.
Day 5 - Meat, chicken, fish, tofu, if eaten.
Day 6 - Beans, other grains may be introduced, if eaten.
Day 7 - Other foods, as desired.

Long-Term Healthy Diet

The following recommendations are general guidelines only and can be adapted to any lifestyle. With
hundreds, if not thousands, of diet plans to choose fromfrom macrobiotic to high protein--you're
pretty much on your own to research them and pick and chose what works for you. The same applies to
vitamins, minerals, and all other supplements.
As with most of the items in this article, you should check with a medical and/or dietary professional
before making any major diet changes, especially if you have health problems. That goes double if you
are making major dietary changes to gain or lose wight.
Foods to Enjoy
FRESH VEGETABLES -- except corn, which can be an allergenic food. Great detox foods include
broccoli, cauliflower, broccoli sprouts, onions, garlic, artichokes, beets, red and green vegetables.
Approximately 40% of your diet should be fruits and vegetables.
RICE -- Rice is easily digested by most people. Choose brown or basmati rice, rice cakes, rice crackers
and rice pasta.
QUINOA, AMARANTH, MILLET, BUCKWHEAT -- can be used instead of rice. They can be
purchased at a health food store.
BEANS -- Split yellow and green peas and lentils are easy to digest and require less soaking time.
Other beans include kidney beans, pinto beans, mung beans, garbanzo beans (chickpeas) and adzuki
NUTS and SEEDS -- Unsalted nuts, seeds and nut butters can be sprinkled over any meal. Includes
flaxseed, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, almonds, cashews and walnuts. Avoid
FISH -- Poached, broiled or steamed fish in moderation.
CONDIMENTS -- Vegetable salt, sea salt, vinegar, naturally fermented soy sauce or tamari, any
culinary herbs or spices, limited amounts of honey.
HERBAL TEA -- Herbal non-caffeinated teas, except green tea.
Foods to Avoid
SUGAR -- Refined sugar and mixtures containing refined sugar including sucrose, dextrose, corn
syrup, brown sugar, turbinado. Avoid artificial sweeteners.

DAIRY PRODUCTS -- Milk, eggs, butter and other dairy products.

WHEAT -- Wheat and products containing wheat.
CORN -- Corn and all corn products
CAFFEINE -- Coffee, black or green tea, colas, and other drinks containing caffeine.
It is important to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day or constipation may result.
Lemon juice in water has a slightly laxative effect and stimulates the digestive juices. Squeeze a wedge
or 1/4 lemon into warm water and drink immediately after rising in the morning.
Vegetable broth contains minerals that promote tissue cleansing. Drink 2 cups per day.
Meal ideas

Reconstituted dried apricots (unsulphured), peaches, figs, prunes, etc.

Fresh fruits, especially figs

Baked apple with organic raisins

Low fat, low salt cottage cheese. [Recipe: Heat goats or sheep milk until almost boiled, add
juice of half a lemon, stir briskly, leave whey to collect on top and curd will settle on bottom.
Strain through sieve, add goats or sheep yogurt and herbal flavoring. Whey can be used

Natural goat or sheep yogurt

Millet or oatmeal cereal (soaked in whey from above recipe)

Gluten-free muesli with whey or yogurt and chopped almonds

Handful of sunflower and pumpkin seeds

Occasional poached or boiled egg


Vegetable salad
Vegetable broth
Home made soup

Baked potato
Steamed vegetables
Corn on the cob
Baked peppers
Grains--brown rice, millet, buckwheat
Sprouted seeds, such as alfalfa
One slice pumpernickel bread with avocado or cottage cheese


Steamed vegetables
Vegetable soup or broth
Cottage cheese
Small omelet
Steamed or grilled fish

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