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29th January 2015

I have chosen to overlap

my titles into the movie.
This will mainly be over
stills rather than scenes
where there is action taking
place to avoid detracting
from the scene; this is
unless the title correlates
with the moving image like the Starring Charlene Butcher
scene. Ive also chosen this so that I can vary the type of clips
the audience will see - photographs and moving image.Ive
chosen to use white as it suggests perfection and cleanliness.
This is something I want to portray, as the thief is prepared
and meticulous.
6th February 2015
After reviewing the footage the white colour used in the titles doesnt look right. I will be
changing this to black as the white stands out too much against the background and draws
attention away from the scene. Im also questioning the size of the words, as there is a fine line
between being seen and overpowering the scene. To ensure the latter doesnt occur I will test
out each size and watch my film back to see which suits best. As well as these elements, I will
also need to revise my title order that I have used initially as it doesnt match the one I
researched in my Film Title Order post. Consequently I will not be putting the title of my film,
The Artwork Heist, on the first clip. I will leave this until further on in the opening of my video.
13th February 2015
I have decided that once my film has run through its
opening then I will display my film name on a simplistic
black background, like in the adjacent image. This is
because it gives the name a bigger impression on the
audience therefore it will be memorable. Furthermore, the
words will
quickly slide into
view, pause
then exit the
screen. This fits
with the idea of criminality because it connotes that
everything is mysterious and it can never stay visible
for too long.
In keeping with this end scene I will ensure all my
fonts are capitalized and in the same font so there

are no discrepancies between scenes. This is because the titles would look disjointed and
lacking in precision. On reflection, the issue I had with the white colour was only relevant
because of the font I was using - American Typewriter - was too bulky. Whereas with
Baskerville it looks a lot more sleek.

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